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The activation of jaw muscles varies with different tasks and must be coordinated to ensure proper function of the masticatory system. The activation patterns might differ in various muscles or over the time course. In order to evaluate the activation patterns and the intermuscular correlation during normal daily activity the electromyograms (EMG) of the superficial and deep masseter, medial pterygoid and digastric muscles were continuously recorded in rabbits and related to activity levels. Muscle use was assessed as the relative time per hour (duty time) during which predefined levels of the peak-EMG of the day were exceeded. Pearson's correlation of duty times was calculated for 6 muscle pairs at various activity levels. The duty times of the muscles differed significantly at levels exceeding 50% of the peak-EMG. The animals exhibited apparent intraday variations of duty times revealing a circadian covariant pattern of muscle use. These variations, however, were different in each individual animal. The activation of pairs of jaw-closing muscles was more highly correlated than that of pairs consisting of a jaw-closing and a jaw-opening muscle. The mutual dependence of hourly muscle activity among jaw-closers and among jaw-closers and jaw-openers varied with the activity level suggesting that those muscle groups might be independently controlled during non-powerful and powerful motor behaviors.  相似文献   
This study examines mutual correlations between electrical and contractile motor-unit properties. Action potentials and twitch force responses of 42 masseter motor units were recorded in 14 rabbits. Motor units were excited by stimulating motoneurones in the trigeminal motor nucleus. Action potentials and twitches were measured at different jaw gapes between 0 and 21 degrees, in steps of 3 degrees. For each motor unit, the jaw angle-active force interrelation was determined and variables for action potential and force were compared at the jaw angle at which the motor unit produced the largest force. The results showed a large variation in variables for action potential and force, possibly related to the variation in motor-unit morphology. A weak correlation was found between the variables for action-potential amplitude and the magnitude of optimum force, indicating that motor units producing larger forces tended to have action potentials with larger amplitudes. Twitch-contraction time and the moment arm of the motor unit correlated positively with both the median frequency and the duration of the action potential. This indicates that slower contracting motor units had longer action potentials and is in accord with the earlier observation that slower motor units are preferentially located in the anterior regions of the masseter.  相似文献   
Masticatory muscles contain a large variety of motor units with different physiological and morphological properties. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that a relationship exists between the mechanical and myo-electric properties of single motor units in the masseter muscle of the rabbit. It was expected that faster-contracting motor units, which usually have a relatively large number of fibers with large diameters, should have faster action potentials with larger amplitudes than slower motor units. Single motor units were stimulated. A two-dimensional force transducer registered mechanical parameters of the units. EMG electrodes were used to determine amplitude and frequency parameters of the action potentials of the same units. The results showed that faster-contracting motor units indeed produced action potentials with higher conduction velocities. However, faster motor units had no significant larger amplitude of the action potential. Small but significant positive correlations were found between the tetanic peak force and the amplitude of the action potentials. Little difference was found among the various frequency and amplitude parameters, respectively, making them equally suitable to describe the action potential. Surprisingly, a negative correlation between the amplitude and frequency parameters of the action potential was found, which may result from variability in arrival times of action potentials at the electrode site. Regional differences in the frequency parameters were found between the anterior and posterior parts of the superficial masseter.  相似文献   
The effect of the three-dimensional orientation of occlusal force on maximal bite-force magnitude was examined in seven human subjects at three different unilateral anteroposterior bite positions (canine, second premolar and second molar). At each position, bite-force magnitude was registered in 17 precisely defined directions using a three-component force transducer and a feedback method. In addition, to assess the efficiency of transfer of muscle to bite force, for bites produced in the sagittal plane, moment-arm length was determined and the produced bite-force moment calculated. The results showed that the largest possible bite force was not always produced in a direction perpendicular to the occlusal plane. Generally, maximal bite force in medial and posterior directions was larger than that in, respectively, corresponding lateral and anterior directions. In each direction the produced force was larger at the posterior bite point than at the anterior bite point. The combined moment produced by the jaw muscles was largest for vertical bites, smallest for posteriorly directed bites and intermediate for anteriorly directed bites. In the case of vertically and anteriorly directed bites the produced moment did not vary significantly with the bite position. Hence, for these bite positions the jaw closing moment of the muscles must have kept constant. In the case of posteriorly directed bites the produced moment decreased when bite position changed from the anterior to the posterior side of the dentition. This indicated that jaw muscle activity had declined.  相似文献   
This study examined the possible existence of regional differences in activation of the temporalis muscle. Since the muscle is fan-shaped, its fibers pull in different directions. This suggests regional specialization for different motor tasks. EMG activity was registered by six bipolar fine-wire electrodes inserted anteroposteriorly across the muscle belly. Muscle signals were recorded during different static bite tasks for which both the direction and magnitude of bite force were specified. The results showed that the ratio of activities of the six muscle regions changed with the direction of bite force. This indicates a partitioning of the excitatory command to the muscle's motoneuron pool. Alteration in activity with changing bite-force direction was generally the smallest in the anterior-most region of the muscle, the largest in the posterior-most region, and the intermediate in the interjacent regions. Generally, all muscle regions exhibited the highest EMG activity when the bite force was in an approximately posterolateral direction. The muscle was activated uniformly only for bites in this preferential direction. Activity in the regions appeared to be scaled up or down in a linear way according to the desired bite-force level. The results indicate that the direction of pull of the muscle and the maximal force it can produce are not fixed, but depend on the direction of bite force.  相似文献   
Force-frequency curves of rabbit masseter motor units ( n=20) were determined, in order to study the capacity of these motor units for rate gradation and to establish the relationship between twitch contraction time (TCT) and the shape of the curves. Motor unit force responses were elicited by stimulating motoneurons in the trigeminal motor nucleus extracellularly. A sequence of pulse trains with increasing frequency rates was followed by trains with decreasing frequency rates. All motor units were classified as fast (F) units. The ascending force-frequency curves showed a distinct sigmoid appearance; the descending curves were shifted toward lower stimulation rates. The position and shape of the force-frequency curves related significantly to the TCT. The curves of slower units were located at lower frequencies and had a larger inclination. In addition, slower units had a lower fusion frequency and a larger twitch-tetanus ratio. Hence, slower units started to fuse and reached maximum force at lower stimulation rates than faster units and needed a smaller change in simulation frequency to achieve the same relative force. It can be concluded that the capacity for rate gradation differs between rabbit masseter motor units and that the TCT is a determinant for the position and shape of the force-frequency curves.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the influence of decreased mechanical loading on the density and mechanical properties of the cancellous bone of the human mandibular condyle. DESIGN: Destructive compressive mechanical tests were performed on cancellous bone specimens.Background. Reduced masticatory function in edentate people leads to a reduction of forces acting on the mandible. As bone reacts to its mechanical environment a change in its material properties can be expected. METHODS: Cylindrical bone specimens were obtained from dentate and edentate embalmed cadavers. Mechanical parameters were determined in the axial and in the transverse directions. Subsequently, density parameters were determined according to a method based on Archimedes' principle. RESULTS: The apparent density and volume fraction of the bone were about 18% lower in the edentate group; no age-related effect on density was found. The decrease of bone in the edentate group was associated with a lower stiffness and strength (about 22% and 28%, respectively). The ultimate strain, however, did not differ between the two groups. Both groups had similar mechanical anisotropy; in axial loading the bone was stiffer and stronger than in transverse loading. CONCLUSIONS: Reduced mechanical load had affected the density and herewith the mechanical properties of condylar cancellous bone, but not its anisotropy. RELEVANCE: The change in material properties of the cancellous bone after loss of teeth indicate that the mandibular condyle is sensitive for changes in its mechanical environment. Therefore, changes in mechanical loading of the condyle have to be accounted for in surgical procedures of the mandible.  相似文献   
This study deals with regional differences in the architectural design of the human masseter muscle. For a number of defined muscle regions the three-dimensional corrdinates of origin and insertion points, and the lengths of the muscle fibers and the sarcomeres were determined in the closed jaw position. Measurements were made from cadavers and the data were used as input for a model predicting sarcomere length at other mandibular positions. At a closed jaw average muscle fiber length of the muscle regions ranged between 19.0–30.3 mm. The fibers appeared to be considerably longer (35%) anteriorly than posteriorly in the muscle, and deeply situated fibers were on average 5% shorter than superficially situated ones. Average sarcomere length of the regions ranged between 2.27–2.55 μm, indicating that at a closed jaw position sarcomeres are at suboptimum length and have different positions on the length-tension curve. In the deep layer of the muscle sarcomeres were significantly shorter (6%) than in the superficial layer. Within the superficial layer sarcomere lengths did not differ significantly, but in the deep layer sarcomeres were shorter (8%) posteriorly than anteriorly in the muscle. The model shows that jaw displacement had a different effect on sarcomere length in the muscle regions. When the jaw was rotated about a transverse axis (open/close rotation) sarcomere excursions were relatively small in the posterior muscle regions and large in the anterior regions. The reverse was true when the jaw was rotated contralaterally about a vertical axis. It is concluded that, due to heterogeneity in fiber and sarcomere lengths, the distribution of maximal isometric tension across the muscle at full effort is not uniform.  相似文献   
The degree of mineralization of bone (DMB) in the mandibular condyle reflects the age and remodeling rate of the bone tissue. Quantification of DMB facilitates a better understanding of possible effects of adaptive remodeling on mineralization of the condyle and its possible consequences for its mechanical quality. We hypothesized differences in the degree and distribution of mineralization between trabecular and cortical bone and between various cortical regions. Microcomputed tomography was used to measure mineralization in 10 human mandibular condyles. Mean DMB was higher in cortical (1,045 mg hydroxyapatite/cm3) than in trabecular bone (857 mg/cm3) and differed significantly between cortical regions (anterior 987 mg/cm3, posterior 1,028 mg/cm3, subchondral 1,120 mg/cm3). The variation of DMB distribution was significantly larger in the anterior cortex than in the posterior and subchondral cortex, indicating a larger amount of heterogeneity of mineralization anteriorly. Within the cortical bone, DMB increased with the distance from the cortical canals to the periphery. Similarly, the DMB of trabecular bone increased with the distance from the surface of the trabeculae to their cores. It was concluded that the rate of remodeling differs between condylar trabecular and cortical bone and between cortical regions and that DMB is not randomly distributed across the bone. The difference in DMB between condylar cortical and trabecular bone suggests a large difference in Young’s modulus.  相似文献   
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