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对10名男性受试者单剂量po240mgVer缓释片药代动力学及心电图变化进行研究。血药浓度—时间数据用零级吸收过程的一室模型拟合,其药代动力学参数:Tmax5.9±1.6h;Cmax118.9±37.2μg·L-1;T1 5.4±1.5h;k030.5±17.5μg·L-1·h-1;T1/210.8±4.9h。PR间期延长有显著意义,血药浓度与PR间期变化满足S 型模型,其药效学参数:EC50 64.6±16.9μg·L-1; Emax54±11ms;s 1.68±0.66。  相似文献   
0 引言为了克服离子选择电极(ISE)法的微量电位信号极易受环境温度变化及电子噪声的干扰问题,该仪器采用了参考电极,把参考电极与其测定电极装在同一测量室内,保持其相同的物理环境,使干扰源对所有电极的影响相同. 以内参液作为参考电极的测量对象,测得一个参考电极电位值,再测样品的电极电位值,二者相抵就消除了所叠加的干扰信号.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the clinical and pathological characteristics of pauci-immune crescent glomerulo~nephritis (PICGN) in Chinese patients. Methods During 13 years (1985-1998), 6400 patients underwent non-transplanting renal biopsy. Twenty-four patients were diagnosed as PICGN. All clinical and laboratory data of these patients were collected from the patients’ records and used for detailed analysis. The diagnosis is based on clinico-pathologic findings. Results Of the 24 patients, 16 were females and 8 were males, with median age of 33 years (ranged 10-76 years). Microscopic polyarteritis (MPA) (33.3%) and systemic vasculitis (8.3%) were the secondary diseases. The incidence of PICGN was 0.38% in renal biopsies and 22.9% in crescentic glomerulonephritis. Clinically, most patients (75.0%) showed rapidly progressive nephritis with enlarged kidneys. At onset, gross hematuria was noted in 58.3% of patients, hypertension in 45.8%, nephrotic syndrome in 41.7%, and oliguria in 25.0%. However, systemic symptoms were rare except for anemia. Pathologically, necrosis of glomerular capillaries (62.5%), infiltration of monocytes and neutrophil cells in glomeruli (66.7%), and vasculitis in the interstitium (53.3%) were observed. In addition, glomerulosclerosis was noted in 45.8%, severe tubular atrophy in 83.3% and interstitial fibrosis in 75.0%. Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCAs) were positive in 52.2%. All patients except two received intensively immunosuppressive therapy. Sixteen patients were available for long-term follow up (median 29.8 months, range 8-92 months). Twelve of them had life-sustaining renal function, four had normal serum creatinine (<124?μmol/L) and only 4 patients were dialysis-dependent. Conclusion PICGN is not rare in China. Early diagnosis and administration of immunosuppressive therapy, particularly in patients with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN), are important for good prognosis.  相似文献   
目的:观察一氧化氮对肿瘤细胞SMMC-7721辐射敏感性的作用效果。方法:实验于2005-06/09在兰州大学生命科学学院和中科院近代物理研究辐射医学实验室进行。处于对数生长期的肝癌细胞SMMC-7721,在用X射线照射前4h,换入含有0.1mmol/L硝普钠(一氧化氮的前体)的培养液,与对照组(不加硝普钠)一起,在200cGy/min的剂量率下,分别照射0,1,2,4,6,8Gy,换为正常培养液培养。用集落形成法计算细胞的存活率,用吖啶橙/溴乙啶双染法检测细胞的死亡情况,用流式细胞仪检测细胞周期。结果:①存活曲线细胞存活率随照射剂量增加而减少,硝普钠组细胞的克隆形成率低于对照组(2Gy时,P<0.01)。②细胞死亡百分率(坏死细胞与凋亡细胞总数/总细胞数):与照射剂量呈正相关,硝普钠组高于对照组(P<0.05)。对照组从(9.95±3.53)%(0Gy)逐渐升至(58.74±3.46)%(6Gy),而硝普钠组则从(18.53±12.02)%(0Gy)迅速升至(61.57±9.53)%(2Gy)。③细胞周期检测结果:对照组细胞经过X射线照射后,出现了G2/M期阻滞[从0Gy时(12.50±5.76)%逐渐增加到8Gy(40.36±2.74)%],而硝普钠组细胞在低剂量时主要表现为G0/G1期阻滞[0Gy:(16.06±7.19)%;2Gy:(17.93±0.92)%],而G2/M期阻滞仅在高剂量时明显[8Gy时为(50.10±3.93)%,P<0.05]。结论:经硝普钠产生的一氧化氮,通过与X射线协同作用,减少了肝癌细胞SMMC-7721的细胞存活率,促进细胞死亡,阻止细胞被阻滞至G2/M期,是一种有效的辐射增敏剂。  相似文献   
In previous rat studies, the use of mixed allogeneic chimerism (MAC) to induce host tolerance to hind limb allografts has resulted in severe graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). The purpose of this study was to determine if immunocompetent cells in bone marrow (BM) and/or lymph nodes (LNs) of transplanted limbs were responsible for inducing GVHD in mixed chimeric hosts. [ACIWistar Furth] chimeric rats received ACI hind limbs that were non-irradiated, irradiated (1050 cGy) or lymphadenectomized. Rejection, GVHD and donor chimerism was assessed. Chimeric hosts rejected none of their limbs. However, hosts of non-irradiated hind limbs succumbed to GVHD 22.4±0.8 days after transplantation. In contrast, chimeras that received irradiated or lymphadenectomized ACI hind limbs showed no clinical or histological signs of GVHD at 5 months. We conclude that mixed chimeric hosts are susceptible to GVHD due to the immunocompetent cell load provided by the LNs, not the BM, of hind limb allografts.Abbreviations BM Bone marrow - CPM Counts per minute - CTA Composite tissue allograft - FACS Fluorescence activated cell sorter - FITC Fluorescent iso-thiocyanate - GVH Graft-versus-host - GVHD Graft-versus-host disease - HVG Host-versus-graft - LN Lymph node - MAC Mixed allogeneic chimerism - MHC Major histocompatibility complex - MLR Mixed lymphocyte reaction - MoAb Monoclonal antibody - PBL Peripheral blood lymphocytes - SEM Standard error of mean - TBI Total body irradiation - TCD T-cell depletion/T-cell depleted - TCR T-cell receptor  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine whether the incidence of advanced stage (T4) head and neck tumours has increased. We analysed retrospectively 3178 patients diagnosed with oral, pharyngeal or laryngeal cancer in the period 1980-2000 at the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU), The Netherlands. There was a statistically significant increase in the proportion of T4 head and neck tumours compared with non-T4 tumours over the period 1980-2000. Linear regression analysis estimated an increase of 0.9% every year. The observed increase in T4 tumours at UMCU shows up in figures from the Netherlands Regional Cancer Registry (IKMN) and the National Cancer Registration (NCR). Although these bodies report for fewer years, this finding refutes the possibility of selected referral to the University Medical Center Utrecht. In conclusion, the number of head and neck cancer patients presenting with an advanced stage carcinoma (T4) has increased over a period of 21 years.  相似文献   
目的:研究新的桂皮酰胺类衍生物,3-4二氯苯丙烯酰另丁胺(AED8801)对大鼠脑缺血/再灌注损伤的影响。方法:采用Pulsinelli四血管阻断大鼠脑缺血/再灌注模型,观察了AED8801对脑组织中水含量、氨基到含量、6-keto-PGF1α和TXB2含量,以及二者之比值的影响。结果:一AED8801能够降低脑缺血/再灌注大鼠所引起的脑水含量增加。二采用氨基酸自动分析仪进行检测,发现脑缺血/再灌  相似文献   
目的:严重的黏膜损伤是诱发造血干细胞移植后出现并发症的一常见原因,已有证据显示谷氨酰胺能降低接受化疗患儿黏膜炎的发生率。观察谷氨酰胺对异基因外周造血干细胞移植患者并发症及恢复的影响。方法:选择于2002-03/2006-11在河南省血液病研究所接受同胞异基因外周造血干细胞移植的48例血液系统肿瘤患者。所有患者及其家属对治疗和实验均知情同意,并经医院伦理委员会批准。所有患者移植前均处于完全缓解状态,营养中等或良好,心、肝、肾功能正常,将48例患者随机分为标准化全胃肠外营养液组(标准组,n=13)和加用谷氨酰胺的全胃肠外营养液组(谷氨酰胺组,n=35)。待患者中性粒细胞升至1.0×109L-1,且无任何感染指征,进行异基因外周造血干细胞移植。造血干细胞输注后第1天开始给予全胃肠外营养与胃肠外营养联合谷氨酰胺双肽,至中性粒细胞≥1.0×109L-1,且无消化道症状时停用。观察两组患者中性粒细胞恢复时间、出层流室时间以及关于感染、急性移植物抗宿主病等情况有无差异。结果:48例患者均进入结果分析。两组患者营养物质的摄入基本相同,谷氨酰胺组有6例发生黏膜炎,标准组有11例,差异显著(P<0.05);谷氨酰胺组有1例发生严重腹泻,标准组有5例,差异显著(P<0.05);谷氨酰胺组有3例发生临床感染,标准组有7例,差异显著(P<0.05);标准组中性粒细胞≥0.5×109L-1的持续时间短于谷氨酰胺组(P>0.05);谷氨酰胺组抗生素治疗时间及无菌病房居住时间较标准组短(P<0.05);两组急性移植物抗宿主病发生率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:添加谷氨酰胺的全胃肠外营养可改善异基因造血干细胞移植患者的营养状态,减少感染及肠损害,减少急性移植物抗宿主病的发生,有利于异基因移植患者恢复。  相似文献   
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