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耳鼻咽喉   1篇
  2011年   1篇
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目的 探讨听力筛查未通过而短声(click)诱发听性脑干反应阈值正常婴幼儿的听力学特点,进一步分析畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)不同频率异常与其他客观听力检查异常之间的关系.方法 瞬态声诱发耳声发射(TEOAE)听力筛查未通过而接受包括DPOAE、短声ABR、40 Hz听觉相关电位、226 Hz声导抗、1000 Hz声导抗和声反射等诊断性听力学检查的患儿共695例,以其中诊断性短声诱发ABR阈值正常的新生儿及婴幼儿89例(123耳)作为研究对象,根据DPOAE频率异常的不同分为A组(全频正常)、B组(低频异常)、C组(高频异常)和D组(全频异常).对比各项听力检查结果,分析DPOAE频率异常各组与其他5项客观听力检查(ABR Ⅰ波潜伏期、40 Hz听觉相关电位、226 Hz鼓室声导抗、1000 Hz鼓室声导抗及声反射)之间的相互关系.结果 123耳中所有6项听力检查均正常者7耳(5.7%);6项听力检查中有一项或一项以上异常者116耳(94.3%).男婴的异常率为93.9%(77/82),女婴的异常率为95.1%(39/41),二者差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);左耳异常率为93.1%(54/58),右耳异常率为95.4%(62/65),二者差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).各组耳数所占比例由高到低分别是D组48.0%(59/123)、B组27.6%(34/123)、A组16.3%(20/123)和C组8.2%(10/123).A组、B组和D组中异常率最高的检查项目均为声反射,异常率分别为40.0%,55.9%和66.1%;而C组中异常率最高的项目为ABR Ⅰ波潜伏期(50.0%).各组低频听力损失均以轻度为主,在B组中有1耳为中度听力损失,D组中有6耳为中度听力损失,1耳为重度听力损失.结论 听力筛查未通过而短声ABR反应阈值正常的婴幼儿,如果DPOAE全频异常,需要及时进行全面的听力学评估,而DPOAE全频正常、低频异常或高频异常者,需要进行跟踪随访.
Objective The presnt study was to evaluate the audiological characteristics of infants with normal auditory brainstem response thresholds in click and abnormal transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions. Relationships between test results of distortion product otoacoustic emissions(DPOAE) and other hearing testing methods were also evaluated. Methods The participants consisted of eighty-nine infants,with a total of 123 ears. All participants' TEOAE screening results were abnormal but diagnostic click ABR results were normal. The participants were classified into the following goups based on the test results from distortion product otoacoustic emissions: group A (normal all-frequency ), group B (abnormal lowfrequency), group C (abnormal high-frequency ), and group D (abnormal all-frequency ). Results Obtained from these groups were compared to results of other hearing tests including the latency of ABR wave Ⅰ, 40 Hz auditory event related potential (40 Hz AERP), 226 Hz and 1000 Hz tympanometry, and acoustic reflex. Results In six hearing tests in the 123 ears, seven ears (5.7%) were normal, while 116ears (94. 3% ) were abnormal. No significantly differences were detected between boys (93.9%) and girls (95. 1% ), as well as between left (93. 1% ) and right ears (95.4%). The proportion of abnormal test results ranked as follows: 59 ears in group D (48.0%), 34 ears in group B (27.6%), 20 ears in group A (16. 3% ), and 10 ears in group C (8.2%). The highest abnormal rates in groups A, B and D were acoustic reflex, which were 40. 0% for group A, 55.9% for group B and 66. 1% for group D respectively.The highest abnormal rate in group C was the latency of ABR wave Ⅰ ( 50. 0% ). Distribution of lowfrequency hearing loss in each group was mainly mild. However, one ear in group B was moderate hearing loss, six ears in group D were moderate hearing loss, and one ear in group D was severe hearing loss.Conclusions The present study showed that, of which infants with normal thresholds of ABR failed the hearing screening, comprehensively audiology assessment is needed. And of which infants with normal DPOAE in full frequency or abnormal in high frequency region or low frequency region need to be followed up.  相似文献   
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