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In this study breast tissue that contained ultrastructural dense core granules has been examined from 24 patients. The possible neuroendocrine characteristics of the granules were studied using the uranaffin reaction and an ultrastructural argyrophil stain. The tissue included 15 breast carcinomas and nine benign samples. Two types of breast dense core granules can be distinguished on the basis of intracellular distribution patterns and histochemical reactivity. Type I dense core granules are the most common and they were found subluminally distributed in non-pathological tissues and benign lesions as well as carcinomas. They were uranaffin-negative and are unlikely to be of endocrine nature. Type II dense core granules were found only in four carcinomas, where they occurred abundantly throughout the cytoplasm. These granules were uranaffin-positive and argyrophilic and thus exhibited characteristics consistent with neuroendocrine structure.  相似文献   
目的 探讨主动吸入药物烟对大鼠NO的影响。方法 制备大鼠主动吸烟模型 ,采用硝酸还原酶法测定各组大鼠血清、肺、心肌及脑组织的NO含量。结果 非药物烟组大鼠血清、肺、心肌及脑组织中NO含量明显低于非给烟对照组 ,药物烟高、中剂量组NO含量明显高于非药物烟组 ,接近非给烟对照组。结论 吸烟对大鼠血液、肺、心肌及脑组织有不同程度的损伤作用 ,使NO含量降低 ;药物烟具有一定的保护和防止NO含量降低的作用。  相似文献   
宣肺清热颗粒剂稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究宣肺清热颗粒剂中橙皮甙热稳定性变化,为该颗粒剂有效期的确定、制剂生产、贮存条什提供实验参考依据。方法:采用加速实验法对橙皮甙热稳定性进行研究,用甲醇超声提取样品,HPLC进行含量测定。根据Arrhenius公式处理数据。结果:Arrhenius公式得室温下的速度常数K298=3.38×10-5/h,得出常温下该颗粒剂以橙皮甙为指标的有效期为3.6年。结论:宣肺清热颗粒剂稳定性好,初步符合中药稳定性要求。  相似文献   
A melanotic paraganglioma occurred in a 57-year-old woman, located in the left paravertebral space of the upper mediastinum. It was totally resected. During a 5 year follow up period neither tumour reccurrence nor metastasis were observed. Histological examination of the tumour revealed a paraganglioma with monomorphous chief cell like elements which were arranged in a zellballen pattern. Immunohistochemical results also were in accordance with the diagnosis since neuron-specific enolase, chromogranin and synaptophysin were found in tumour cells whereas keratin was not. Additionally, neurosecretory granules were found in tumour cells during electron microscopy. A peculiar feature of the tumour was its strong pigmentation due to melanin located within the tumour cells and tumour associated melanophages. The simultaneous expression of functional properties of two different neural crest derived cells in one tumour stresses the close relationship between all neural crest elements and is in accordance with the observation of other melanotic, non-melanomatous tumours.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. mult. h.c. W. Doerr on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   
A case of primary malignant laryngeal carcinoid with dual endocrine and mucous differentiation i s reported. Histologically the tumor showed a characteristic organoid pattern and exhibited Alcian-blue, periodic acidschiff, and Grimelius silver positivity. By the immunoperoxidase technique cal citoni n, ACTH, and or-hCG subunit were demonstrated in the tumor cells. ELectron microscopy revealed two different types of endocrinelike cells: mucous cells and occasional cells containing both endocrinelike granules and mucin droplets. Diagnostic morphologic criteria of this rare tumor entity are discussed and reference t o biologic behavior and possible h istogenesis is made.  相似文献   
We report on a case of invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast with a previously undescribed cytologic feature. Diff-Quik-stained cytologic preparations showed uniform single cells with prominent coarse cytoplasmic granules. Ultrastructurally, the granules showed features suggestive of autophagosomes and/or degenerative mitochondria. The cytologic differential diagnosis included granulocytic sarcoma, metastatic melanoma, extramedullary hematopoiesis, large granulocytic leukemia/lymphoma, and mast-cell tumor. Adjunctive studies were helpful in the diagnosis of carcinoma. Histologic study of the mastectomy specimen showed classic type of invasive lobular carcinoma.  相似文献   
Thymic mast cells were studied by light and transmission electron microscopy in chicken embryos during organogenesis. Mast cells made their first appearance at day 15. At days 16 and 17, there was a burst of mast cell development with a peak of 278 ± 54 cells/mm2 at day 16. Then, mast cell density decreased until hatching. During the whole embryonic period, about 80% of mast cells localized to the thymic medulla. In the cortex, they were less numerous, and some rare mast cells could be identified in the capsule and septa. Thymic mast cells could be recognized in association with hematopoietic foci, but frequently they grew independently from areas of hematopoiesis and appeared as single cells interspersed among thymocytes, thymic epithelial cells, and interdigitating cells. They were often recognized in close relationship with the scanty and delicate extracellular matrix of the developing gland. Viewed by electron microscopy, mast cells were relatively small cells, with a few secretory granules. Exocytosis was never seen, but, notably, granules emptied in a piecemeal degranulation fashion. This study demonstrates that the chicken thymus is a site of mast cell development during embryogenesis. The high mast cell density we found suggests a possible role for these cells during thymus organogenesis.  相似文献   
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