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详细阐述基于本体技术的高血压知识库平台构建,包括本体库以及Web端界面等,指出该平台可以为高血压诊断和治疗提供依据,为其他慢病知识库平台构建提供借鉴。  相似文献   
BackgroundThe Conventional Gait Model (CGM), known by a variety of different names, is widely used in clinical gait analysis. We present pyCGM2, an open-source implementation of the CGM with two versions. The first, CGM1.0, is a clone of Vicon Plug In Gait (PiG) with all its variants. CGM1.0 provides a platform to test the effect of modifications to the CGM on data collected and processed retrospectively or to provide backward compatibility.The second version, CGM1.1, offers some practical modifications and includes three well documented improvements.Research questionHow do improvements of the conventional gait model affect joint kinematics and kinetics?MethodThe practical modifications include the possibility to use a medial knee epicondyle marker, during static calibration only, to define the medio-lateral axis of the femur in place of the knee alignment device. The three improvements correspond to the change of pelvis angle decomposition sequence, the adoption of a single tibia coordinate system, and the default decomposition of the joint moments in the joint coordinate system. We validated the outputs of version CGM1.0 against Vicon-PiG, and estimated the effect of the modifications included in version CGM1.1 using gait data collected in 16 healthy participants.ResultsKinematics and kinetics of CGM1.0 were superimposed with that of Vicon-PiG, with root mean square differences less than 0.04° for kinematics and less than 0.05 N.m.kg-1 for kinetics.SignificanceThe differences between the CGM1.1 and CGM1.0 were minimal in the healthy participant cohort but we discussed the expected difference in participants with different gait pathologies.We hope that the pyCGM2 will facilitate the systematic testing and the use of improved processing methods for the conventional gait model.  相似文献   
目的:使用机器学习方法建立宫颈癌计划剂量预测回归模型,并将预测剂量引导生成Monaco 计划系统(TPS)可调用的优化模板文件,实现宫颈癌的自动计划设计。方法:对50例宫颈癌术后调强治疗计划中的危及器官采集基于重叠体积直方图的几何特征值和基于剂量直方图的剂量目标值,建模后将模型预测剂量结果自动生成Monaco TPS模板文件,进而由TPS调用优化。使用该方法对另外10例未参与模型训练的测试病例进行自动计划设计,并和人工设计的计划进行对比分析。结果:自动计划比手动计划的平均设计时间减少了40 min(P<0.05),且平均调优次数降低了3次(P<0.05),剂量学指标和计划执行效率上两者无明显差异(P>0.05)。结论:基于预测剂量引导的宫颈癌自动计划可以达到临床要求,并且提高了计划设计效率。  相似文献   
【目的】 探索期刊集约化发展新模式,解决编务工作流程繁琐、工作量大、高强度、单调机械重复劳动等问题,实现编务工作整合。【方法】 采用实地参观、现场交谈及电话访问等方式对38种医药学期刊编务工作进行调研,结合编务工作中实际操作层面的共性问题,设计作者信息数据表和打印模板,利用Python编程推进编务工作的有效整合。【结果】 基于作者填写的信息数据批量生成对接期刊合作银行、编辑部财务、快递公司等部门的信息表单,并根据编务个性化需求实现邮寄信息表单的自动打印功能。【结论】 期刊编辑部工作整合应充分发挥信息化在期刊发展中的赋能作用,编务工作应最大限度地集成优势、统筹共性事务,以保证整个出版工作的有效开展。  相似文献   
Python网络爬虫技术是一种通过模拟用户的网络浏览行为以实现从网络中自动、大量提取信息的技术,是信息流行病学研究收集并整合多源异构信息数据的关键基础。Python网络爬虫可分为简单爬虫与大型爬虫,集数据采集与数据库构建于一体,语法简洁、灵活性高、学习成本低、维护成本低。它适用于信息流行病学的各种应用场景,通过对互联网中健康相关信息的分析,实现多种公共卫生监测、健康干预实施及效果评价、智慧寻医方略优化等目标。近年,我国政府开始鼓励对含互联网信息在内的多源大数据的整合利用,在此背景下,Python爬虫技术的应用场景势必会越来越多,相应的人才培养、技术革新建议纳入到公共卫生教育和科研体系之中。  相似文献   
AIM: To quantitatively measure ocular morphological parameters of guinea pig with Python technology. METHODS: Thirty-six eyeballs of eighteen 3-week-old guinea pigs were measured with keratometer and photographed to obtain the horizontal, coronal, and sagittal planes respectively. The corresponding photo pixels-actual length ratio was acquired by a proportional scale. The edge coordinates were identified artificially by ginput function. Circle and conic curve fitting were applied to fit the contour of the eyeball in the sagittal, coronal and horizontal view. The curvature, curvature radius, eccentricity, tilt angle, corneal diameter, and binocular separation angle were calculated according to the geometric principles. Next, the eyeballs were removed, canny edge detection was applied to identify the contour of eyeball in vitro. The results were compared between in vivo and in vitro. RESULTS: Regarding the corneal curvature and curvature radius on the horizontal and sagittal planes, no significant differences were observed among results in vivo, in vitro, and the keratometer. The horizontal and vertical binocular separation angles were 130.6°±6.39° and 129.8°±9.58° respectively. For the corneal curvature radius and eccentricity in vivo, significant differences were observed between horizontal and vertical planes. CONCLUSION: The Graphical interface window of Python makes up the deficiency of edge detection, which requires too much definition in Matlab. There are significant differences between guinea pig and human beings, such as exotropic eye position, oblique oval eyeball, and obvious discrepancy of binoculus. This study helps evaluate objectively the ocular morphological parameters of small experimental animals in emmetropization research.  相似文献   
Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of simulation in radiology perceptual education. While current software exists for perceptual research, these software packages are not optimized for inclusion of educational materials and do not have full integration for presentation of educational materials. To address this need, we created a user-friendly software application, RadSimPE. RadSimPE simulates a radiology workstation, displays radiology cases for quantitative assessment, and incorporates educational materials in one seamless software package. RadSimPE provides simple customizability for a variety of educational scenarios and saves results to quantitatively document changes in performance. We performed two perceptual education studies involving evaluation of central venous catheters: one using RadSimPE and the second using conventional software. Subjects in each study were divided into control and experimental groups. Performance before and after perceptual education was compared. Improved ability to classify a catheter as adequately positioned was demonstrated only in the RadSimPE experimental group. Additional quantitative performance metrics were similar for both the group using conventional software and the group using RadSimPE. The study proctors felt that it was qualitatively easier to run the RadSimPE session due to integration of educational material into the simulation software. In summary, we created a user-friendly and customizable simulated radiology workstation software package for perceptual education. Our pilot test using the software for central venous catheter assessment was a success and demonstrated effectiveness of our software in improving trainee performance.  相似文献   
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