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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) of the human motor cortex produce a silent period (SP) following motor evoked potentials (MEPs). The early part of the SP can be explained by decreased alpha motor neuron excitability, whereas the late part is presumably due to suprasegmental mechanisms. In order to determine the level of the suprasegmental contribution to the generation of SPs, we recorded excitatory and inhibitory responses to TMS, TES, and percutaneous electrical brainstem stimulation (PBS) in the voluntarily activated first dorsal interosseous muscle of the hand. Stimulus intensities were set so that PBS and TES induced MEPs with areas equal to or larger than those of MEPs obtained with TMS. This procedure revealed that SPs were 49% and 83% shorter with TES and PBS, respectively, than with TMS. As TMS is more effective than TES or PBS in activating cortical interneurons, these findings support the idea that a significant component of the SP arises from intracortical mechanisms.  相似文献   
An examination was made of neurogenesis in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPv) of the preoptic area of the rat using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), a thymidine analog, and a BrdU-specific antibody. Cells in the AVPv of adult rats were labeled with the antibody when BrdU was injected into pregnant rats once during day 13 to 18 of gestation, but not during day 10 to 12 nor 19 to 20 of gestation nor on postnatal day 1, indicating that neurogenesis of the AVPv occurs during a limited period from day 13 to 18 of gestation. Next, to examine the effects of androgen on neurogenesis, BrdU was injected once on day 15 into pregnant rats that also received injections of testosterone propionate (TP). The number of BrdU-labeled cells in the AVPv was similar in control female and male fetuses and female fetuses from pregnant rats that received daily injections of TP during days 14 to 16, when fetuses were examined on day 17 of gestation. These results suggest that the neurogenesis that was recognized by labeling with BrdU was not affected by the treatment with TP. On day 21 of gestation, BrdU-labeled cells in the AVPv of control male fetuses and female fetuses that received TP during days 14 to 18 were fewer in number than those in female fetuses of the control group, whereas treatments with TP during days 14 to 16 and during days 17 to 18 did not cause any significant decrease in number of BrdU-labeled cells. These findings support the hypothesis that elimination of a population of cells, for example, by cell death as described previously, is enhanced in male fetuses and in female fetuses treated with TP repetitively.  相似文献   
Although cardiac arrhythmias remain a serious clinical problem in many patients with heart disease, the exact role of antiarrhythmic drug therapy is currently under intense evaluation. Within the last several years it has become clear that there are significant risks as well as potential benefits associated with existing agents. Ongoing studies in large patient populations should help determine the benefit/risk ratio of traditional therapy. Regardless of the outcome of these trials, current electrophysiological dogma will have to be re-evaluated and newer concepts evolve for drug development to make further progress. The goal of this symposium is to exchange information among basic and clinical investigators so as to facilitate the emergence of novel electrophysiological concepts that will form the basis for future generations of antiarrhythmic drugs.  相似文献   
The duration of the late exteroceptive suppression period (ES2) of temporal muscle EMG activity has been reported to be reduced in patients suffering from chronic tension-type headache. Methods of recording and analysing ES2 have varied between centers and reproducibility of results within subjects , although insufficiently studied, has generally been poor. ES2 was investigated in 30 healthy subjects, using a computerized technique of recording, rectifying and averaging the EMG signals. Hour to hour and week to week variations of ES2 durations were calculated, and the influence of pain during a cold pressor test and of sustained muscle contraction on ES2 durations was investigated. The intra-individual variation of ES2 durations was 16.0% from hour to hour and 20.7% from week to week. The inter-individual variation was 36.7%. The present method for analysis of ES2 periods proved to be reliable, as the intra-observer variation was 4.2% and the inter-observer variation 4.6%. ES2 periods were significantly shorter on the first compared to the second day of examination ( p = 0.006) and during experimental pain ( p = 0.0005). We recommend the use of the computerized averaging technique in future studies and caution against the dependence of results upon factors such as conditioning and pain.  相似文献   
The records of 28 patients who underwent free jejunal graft reconstruction after resection for cancer involving the pharynx were analysed. Seven patients had a T3 carcinoma, 15 patients T4 and six patients recurrence after laryngectomy. Ten patients had received radiotherapy in the past. Post-operatively, 15 patients (54%) had complications and two patients (7%) died. No significant difference was observed in the complication rate between the group that received radiotherapy in the past and those who did not. Nineteen patients received post-operative radiotherapy. Nine patients had no radiotherapy on the basis of complete resection or because of serious complications. For the whole group the 2-year recurrence free period and survival were 42% and 51% respectively. The postoperative radiotherapy group had a significantly better survival (73%) and recurrence free period (63%) than the group without post-operative radiotherapy (0%). Thus, post-operative radiotherapy seems indicated irrespective of resection margins.  相似文献   
Ten-year stability of cardiovascular responses to laboratory stressors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study we examined test-retest stability of cardiovascular stress responses over a decade of the life span. Participants were 55 male college undergraduates. 19 years of age at initial testing, and 29 years of age at follow-up testing Stressors were a foot cold pressor and an aversive reaction time task. Cardiovascular measures included systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, and preejection period. For cold pressor, the magnitude and pattern of cardiovascular responses remained unchanged at the 10-year follow-up. For the reaction time task, the characteristic cardiovascular response patterns was preserved but with significant attenuation of magnitude. The present findings are consistent with previous observations of temporal stability but over a substantially longer test-retest interval. The long-term stability of stress responses is discussed in the context of stress test methodology, behavioral response demands, and maturation of the physiological systems involved in cardiovascular response expression.  相似文献   
A9 and A10 units identified as dopaminergic were recorded with extracellular micropipettes. The units were antidromically activated by electrical stimulation at the level of the preoptic area. The absolute refractory periods ranged from 1.2 to 2.5 ms. During the 2–8 ms of the relative refractory period, conduction was slower than normal by up to 1.5 ms. The time constant, C, of the strength-duration curve ranged from 0.4 to 0.6 ms. The current (I)-distance (D) relationship, tested by moving the stimulating electrode past the axon, was approximately parabolic (I = K D exp 2), with the constant of the equation, K, ranging from 900 to 2000 μA/mm exp 2, for 0.5 ms pulses. This relationship allows calculation of the radius of the field of dopamine axon excitation at any current. These high K values show that axons of dopamine cells cannot be activated unless high current densities are derivered, even when electrodes are placed near the axons. These data allow determination of the extent to which dopamine axons can be the directly activated substrates for behaviors, such as self-stimulation and circling, which are evoked by electrical stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle or internal capsule.  相似文献   
1986~1988年的胃癌扩大根治术221例及根治性全胃切除术19例非肠外营养(N-TPN)支持为对照组,与1991~1993年的198例及61例施行TPN治疗为实验组进行对比。N-TPN组术后并发症总发生率为7.2%,TPN组则为2.0%;全胃切除术并发症发生率分别为31.6%和4.9%(P<0.01)。吻合口瘘发生率N-TPN组分别为2.7%和10.5%,而TPN组则均为0.0%(P<0.01)。膈下脓肿发生率N-TPN组为31.6%和15.8%,而TPN组则为1.5%和3.3%(P<0.05)。但本研究是回顾性的,所以要有待进行前瞻性的、对照的、随机的大范围研究。  相似文献   
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