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The aim of this pilot study was to examine the role of the striatum and cerebellum in the adaptation to a novel movement within a sequence of practiced movements using a motor learning paradigm. The performance of patients in the early or advanced stages of Parkinson's disease (PD) and of patients with damage to the cerebellum (CE) was compared, respectively to a group of aged and young matched controls on an adapted version of the Mirror-Tracing Test. In this task, subjects were required to trace a series of complex figures in two conditions: (1) a Practiced condition, in which the figures were composed of the juxtaposition of three simple designs that were extensively practiced before; and (2) a Mixed condition in which triads were created by replacing the last simple figure of the triads in the Practiced condition by a new simple figure that had never been traced individually before. Results showed that all clinical groups were slower than controls at tracing the Practiced triads. Most interestingly, however, only patients in the advanced stages of PD showed increased completion time to trace the triads in the Mixed condition. This suggests that a bilateral striatal dysfunction affects the ability to adapt to a novel motion within a sequence of practiced movements. Although exploratory, these results support a functional dissociation between the striatum and cerebellum in acquiring visuomotor skilled behaviors.  相似文献   
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic, potentially disabling, cluster of symptoms that manifests as pain for 3 months or more and pain with pressure on 11 of 18 tender points throughout the body. Because there is no known cause, and therefore, no cure, treatment focuses on the control or relief of symptoms. Many patients are referred to rehabilitation settings for physical or exercise therapy. While exercise is helpful in the control of the pain, stiffness, fatigue, sleep disorders, and mood changes, a holistic approach to treatment is more effective. Rehabilitation nurses provide major support for patients with FM. Validation of the patients' experiences is essential for achieving quality of life. Many patients have a history of being undertreated because of a lack of credibility and invisibility of the illness. This article provides background information about FM, summarizes the FM trajectory, reviews approaches to management, and discusses the role of rehabilitation nurses in a holistic approach to care of clients with FM.  相似文献   
The goals of this study were to investigate muscle fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), and to determine the relationships between muscle fatigue, clinical status, and perceived fatigue. The fatigability of the anterior tibial muscle was quantitated in patients and controls during 9 min of intermittent stimulation (used to eliminate central sources of muscle fatigue). During exercise, the decline in tetanic force, phosphocreatine, and intracellular pH was greater in patients than in controls. The compound muscle action potential amplitude did not decrease during exercise, indicating that there was no failure of neuromuscular transmission during fatigue. Thus, the excessive fatigue in MS developed from sources beyond the muscle membrane. Following exercise, the recovery of tetanic force was delayed in patients (a pattern that suggests abnormal excitation–contraction coupling), whereas the recovery of metabolites was complete in both groups. Muscular fatigue was correlated with clinical disability but not with perceived fatigue. These results suggests that fatigue in MS has both central (perception, upper motor neuron dysfunction) and peripheral (impaired metabolism and excitation–contraction coupling) components.© 1995 John Wiley &Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
In order to provide an integrated view of the physiology of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) during exercise, we studied changes of its plasma concentrations in 13 normal subjects (seven males, six females) during three graded exercise levels and two periods of recovery (5 and 30 min), concomitantly with an assessment of cardiac function and ventricular volumes by multigated radionuclide angiography. Mean ANF levels (+/- SEM) increased in all patients at the second (P less than 0.002) and third (P less than 0.002) exercise levels, and after 5-min recovery (P less than 0.01): in males from 16 +/- 7 to 30 +/- 11 pg ml-1 at the third level, in females from 27 +/- 12 to 61 +/- 33 pg ml-1. Normal values were observed after 30-min recovery. Even if mean ANF levels were all higher in females, this difference did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.06). Significant decreases of ventricular volumes, as well as increases of ejection fraction and rate pressure product, were noted during exercise and were similar in both sexes. The kinetics of plasma ANF concentrations, compared with the increase of rate pressure product, was characterized by a latency and a remanence in recovery. This remanence, also present in the changes of ventricular volumes, supports the hypothesis that other factor(s) like catecholamines might still exert their influence after the exercise stops.  相似文献   
1. The effects of graded treadmill exercise on renal blood flow (RBF) were examined in seven rabbits, in which congestive heart failure (CHF) was produced by the administration of doxorubicin, 1 mg/kg, twice weekly for 8 weeks, and in seven controls. A third group of five rabbits underwent doxorubicin treatment with the addition of surgical section of the left renal sympathetic nerve. 2. During submaximal exercise, there was a small reduction in RBF in controls, which was greatly exaggerated in CHF. 3. In both control and heart failure rabbits, there was a precipitous fall in RBF as exercise fatigue developed. 4. Renal sympathectomy ablated these changes in RBF during exercise. 5. It is concluded that in heart failure there is an exaggerated, sympathetically mediated, diversion of blood flow away from the kidney. The onset of exercise fatigue in both normal and heart failure rabbits is accompanied by a marked intensification of this process.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To indicate whether the double peaked N(1) to gaps in continuous white noise is a composite of onset and offset responses to transients or whether it reflects higher processing such as change or mismatch detection and to assess the role of attention in this process. METHODS: Evoked potentials were recorded to two binaural stimulus types: (1) gaps of different durations randomly distributed in continuous white noise; and (2) click pairs at intervals identical to those between gap onsets and offsets in the continuous noise stimulus. Potentials to these stimuli were recorded while subjects read a text and while detecting gaps in noise or click pairs. RESULTS: Potentials were detected to all click pairs and to gaps of 5 ms or longer, corresponding to the subjects' psychoacoustic gap detection threshold. With long gap durations of 200-800 ms, distinct potentials to gap onset and gap offset were observed. The waveforms to all click pairs and to offsets of long gaps were similar and single-peaked, while potentials to gaps of 10 ms and longer, and potentials to onsets of long gaps were double-peaked, consisting of two N(1) negativities, 60 ms apart, irrespective of gap duration. The first (N(1a)), was more frontal in its distribution and similar to that of clicks. The second (N(1b)) peak's distribution was more central/temporal and its source locations and time course of activity were distinct. No effects of attention on any of the varieties and constituents of N(1) were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Comparing potentials to gap onsets, to click pairs and to gap offsets, suggests that potentials to gap onsets involve not only sound onset/offset responses (N(1), N(1a)) but also the subsequent pre-attentive perception of the cessation of an ongoing sound (N(1b)). We propose that N(1b) is distinct from change or mismatch detection and is associated with termination of an ongoing continuous stimulus. We propose to call it the N(egation)-process. SIGNIFICANCE: A constituent of the N(1) complex is shown to be associated with the pre-attentive perception of termination of an ongoing stimulus and to have distinct scalp distribution and intracranial sources.  相似文献   
A previous study showed that adult female dancers have a high percentage of type I fibres in vastus lateralis. similar to that of endurance-trained female runners ar female cross-country skiers. It is not known if dancers already at an early age are characterized by a high percentage of type I fibres or develop a high percentage of type I fibres as a consequence of dance training. Furthermore. the muscle fibre composition of male dancers has not previously been studied. Therefore the aim of the study was to analyse skeletal muscle fibre characteristics in 10-year-old and 20-year-old dancers of both sexes. Age-matched boys and girls whose physical activity was average for their age groups served as controls. Muscle biopsies for histochemical analysis were obtained from vastus lateralis using the percutaneous needle technique. The major finding of the present study was that the vastus lateralis of young dancers of both sexes had a higher percentage of type I fibres than that of controls. Moreover. the higher type I percentage was seen not only in 20 year aids. but also in 10 year aids. who had begun their dance training at a professional level only a few weeks earlier. No significant difference in this respect was found between female and male dancers. In conclusion. the muscle fibre type composition in young dancers of both sexes differs from that of the average individual of the same age and is characterized by a high percentage of type I fibres.  相似文献   
In the medical field, Korotkoff sounds have been explained as sounds generated by the disturbed blood flow in the artery. However, in the biomechanics field, Korotkoff sounds are considered to be produced and/or modified by the self-excited oscillation of a collapsed artery. The self-excited oscillation is an oscillation of the arterial wall. In addition, it is influenced by the nonlinear pressure–flow relationships in the artery and the arterial compliance. In this paper, we proposed an arterial-compliance-measuring method, using Korotkoff sounds. We constructed a circulatory simulator with a brachial model that mimics the physiological circulation, because in vivo resolution of nonlinear pressure–flow relationships is very difficult. The simulator was utilized to generate artificial Korotkoff sounds similar to those in auscultation in the brachial model. Additionally, we prepared latex tubes as artificial brachial arteries. In the experiment, we investigated the relationship between the self-excited oscillation and Korotkoff sounds by the distinguishing its frequency characteristics. The frequency of the sounds was changed by the variation of the tube compliance. As a result, we have found that the changes of the sounds largely depended on the difference of the tube compliance in this simulator. In conclusion, Korotkoff sounds contain useful information for predicting brachial arterial compliance. These experiments indicate the effectiveness of noninvasive measurement for brachial arterial compliance using Korotkoff sounds.  相似文献   
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