BACKGROUND: Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) is a severe and potentially fatal drug reaction characterized by an extensive skin rash with blisters and exfoliation, frequently accompanied by mucositis. The wounds caused by TEN are similar to second-degree burns and severe cases may involve large areas of skin loss. OBJECTIVES: Analysis of our results in patients with TEN and evaluation of the variety of therapeutic interventions that has been studied and suggested in TEN. PATIENTS/METHODS: Retrospective analysis of 19 consecutive patients with TEN treated in our burns centre between 1989 and 2004. RESULTS: Immediate withdrawal of any potentially fatal drug, maximum supportive care, and a restricted and tailored antibiotic, medical and surgical treatment regimen confined mortality to 21%, whereas prognosis scores like APACHE II and SCORTEN predicted mortality of 22 and 30%, respectively. A positive contribution of selective digestive decontamination is suggested but has yet to be established. CONCLUSIONS: Because of a potentially fatal outcome, fast referral of a patient suspected of TEN to a specialized centre (mostly a burns unit or specialized dermatology centre) for expert wound management and tailored comprehensive care is strongly advised and contributes to survival. 相似文献
The Barnes Hospital Apheresis Blood Collection and Blood Transfusion Unit is part of Barns Hospital Blood Bank. Because of its size and complexity, we report our experience which may be useful to administrators and physicians involved in the planning or management of similar services. From 1985 through 1988 we collected platelets from 1,976 different donors, the majority of which (87%) were community donors. Sixty-nine percent of 1,976 donors donated in 1988 an average of 4.9 times. Of 6,568 apheresis products collected. 1.1% were discarded because of positive screening tests and 0.7% were discarded because of outdating or presence of fibrin clot. In 1988 a total of nine cell separators were used. All donor apheresis were done with seven blood separators, and on average a separator produced an apheresis product every 4.5 worked hours. All therapeutic apheresis (338) were done on two separators. Most of them (88%) were performed during work hours. In 1988 donor and therapeutic apheresis were done by 17 1/2 full-time employees (FTEs) during work hours. Considering the Workload Unit Value per procedure given by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and that each FTE worked 1,864 hours per year, the worked hour productivity for donor and therapeutic apheresis was 78.2%. Blood collections, therapeutic bleeds, and outpatient transfusions (1,127, 114 and 1,745 respectively) were accomplished by two FTEs, for a worked hour productivity of 35.5%. Because 95.1% of total worked units was produced by efficient donor and therapeutic apheresis activities, overall efficiency remained high at 73.8%. 相似文献
AIMS: To study the time and cost involved in the care of newly registered outpatients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), compared with patients with hypertension and/or hyperlipidaemia (HTL). METHODS: A total of 313 patients with DM and 58 patients with HTL without diabetes were registered on their first visits to 11 diabetes clinics across Japan. The time and cost involved in their care was recorded over the following 5 months. RESULTS: In the first 3 months, there was an extensive time commitment to both groups. The time spent by physicians was 1.5 times longer for DM than for HTL. The total care time spent by all the care providers for DM was twice that for HTL. The cost of DM care was twice that for HTL, with the cost of medicines excluded. However, half of the cost for DM was for laboratory tests. When these were excluded, and the remaining cost divided by the time spent, the amount for DM was half of that for HTL. Over the 5 months, mean glycated haemoglobin (HbA(1c)) in DM patients improved from 8.0% to 6.5%, and 72% of DM patients achieved the glycaemic target of HbA(1c) < or = 6.5%. CONCLUSIONS: DM care in a diabetes clinic requires a great deal more time and resources than HTL to achieve the best outcome. An educational system for self care, presently lacking in the primary care setting in Japan, would improve glycaemic control for DM patients in the community. 相似文献
Recent New Labour policy for the ‘modernisation’ of Government places a good deal of emphasis on decentralisation. This emphasis is particularly marked in relation to the organisation of primary care. However, like hospitals and other National Health Service institutions, primary care trusts (PCTs) are subject to a substantial raft of centrally established performance targets and indicators, including those which contribute to the public award of between zero and three performance ‘stars’. This raises questions about the extent to which employees can exercise autonomy in the context of rigid top‐down directives. This paper presents findings from a study using participant observation and interviews to examine the impact of a training course aimed ostensibly at increasing employee autonomy in an English PCT. The suggestion is that attempts to make employees more autonomous can be seen as a strategy for increasing central control based upon the internalisation by the employees of centrally promulgated values. The attraction of such strategies is that they may be potentially more effective and less costly than alternative strategies of direct control. However, the study suggests that the outcome of attempts by such methods as programmes to increase employee autonomy may be very different from those intended. 相似文献
Objective: To study tubal patency and fertility outcome of patients with expectantly managed ectopic pregnancy (EP).
Design: A prospective study.
Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Turku University Central Hospital, Turku, Finland.
Patient(s): Thirty patients who wanted to become pregnant again were treated successfully by expectant management of EP.
Intervention(s): Patients were examined with posttreatment hysterosalpingography, and they filled out a questionnaire about their subsequent pregnancies.
Main Outcome Measure(s): Free passage through open lumen showing tubal patency; number of full-term pregnancies and EPs revealing relative rate of subsequent fertility.
Result(s): A free passage through the diseased tube was seen in 93% of the cases (28 of 30). Two of the 24 patients (8.4%) who wanted to become pregnant had an obstruction in the diseased tube. One (4.2%) of them had a normal opposite tube and later had a normal pregnancy. The other (4.2%) had an obstruction in both tubes and subsequently had a repeat EP. One of the 6 patients had an EP (this patient did not want to become pregnant and did not use contraception). However, her posttreatment hysterosalpingography was normal. In total, the subsequent pregnancy rate was 88% (21 of 24), and the rate of repeat EP was 4.2% (1 of 24).
Conclusion(s): Patients who are treated with expectant management have a good long-term fertility outcome. Spontaneous regression of EP does not lead to increased harm or damage to the tube, i.e., the risk for repeat EP is low. 相似文献
Summary 67 cases of brain abscess were analyzed retrospectively. As 2 comatose patients died on admission before any treatment was started, the results are based on 65 treated patients. Different methods of treatment included: total removal in 36 patients, drainage in 14, aspiration in 6 and conservative treatment in 9. Management mortality was 18,5% and was almost not dependent on the method of treatment (except aspiration) being lowest in the drainage group. The mortality was significantly higher in patients with serious impairment of consciousness on admission.Follow-up examination after 1 to 11 years was performed in 47 out of 53 discharged patients and revealed in 25 of them (53%) full recovery. 10 additional cases (21%) are independent. The best early and long term results were obtained in patients by drainage and medical treatment.Chronic epilepsy developed in 34% of patients with supratentorial lesions. The risk of epilepsy was lowest in the group of patients treated by drainage.The authors present the opinion that removal of brain abscess is necessary only in exceptional cases. 相似文献
Abstract Pericardial tamponade remains a diagnostic challenge
to the clinician especially when the patient is well compensated
hemodynamically. We report an unusual case
who sought medical help 1 month after having been
stabbed in his chest. An investigation revealed a perforation
of the myocardium and a pericardial tamponade.
The patient survived thanks to a large organized clot
that plugged the perforation. The patient was exposed
to increased risk due to delayed onset, recognition, and
therapy of the tamponade. Most reports on this subject
deal with acute pericardial tamponade. Only few cases
of delayed pericardial tamponade have been reported.
A review of the relevant literature and the therapeutic
approaches are discussed. 相似文献