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Ivalon (polyvinyl alcohol) is a commonly used embolic agent, generally considered to be permanent. In a patient with the carcinoid syndrome, embolization of hepatic metastases with Ivalon failed to produce permanent occlusion, and recurrent tumor was supplied by many of the same small arteries identified on the original arteriogram. Occasionally, Ivalon may have only a temporary occlusive effect. A possible explanation for this phenomenon is proposed.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Higher house dust mite (HDM) allergen exposure during infancy has been associated with increased HDM sensitization. Infant bedding has been associated with the accumulation of varying levels of HDM. Prospective data on the relationship between infant bedding and the development of HDM sensitization has not been previously examined. OBJECTIVES: To determine if particular types of bedding used in infancy are associated with increased risk of house dust mite sensitization in childhood. METHODS: A population-based sample (n = 498) of children born in 1988 or 1989, and who were resident in Northern Tasmania in 1997, participated in this study. These children were part of a birth cohort study (1988-95), the Tasmanian Infant Health Survey. Data on infant underbedding and mattresses was available on 460 and 457 children, respectively. The main outcome measure was HDM sensitization defined as a skin prick test (SPT) reaction of 3 mm or more to the allergens of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and/or Dermatophagoides farinae. RESULTS: The use of either sheepskin underbedding or plastic mattress covers in infancy was associated with an increased risk of sensitization to HDM allergens at age 8 years. The adjusted risk ratio (RR) for sensitization to HDM with sheepskin in infancy was 2.27 (95% CI: 1.14, 4.55), P = 0.020. The adjusted RR for sensitization to HDM with the use of plastic mattress covers in infancy was 2.06 (95% CI: 1.22, 3.51), P = 0.007. The use of a foam mattress in infancy was not related to subsequent HDM sensitization. CONCLUSION: Infant's bedding plays a role in the development of HDM sensitization in childhood. Intervention studies to examine mite allergen levels and the role of underbedding on the development of HDM sensitization are required.  相似文献   
As part of the strategy for the design of macromolecular carriers for drug targeting, the disposition characteristics of macromolecules were studied in mice bearing tumors that served as target tissues. Eight kinds of macromolecules including four polysaccharides and four proteins with different molecular weights and electric charges were used; tissue distribution and tumor localization after intravenous injection were studied. Pharmacokinetic analysis revealed that the tissue radioactivity uptake rate index calculated in terms of clearance was different among the tested compounds; especially, the urinary radioactivity excretion clearances and the total hepatic radioactivity uptake clearances varied widely. Compounds with low molecular weights (approximately 10 kD) or positive charges showed lower tumor radioactivity accumulation; radioactivity was rapidly eliminated from the plasma via rapid urinary excretion or extensive hepatic uptake, respectively. On the other hand, large and negatively charged compounds, carboxymethyl dextran, bovine serum albumin, and mouse immunoglobulin G, showed higher radioactivity accumulation in the tumor (calculated total amounts were 15.6, 10.8, and 20.8% of the dose, respectively) and prolonged retention in the circulation. These results demonstrated that the total systemic exposure rather than the uptake rate index was correlated with total tumor uptake. Molecular weight and electric charge of the macromolecules significantly affected their disposition characteristics and, consequently, determined radioactivity accumulation in the tumor. It was concluded that a drug–carrier complex designed for systemic tumor targeting should be polyanionic in nature and larger than 70,000 in molecular weight.  相似文献   


A total of 137 consecutive patients with recent uncomplicated myocardial infarction (n=31) or unstable angina (n=106) were studied to determine the relative prognostic value of predischarge clinical risk stratification and intravenous dipyridamole stress sestamibi (MIBI) myocardial tomography in patients unable to exercise maximally after an acute ischemic coronary event.  相似文献   
在饲料中加入氨基比林和NaNO_2各2g/kg饲与Wistar大鼠38周后诱发出肝、肺及肾脏肿瘤,其中以肝肿瘤的发生率为100%(17/17),大鼠平均寿命195天。而同时给予沙棘汁饮用的大鼠其肿瘤发生较晚,发癌率较低(88%,15/17),平均寿命270天,显著长于对照组和单纯抗坏血酸组(P<0.01),且肝脏癌变范围较小,病变较轻。结果表明,沙棘汁能有效地阻断N-亚硝基化合物在大鼠体内合成及诱癌,其防癌效果优于等量的抗坏血酸。  相似文献   
目的:对使用荧光分光光度法测定水产品中烷烃类、芳烃类污染物的方法进行验证,并检测三类样品。方法:通过氢氧化钠-乙醇皂化处理,用正已烷萃取,用石油醚溶解,测量萃取物荧光强度值进行定量。结果:测得标准油在0.00~12.0μg/ml范围内线性关系良好,相关系数0.9999,检出限为0.2 mg/kg,平均回收率90.2%,RSD5.4%。结论:本法准确度、灵敏度高,检出限低,操作稳定性好。  相似文献   
以Fe~(3+)代替Pd-C和Raney Ni为催化剂、水合肼为供氢体、3,3′-二硝基-4,4′-二氨基二苯醚为受氢体、甲醇为溶剂,进行催化转移氢化反应,产物3,3′,4,4′-四氨基二苯醚(TADPO)质量好,得率可达80%。此外,还对反应温度、时间、以及水合肼、催化剂、溶剂用量,水合肼浓度、催化剂重复使用等影响因素进行了研究,获得了较佳工艺条件。本法制得的TADPO与均苯四甲酸二酐缩聚可制得性能良好的聚眯唑吡咙。  相似文献   
用国产显色三肽CBZ-gly-pro-arg-pNA为底物测定血浆纤溶酶原(plg)活性,选择链激酶(SK)为plg激活物,向待测标本中加入足量的SK与plg形成具有纤溶酶活性的复合物,对实验系统中的显色底物产生酰胺分解作用,裂解出显色集团对硝基苯胺。血浆中plg活性与显色反应呈正相关。作者对实验的最佳条件和影响因素作了讨论。用本法测定60例健康者plg活性,提出正常参考值范围为100.00±8.69%(■±S)。  相似文献   
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