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目的研究茎突毗邻关系,为咽旁颞下区手术提供外科解剖基础。方法测量颅骨。结果茎实根部深面有颈静脉孔,两者相距约3mm。颈静脉孔前有动脉管外口,分隔两者间的骨板下缘厚约1.87mm。在颈动脉管外口前外方有蝶骨角棘,二者相距约6.5mm。角棘之外侧有颞下颌关节窝,之前方为棘孔。棘孔之前内侧有卵圆孔。结论茎突可作为咽旁颞下区的外科解剖钥匙。  相似文献   
Objectives : This study compares the distributional and psychometric properties of the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) in two samples of older adults, and examines how the self-perceived impact of oral disease, as measured by the GOHAI, varies in accordance with sample sociodemographic and health characteristics. Methods : Results are based on survey data from two samples of older men: a Medicare sample of patients using community physicians (n=799; mean age=74) and users of VA ambulatory health care (n=542; mean age=72). Results : The findings indicated significant differences between samples in mean GOHAI scores, with the VA sample exhibiting worse scores. A number of similarities in psychometric properties of the instrument across the two samples were found: high internal consistency reliability and similar inter-item and item-scale correlations. Factor analyses revealed somewhat different structures between the two samples, but explained similar amounts of variance; regression analyses indicated that income and self-rated oral health were significant predictors of GOHAI scores in both samples. Conclusions : The GOHAI exhibits satisfactory psychometric properties in both samples and is sensitive to sociodemographic differences among and between two samples of older men. Results suggest continued use of the GOHAI as an indicator of the impact of oral conditions on functioning and well-being in a variety of samples.  相似文献   
目的报道喙突过长引起下颌运动受限、开口困难的病例资料,供临床工作借鉴。方法报道7例喙突过长致开口困难病例的临床、X线表现及治疗方法。结果曲面断层、华特位片可较好的显示突喙突过长,但往往不为临床医师所认识。本资料6例经手术切除过长的喙突后,开口度均恢复正常。结论喙突过长致开口困难较少见,应在开口困难的鉴别中予以注意。  相似文献   
Unilateral coronoid process atrophy associated with fatty degeneration of the masticatory muscles in a 76-year-old woman is reported. CT and plain radiogram findings are presented. The patient had no evidence of collagen disease which often causes osteolysis of the coronoid, process and condyle. Although the true cause of this deformity was unclear, a hypothesis of ischemic changes in the nutrient vessels was suggested as an etiologic factor.  相似文献   
茎突综合征与翼钩综合征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
手术治疗茎突综合征24例和翼钩综合征11例。前者总有效率和治愈率分别为91.6%和58.3%,后者为100%和63.6%。对两综合征的病因、病理机理、诊断和治疗作了临床比较分析  相似文献   
Aim: To compare the alveolar ridge dimensions between edentulous sites and contralateral dentate sites of maxillary posterior sextants in the same individuals. Materials and methods: Computerized tomography scans of 32 patients with one fully edentulous and one fully dentate maxillary posterior sextants were analyzed. Results: When compared with dentate sextants, edentulous sextants showed (i) a lower bone height (BH) at second premolar, first molar and second molar sites, which was associated with a more coronal position of the maxillary sinus floor at second premolar site; (ii) a more apical position of the ridge at second premolar and second molar sites; (iii) a lower bone width (BW)1 mm at first and second premolar sites, and a lower BW3 mm at all sites, (iv) a lower, although not significant, prevalence of premolar and molar sites with BH≥8 mm and BW1 mm≥6 mm. Conclusions: The edentulous sextants in the posterior maxilla showed a reduced height and width of the ridge when compared with contralateral dentate sextants. The reduced vertical dimensions observed in edentulous sextants were variably associated with ridge resorption as well as sinus pneumatization. To cite this article:
Farina R, Pramstraller M, Franceschetti G, Pramstraller C, Trombelli L. Alveolar ridge dimensions in maxillary posterior sextants: a retrospective comparative study of dentate and edentulous sites using computerized tomography data.
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 22 , 2011; 1138–1144.
doi: 10.1111/j.1600‐0501.2010.02087.x  相似文献   
Abstract:  This paper reports the development and evaluation of a dysphagia management course taught to the third year dental hygiene students during 2004–2005 as one framework of the new curriculum. The course consisted of lectures by specialists in each field, basic practice and clinical practice at a facility for the elderly. Evaluation of the course showed that improvements were found in students' understanding in certain subjects when compared with that during 2003–2004. Scores on the post-test were statistically significantly higher than those on the pre-test, showing that basic knowledge of the students had been improved. Introductory and follow-up lectures by dental hygiene instructors and appropriate basic practice enhanced the learning process of the students. In the clinical practice, the concept of 'dental hygiene process of care' was incorporated. The dental hygiene process facilitated the students in planning and implementing dental hygiene care that meets the needs of the individual clients. This active learning experience enhanced the students' understanding of dysphagia management. Although further improvements are necessary, this dysphagia management course should help dental hygienists in playing a greater role in the field of oral care and dysphagia rehabilitation.  相似文献   
提出一种基于DSP的全数字助听器宽动态压缩算法.该方法在频域分析的基础上,对于不同的频率分量,根据其能量的差异,分别给予不同的压缩算法.借助DSP助听器实验平台实现算法,并通过真耳佩戴后的听力学测试,验证了该信号处理方法的有效性.  相似文献   
Accurate and timely administration of antibiotics is a crucial element of perioperative patient care but, often, pharmacologic implications of antibiotics are overlooked or misunderstood. Preventable medication errors that involve antimicrobials occur throughout the perioperative continuum. Examples of errors associated with antimicrobial use include omitted doses, duplicate doses, incorrect doses, and antimicrobial products given to patients with preexisting allergies. Perioperative nurses can contribute to safe antibiotic administration through education and improved communication. Perioperative managers should ensure that practitioners have access to standards for antibiotic administration and accurate information and assistive technologies. Numerous resources, including measurement tools and published guidelines, are available to support adherence to surgical site infection prevention requirements and assist in ensuring effective and safe perioperative antibiotic use.  相似文献   
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