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MRI of the brain in chronic carbon monoxide poisoning   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We examined 13 patients with chronic carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); all of them had been in an explosion in a coal mine 25 years previously. Symmetrical globus pallidus lesions were observed in 12, as was degeneration of the white matter, with focal cortical atrophy. The temporal parietal and occipital lobes were usually affected, the parietooccipital region being the most frequently and extensively damaged. Of the 12 patients with white matter degeneration 7 had definitely asymmetrical cortical and subcortical lesions. There were 6 patients with dilated temporal horns, probably due to atrophy of the hippocampal gyri. A history of CO inhalation and an awareness of the typical distributions of lesions are important for recognition of the effects of CO poisoning, especially when patients are in the chronic stage.  相似文献   
The potential application of the Digoxin Fab antibody (Wellcome Digibind) in the clinical management of plant poisoning was investigated. The cardiac glycoside contents of various Australian plants were studied using immunoassay techniques. The cross-reactions of the Fab antibody and two digoxin assay antibodies against extracts of these plants were also studied. Results obtained indicated that the Digibind antibody cross-reacted with a wide range of glycosides contained in Australian plants and therefore could be of use in the treatment of life-threatening plant poisoning.  相似文献   
笔总结了2000年5月-2002年3月收治的9例口服苯丙胺中毒患救护成功的体会。(1)及早,彻底,反复洗胃,有效清除消化吸收的毒物,洗胃过程中做好安全约束措施,使洗胃能顺利完成,对中毒较深的病人结合床边血液透析,以提高疗效。(2)迅速建立静脉通路,合理使用安定,利尿剂,激素,加强对症处理。(3)严密观察病情变化,保持呼吸道通畅。(4)做好基础护理,安全保护及心理护理,9例患均治愈出院。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A child with respiratory distress was found to have been given an antibiotic which was reconstituted with methadone. A delay in standard emergency room management led to a delay in diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   
Percutaneous absorption has received comparatively little attention in occupational health, although this route of entry has repeatedly caused occupation-related intoxications. In practice, the evaluation of skin penetration rates is far from simple. Much evidence has been obtained from studies of chemicals used for cosmetics and topical therapeutics, but the information available on compounds encountered in occupational health is limited. The data obtained from experimental studies have confirmed that the concentration, type of vehicle, skin area, skin condition, and extent of occlusion are important factors in determining the degree of percutaneous absorption, but no general model has been developed. Also, too little is known about the basic chemical properties governing the rate of penetration. Thus, prediction is difficult and bound to be rather inaccurate. Current preventive practice follows the procedure used by ACGIH and is mainly based on a "skin" denotation in official listings of chemicals to which exposure limits have been allocated. The number of substances and groups of chemicals which have received skin denotation in 17 selected countries varies between 24 and 179 and a total of 275 are listed as a skin hazard in one or more countries; ACGIH lists 143. Thus, the denotation practice varies. As an unfortunate result of these discrepancies and the dichotomy of skin denotation, the absence of skin denotation may erroneously indicate that efforts to protect the skin are unnecessary. Thus, an evaluation of skin penetration potentials should be incorporated in occupational health practice as a supplement to the official denotations.  相似文献   
New aspects of Amanita poisoning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
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