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Transmission is a potential property of live viral vaccines that remains largely unexploited but may lie within the realm of many engineering designs. While likely unacceptable for vaccines of humans, transmission may be highly desirable for vaccines of wildlife, both to protect natural populations and also to limit zoonotic transmissions into humans. Defying intuition, transmission alone does not guarantee that a vaccine will perform well: the benefit of transmission over no transmission depends on and increases with the basic reproductive number of the vaccine, R0. The R0 of an infectious agent in a homogeneous population is typically considered to be a fixed number, but some evidence suggests that dissemination of transmissible vaccines may change through time. One obvious possibility is that transmission will be greater from hosts directly vaccinated than from hosts who acquire the vaccine passively, but other types of change might also accrue. Whenever transmission changes over time, the R0 estimated from directly vaccinated hosts will not reflect the vaccine’s long term impact. As there is no theory on the consequences of changing transmission rates for a vaccine, we derive conditions for a transmissible vaccine with varying transmission rates to protect a population from pathogen invasion. Being the first in the transmission chain, the R0 from directly vaccinated hosts has a larger effect than those from later steps in the chain. This mathematical property reveals that a transmissible vaccine with low long term transmission may nonetheless realize a big impact if early transmission is high. Furthermore, there may be ways to artificially elevate early transmission, thereby achieving high herd immunity from transmission while ensuring that the vaccine will ultimately die out.  相似文献   


We herein describe the establishment of the Helsinki Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation (VCA) program and its execution in the first two face transplant cases.

Methods & patients

The Helsinki VCA program initially required the fulfillment of legal, hospital, financial, and ethical requirements. Thereafter, the assembling of a multidisciplinary team commenced. A team of Plastic, maxillofacial and ENT surgeons comprise the facial VCA team. The protocol involves collaboration with the Solid Organ Transplant (SOT) team, transplant immunology, immunosuppression, microbiology, psychiatric evaluation, well-defined VCA indications and informed consent. Between 2011 and 2017 two patients were selected for transplantation. Both patients had a severe composite facial deformity involving the maxilla and mandible following earlier ballistic injury.


Patient 1 was a 35 year-old male who underwent successful near total face transplantation in February 2016 and at 30 months he has a good aesthetic outcome with symmetrical restoration of the central face and good sensory and symmetrical motor functional outcomes. Patient 2 was a 58 year-old male who underwent full face transplantation in March 2018 and at 5 months he has recovered without major problems.


A successful facial VCA program requires a well-prepared research protocol, experts from multiple specialties and careful patient selection. The establishment of the Helsinki VCA program required long and thorough planning and resulted in the first two Nordic face transplantation cases. This protocol now forms the platform (as a proof of concept) for other types of vascularized composite allotransplantations.  相似文献   
The worldwide switch to inactivated polio vaccines (IPVs) is a key component of the overall strategy to achieve and maintain global polio eradication. To this end, new IPV vaccine delivery systems may enhance patient convenience and compliance. In this work, we examine Nanopatch? (a solid, polymer microprojection array) which offers potential advantages over standard needle/syringe administration including intradermal delivery and reduced antigen doses. Using trivalent IPV (tIPV) and a purpose-built evaporative dry-down system, candidate tIPV formulations were developed to stabilize tIPV during the drying process and on storage. Identifying conditions to minimize tIPV potency losses during rehydration and potency testing was a critical first step. Various classes and types of pharmaceutical excipients (~50 total) were then evaluated to mitigate potency losses (measured through D-antigen ELISAs for IPV1, IPV2, and IPV3) during drying and storage. Various concentrations and combinations of stabilizing additives were optimized in terms of tIPV potency retention, and 2 candidate tIPV formulations containing cyclodextrin and a reducing agent (e.g., glutathione), maintained ≥80% D-antigen potency during drying and subsequent storage for 4 weeks at 4°C, and ≥60% potency for 3 weeks at room temperature with the majority of losses occurring within the first day of storage.  相似文献   
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) has an opportunity to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding by implementing and modeling workplace lactation programs in small WIC agencies that may have barriers regarding the lack of both human and financial resources. The goal of this article was to describe effective strategies for agency administrators in small WIC service sites so that they can reduce barriers, successfully implement workplace lactation policies and programs, and model successful strategies for other small employers.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: A heightened awareness of the potential for bioterrorist attacks in the United States has led to the expansion of the nation's supply of smallpox vaccine and the institution of procedures to distribute this vaccine in the unlikely event of a release of this potentially deadly agent. METHODS: The authors conducted a review of the relevant smallpox literature through a MEDLINE search. They also reviewed the Web site of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and numerous other Web sites. RESULTS: The authors considered for inclusion more than 100 articles discussing smallpox, the smallpox vaccine and the role of the dental professional in a bioterrorist attack. CONCLUSIONS: Dentists may detect the initial signs of a smallpox infection, provide information concerning the disease to the public and potentially assist in the administration of smallpox vaccine. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Should an intentional release of smallpox occur, the dental professional may play an important role in its treatment and prevention.  相似文献   
The present study has been performed to evaluate Porphyromonas gingivalis heat shock protein (HSP) 60 as a candidate vaccine to protect against multiple putative periodontopathic bacteria. Mouse anti-P. gingivalis HSP antisera demonstrated the elevated IgG antibody titers against the multiple bacteria tested and cross-reacted with heat-induced bacterial proteins of the target bacteria. The antisera also demonstrated a significantly higher opsonophagocytosis function against all the target bacteria than the control sera (P<0.01). We concluded that P. gingivalis HSP 60 could potentially be developed as a vaccine against multiple periodontopathic bacteria.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: Periodontitis is a common infectious disease to which Porphyromonas gingivalis has been closely linked, in which the attachment tissues of the teeth and their alveolar bone housing are destroyed. We conducted a study to determine if immunization using a purified antigen could alter the onset and progression of the disease. METHODS: Using the ligature-induced model of periodontitis in Macaca fascicularis, we immunized five animals with cysteine protease purified from P. gingivalis and used an additional five animals as controls. Alveolar bone loss was measured by digital subtraction radiography. RESULTS: Immunization induced high titers of specific immunoglobuin G serum antibodies that were opsonic. Total bacterial load, levels of P. gingivalis in subgingival plaque and levels of prostaglandin E(2) in gingival crevicular fluid were significantly reduced. Onset and progression of alveolar bone loss was inhibited by approximately 50%. No manifestations of toxicity were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Immunization using a purified protein antigen from P. gingivalis inhibits alveolar bone destruction in a ligature-induced periodontitis model in M. fascicularis.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: Adult periodontitis is initiated by specific periodontal pathogens represented by Porphyromonas gingivalis; however, an effective measure for preventing the disease has not yet been established. In this study, the effectiveness of a vaccine composed of fimbriae of P. gingivalis and recombinant cholera toxin B subunit (rCTB) was evaluated using BALB/c mice. METHODS: Fimbriae and rCTB were co-administered intranasally to BALB/c mice on days 0, 14, 21, and 28. On day 35, mice were sacrificed to determine immunoglobulin levels in serum, saliva, and nasal and lung extracts by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The prevention effect of the vaccine on P. gingivalis-induced periodontitis in mice was evaluated by measuring alveolar bone loss. RESULTS: The rCTB significantly increased serum immunoglobulin (Ig)A levels when mice were administered with a minimal amount (0.5 microg) of the fimbrial antigen. The adjuvant effect on serum IgG production was indistinct because the minimal amount of the antigen still induced a large amount of IgG. In contrast to systemic responses, a fimbria-specific secretory IgA response was strongly induced by co-administration of rCTB and 0.5 microg fimbriae; the same amount of the antigen alone scarcely induced a response. Histopathological examination revealed IgA-positive plasma cells in the nasal mucosal tissue but no observable mast cells in the area. In addition, nasal administration of the fimbrial vaccine significantly protected the mice from P. gingivalis-mediated alveolar bone loss. CONCLUSION: Nasal vaccination with a combination of fimbriae and rCTB can be an effective means of preventing P. gingivalis-mediated periodontitis.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND, AIMS: In a manikin study we recently assessed how effectively student operators were able to learn scaling with curettes (GRA) and power-driven instruments (PP). Calculating the debrided root area effectiveness was low in both groups without systematic training or without a motivational program. After 10 weeks (20 h) of training, operators reached a high effectiveness of 84.7% (GRA) and 81.6% (PP). The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the clinical outcome of nonsurgical treatment as performed by these student operators. METHODS: In a clinical trial, 19 students trained in the use of Gracey curettes for 10 weeks (=20 h) (GRA10) and Periopolisher system for 1 week (=2 h) (PP1), and 20 students trained in the use of Gracey curettes for 1 week (GRA1) and the Periopolisher for 10 weeks (PP10) treated one patient each in a split-mouth design. At baseline and 6 months, we recorded probing depth (PD), probing attachment level (PAL) and bleeding on probing (BOP) by computer-assisted probing. Statistical analysis was carried out for moderate (category B) and deep sites (category C). Groups were compared using Student's t-tests (p<0.05). RESULTS: Category B sites showed a PD reduction of 1.2/1.0 mm (GRA10/GRA1) and 1.1 mm (PP10/PP1). PAL gain was 0.5/0.3 mm (GRA10/GRA1) and 0.4/0.2 mm (PP10/PP1). In category C sites, PD reduction was 2.1/2.3 mm (GRA10/GRA1) and 2.0 mm (PP10/PP1) with a PAL gain of 0.6/0.9 mm (GRA10/GRA1) and 0.4 mm (PP10/PP1). BOP was significantly lower in all groups. CONCLUSION: The results show that student operators who had received a systematical training on manikins and had attained different effectiveness results were able to treat periodontally diseased patients successfully using both Gracey and Periopolisher instruments.  相似文献   
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