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During a period of twenty years [1969-1988] the author has observed 614 cases of congenital malformations and noninflammatory diseases of the larynx in infants and young children, Budapest. He summarizes the most characteristic symptoms of laryngeal pathology in infants, and discusses the diagnostic possibilities. Among the latter, spectrographic analyses complemented by auditory evaluation of pathological cry and different breathing noises play an important role. Based on his investigation author differentiates 20 kinds of pathological crying sounds and 4 basic forms of stridor. He describes the acoustic attributes of different pathological sound phenomena and summarizes characteristic voice changes.  相似文献   
介绍了一种简单有效的维纳滤波器设计过程,并采用该过程对数字化X射线影像进行滤波,试验表明:维纳滤波器能在去除图像噪声的同时较好地保留图像细节,具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   
A multichannel instrumentation amplifier, developed to be used in a miniature universal eight-channel amplifier module, is described. After discussing the specific properties of a bioelectric recording, the difficulties of meeting the demanded specifications with a design based on operational amplifiers are reviewed. Because it proved impossible to achieve the demanded combination of low noise and low power consumption using commercially available operational amplifiers, an amplifier equipped with an input stage with discrete transistors was developed. A new design concept was used to expand the design to a multichannel version with an equivalent input noise voltage of 0·35 μV RMS in a bandwidth of 0·1–100 Hz and a power consumption of 0·6 mW per channel. The results of this study are applied to miniature, universal, eight-channel amplifier modules, manufactured with thick-film production techniques. The modules can be coupled to satisfy the demand for a multiple of eight channels. The low power consumption enables the modules to be used in all kinds of portable and telemetry measurement systems and simplifies the power supply in stationary measurement systems.  相似文献   
These guidelines aim to assist in the diagnosis of noise‐induced hearing loss (NIHL) in medicolegal settings. The task is to distinguish between possibility and probability, the legal criterion being ‘more probable than not’. It is argued that the amount of NIHL needed to qualify for that diagnosis is that which is reliably measurable and identifiable on the audiogram. The three main requirements for the diagnosis of NIHL are defined: R1, high‐frequency hearing impairment; R2, potentially hazardous amount of noise exposure; R3, identifiable high‐frequency audiometric notch or bulge. Four modifying factors also need consideration: MF1, the clinical picture; MF2, compatibility with age and noise exposure; MF3, Robinson's criteria for other causation; MF4, complications such as asymmetry, mixed disorder and conductive hearing impairment.  相似文献   
Late potentials are detected at various noise levels in clinicalstudies. The aim of this study was, in a case-control design,to assess the effect of residual noise level on the identificationof patients with sustained monomorphic ventncular tachycardiaafter myocardial infarction. Electrocardiograms from 16 patientswith prior myocardial infarction and documented sustained monomorphicventricular tachycardia and 41 patients with prior myocardialinfarction and without ventncular tachycardia, were analysedby two signal averaging procedures to noise level 0·2and 0·4 µV Standard time domain parameters weremeasured. Two definitions of late potential were analysed: (1)if any two of the following criteria were present (signal-averagedQRS duration >120 ms, late potential duration >40 ms,and root-mean-square voltage of the terminal 40 ms of the filteredQRS <25µV); or (2) if the signal-averaged QRS duration120 ms. Overall the signal-averaged electrocardiogram performedbetter at noise level 0·4µV compared to noise level0·2µV with respect to identification of patientswith or without ventricular tachycardia after myocordial infarction.Reducing noise level from 0·4 to 0·2 µVincreased the sensitivity, but the consequence was a substantialdecrease in specificity. Our data indicate that when a highsensitivity is the goal, the definition based only on signal-averagedQRS duration 120 ms should be applied; sensitivity was 88% andspecificity 59% at noise level 0·4 µV. If a highspecificity is the goal, the definition should be based on thedefinition with two abnormal parameters; sensitivity was 69%and specificity 68% at noise level 0·4µV.  相似文献   
Objective assessment of auditory thresholds in noise‐induced hearing loss using steady‐state evoked potentials The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether steady‐state evoked potential (SSEP) can be used for objective estimation of auditory thresholds in patients with noise‐induced hearing loss (NIHL). Eleven subjects (22 ears) with a characteristic audiometric notch between 3000 and 6000 Hz participated in this study. Both pure‐tone thresholds and SSEP thresholds were obtained for each ear of all subjects. The correlation of SSEP thresholds and pure‐tone thresholds was assessed. The results show that SSEP thresholds predicted pure‐tone thresholds with correlation coefficients (r) of 0.86, 0.92, 0.94 and 0.95 at 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz respectively. Typically, the SSEP thresholds overestimate the pure‐tone thresholds by 10–20 dB, but they closely reflect the configuration of the audiogram. The strength of the relationship between SSEP and pure‐tone thresholds increased with increasing frequency and increasing degree of hearing loss. In conclusion, SSEP can be used as a reliable and objective tool to assess auditory thresholds in patients with noise‐induced hearing loss with high‐frequency dips.  相似文献   
Should patients with asymmetrical noise‐induced hearing loss be screened for vestibular schwannomas? The Peterborough ENT department receives many referrals for MoD personnel who have suffered hearing loss from occupational noise exposure. Those patients with asymmetrical sensorineural hearing loss are routinely screened for vestibular schwannomas by MRI scanning. Scan reports from the past 5 years have been reviewed and out of 152 scans, four revealed vestibular schwannomas giving a pick‐up rate of 2.5%, which compares favourably with other published pick‐up rates. Review of the audiograms in these cases suggests that they can be misleading in this context. The conclusion is that patients with noise‐induced asymmetrical hearing loss should be screened for acoustic neuromas.  相似文献   
镫骨全切除和吸引噪声对豚鼠耳蜗功能与超微结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验应用耳蜗电图和扫描、透射电镜等技术观察了6组(44只)豚鼠镫骨全切除后,前庭窗开放时间的长短和听泡内使用吸引器对耳蜗功能和超微结构的影响程度.结果如下:①随前庭窗开放时间的延长、复合蜗神经动作电位(compound action potential.CAP)反应阈进行性提高,开放180min可导致底回部分外毛细胞变性或破坏;②镫骨全切除后,听泡内较长时间地(60min)应用吸引器可引起CAP明显阈移和耳蜗底回部分外毛细胞的不可逆病变;③镫骨未切除时,听泡内吸引60min,仅引起CAP阈移,但外毛细胞未见损伤.结果提示:术中长时间开放前庭窗和鼓室内应用吸引器可能是引起镫骨全切除术后感音神经性聋的因素之一,但鼓室成形术中鼓室内吸引噪声可能因其强度不够大,不足以引起术后感音神经性聋.  相似文献   
本文重点阐述和分析了CT图像中的几种噪声产生的原因和对图像的影响,并结合笔者多年的维修经验,从理论和实际相结合,介绍了几种实用的维修方法,提出了减小噪声提高图像质量的有效措施。  相似文献   
An acoustic metamaterial absorber of parallel–connection square Helmholtz resonators is proposed in this study, and its sound absorption coefficients are optimized to reduce the noise for the given conditions in the factory. A two–dimensional equivalent simulation model is built to obtain the initial value of parameters and a three–dimensional finite element model is constructed to simulate the sound absorption performance of the metamaterial cell, which aims to improve the research efficiency. The optimal parameters of metamaterial cells are obtained through the particle swarm optimization algorithm, and its effectiveness and accuracy are validated through preparing the experimental sample using 3D printing and measuring the sound absorption coefficient by the standing wave tube detection. The consistency between the experimental data and simulation data verifies feasibility of the proposed optimization method and usefulness of the developed acoustic metamaterial absorber, and the desired sound absorption performances for given conditions are achieved. The experimental results prove that parallel–connection square Helmholtz resonators can achieve an adjustable frequency spectrum for the low frequency noise control by parameter optimization, which is propitious to promote its application in reducing the noise in the factory.  相似文献   
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