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目的:研究健血升白冲剂对小鼠血液系统的影响。方法:以骨髓细胞计数,白细胞计数和血象为指标,观察健血升白冲剂对正常小鼠和化学及放射损伤小鼠的影响。结果:健血升白冲剂明显增加正常小鼠白细胞计数(P<001),显著改善环磷酰胺诱导小鼠白细胞和骨髓细胞的减少作用(分别为P<005,P<001),并能显著增加60Co放射损伤小鼠骨髓细胞(P<001)和白细胞(P<001)。结论:健血升白冲剂对化学及放射损伤小鼠血液系统有明显的保护及改善作用。是一个有开发价值的药物。  相似文献   
Autoradiography of brain slices from 4 multiple sclerosis (MS) and 9 control patients was performed. After 6 weeks of exposure the exact picture of the white matter appeared on the X-ray films in all cases with MS, but only in one of the controls. The high level of autoradiographic signal from MS white matter suggests that an abnormal accumulation of radioactive trace elements takes place within the brains of MS victims.  相似文献   
Summary We report a case of a male patient suffering from a severe hemorrhagic radiation proctitis which gradually ceased with hyperbaric oxygen. We discuss the mechanisms of chronic radiation injury and the effect of the hyperbaric oxygen. This therapy is proposed as an alternative to surgical intervention for this abnormality.  相似文献   
Concern about short- and long-term ultraviolet radiation (particularly UVB) damage to the eye has led to increased research in this area. Numerous studies have confirmed the pathogenic enhancing roles of reflected ultraviolet (UV) and visible radiation in our environment. There is concern that conventional sunglasses do not protect the eye adequately from reflected rays (albedo), especially on the lateral aspect, from behind and from below. Using eye models and computer ray tracing methods, the pathways of oblique rays incident at the temporal peripheral cornea have been plotted by Maloof, Ho and Coroneo.1 These rays are refracted and focused and theoretically can result in up to 20 times the concentration of incident irradiance at the nasal anterior chamber angle and nasal equatorial cortex of the crystalline lens. The purpose of this study was to determine the limits of angular subtense of the incident peripheral light which is refracted in this manner in human subjects and to investigate the relation between corneal shape and certain ocular parameters to the limits. A statistically significant positive correlation was found between temporal entrance angle and anterior chamber depth (r = 0.70, P< 0.0006). The entrance angle ranged from 15 degrees to 30 degrees and was located 10 degrees to 45 degrees posterior to the coronal plane. Our results support Maloof and colleagues' predictions for the implication of focused peripheral UV and high intensity visible radiation in the pathogenesis of pterygium and cortical cataract and emphasise the need for lateral eye protection in conditions of high ultraviolet albedo.  相似文献   
Pulsed Nd-YAG laser irradiation of bacteria has been suggested as a possible means of treating contaminated intra-oral sites although relatively few studies have been conducted. In this investigation, the antimicrobial activity of a pulsed Nd-YAG laser was assessed in vitro for a range of oral bacteria using several pulse energies and exposure durations. Pure cultures of each organism were lased in saline suspensions followed by standard colony counting techniques for test and control samples. Microbial inhibition was found to be organism-dependent and varied with energy dose and pulse energy. For all nine test species 120-mJ laser pulses proved more efficient than 80-mJ pulses, with 99.9% kills compared with around 90% kills after exposure to 1800 pulses. These killing activity levels compare favourably with those achieved with other lasers in vitro.  相似文献   
Background Cosmetic changes are to be expected after radiotherapy for skin tumours. Objectives This study aimed to answer the questions: How frequent are cosmetic changes after soft X‐ray therapy? Do treatment parameters, tumour thickness, localization and size of the irradiated field have a major influence? Were patients irritated by the visual appearance of the irradiated field? Methods In total, 2474 examinations of 1149 irradiated fields were performed. Results Hypopigmentation was found in 64.7% of examinations more than 90 days after therapy, teleangiectases in 43.1%, erythema in 24.8%, and hyperpigmentation in 16.8%. The frequency of hypopigmentation, teleangiectases and hyperpigmentation increased with time from X‐ray exposure; more than 4 years after therapy hypopigmentation was diagnosed in 91.8% and teleangiectases in 82.2% of examinations. Total dose, the time–dose–fractionation factor (TDF), field size and dose per fraction were significantly related to the frequency of cosmetic changes. Incidence rates of cosmetic changes differed by less than 15% if different treatment conditions were compared: thicker vs. thinner tumours, larger vs. smaller fields, higher vs. lower total doses, doses per fraction, and TDF. Frequencies of hypopigmentation, teleangiectases, erythema and hyperpigmentation differed by more than 15% between some localizations on the head. Women reported irritation by the visual appearance of the irradiated field in 12.6% of 1116 interviews, and men in 4.4% of 1284 interviews. Conclusions Cosmetic changes after soft X‐ray therapy are relatively frequent. Treatment parameters, tumour thickness and field size have only a minor influence. Few patients, but more women than men, were irritated by the visual appearance of the irradiated field.  相似文献   
^125I放射微粒微创植入治疗前列腺癌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察^125I放射微粒植入对前列腺癌的治疗效果。方法对26例临床确诊为前列腺癌患者经皮穿刺在癌组织植入^125I放射微粒,每例平均36粒,术后复查肛诊、B超、影像学及血生化指标。结果患者植入治疗经过顺利,2例少量出血,留置导尿后愈合,3个月后经肛诊、直肠B超示结节缩小,前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)降低,多普勒超声显示结节内动脉收缩期最大血流速度(VS)、阻力指数(RI)及动脉搏动指数(PI)均明显下降。结论^125I放射微粒植入对前列腺癌的治疗安全性好、效果可靠。  相似文献   
The development of combined microwave‐enhanced/parallel synthesis procedures and their application to the deuteriation of organic compounds via examples of solid‐state hydrogenation is reported. Other labelling procedures, such as solution state catalytic dehalogenations, hydrogenations as well as hydrogen isotope exchange reactions also benefit from the combined technology. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Summary Thirty adult patients presenting with medulloblastoma between 1974 and 1991 were studied and treated at Puerta de Hierro Clinic. After diagnosis, all patients were treated by surgery followed by radiotherapy and eight of them received adjuvant chemotherapy. We have studied the influence of some factors such as age, sex, location of tumour in the cerebellum, amount of surgical resection and histological variants on survival and recurrence of the disease. Only the histological type has a statistically significant influence on survival and recurrence: we have found that patients presenting classic medulloblastoma have a long survival and a long relapse-free interval.  相似文献   
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