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Despite widespread use of radiofrequency (RF)-shrinkage, there have been no studies on the influence of RF-energy on neural elements of collagenous tissue. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of RF-shrinkage on neural structures of capsuloligamentous tissue and the recovery of neural elements under different postoperative treatment protocols. One patellar tendon of 46 New-Zealand-White rabbits was shrunk. Six rabbits were sacrificed immediately postoperative. Twenty rabbits were not immobilized, 10 were immobilized for 3 and 10 were immobilized for 6 weeks. A monoclonal antibody, specific against a neurofilament protein, was used to detect nerves and neural structures. Staining pattern of nerve fibres was significantly altered immediately postoperative. After 3 weeks the number of nerve fibres and bundles decreased significantly in immobilized and non-immobilized limbs. The loss of nerve fibres was significantly less in immobilized limbs. At 6 weeks the number of neural elements in immobilized limbs increased to the level of untreated control tissue. In non-immobilized limbs we found no recovery of neural elements 9 weeks postoperatively. At this time the number of nerve fibres and bundles was still significantly less compared to the untreated control limbs. RF-shrinkage causes significant alteration of neural elements. Under immobilization nerve fibres and bundles reach the level of normal untreated tissue. Careful rehabilitation is important after RF-shrinkage. Not only for biomechanical reasons, but also to allow the neural elements to recover, thermally modified tissue should be protected from normal physiologic loads.  相似文献   
Scleroderma is a chronic disease that has been associated with immune dysfunction. One of the oral manifestations is microsomia, a result of collagen deposition in the perioral tissues. The complexity of treating these patients includes limited mouth opening ability, and difficulty inserting and removing dentures due to finger deformity. This article will describe an appliance specially designed especially for scleroderma patients, which facilitates treatment of the patient with removable partial dentures (RPD).  相似文献   
Autoradiography of brain slices from 4 multiple sclerosis (MS) and 9 control patients was performed. After 6 weeks of exposure the exact picture of the white matter appeared on the X-ray films in all cases with MS, but only in one of the controls. The high level of autoradiographic signal from MS white matter suggests that an abnormal accumulation of radioactive trace elements takes place within the brains of MS victims.  相似文献   
Reports the case of a 60-year-old woman who underwent R2 total gastrectomy, and subsequent palliation of painful symptom recurrence via a membrane-covered metal stent. Received: 13 June 1996/Accepted: 31 July 1996  相似文献   
A low concentration of transition metal ions Co2+ and Ni2+ increases the inward current density in neurons from the land snail Helix aspersa. The currents were measured using a single electrode voltage-clamp/internal perfusion method under conditions in which the external Na+ was replaced by Tris+, the predominant external current carrying cation was Ca2+, and the internal perfusate contained 120 mM Cs+/0 K+; 30 mM tetraethylammonium (TEA) was added externally to block K+ current. In the presence of Co2+ (3 mM) or Ni2+ (0.5 mM) inward Ca2+ currents were stimulated normally by voltage-dependent activation of Ca2+ channels. There was a 5-10% decrease in the rate of rise of the inward current. The principal effect of Co2+ and Ni2+ in increasing the current density seems to be a decrease in the rate at which the inward currents decline during a depolarizing voltage pulse. The results may be due to a decrease in a voltage-dependent or Ca(2+)-dependent outward current and/or an inhibition of Ca2+ channel inactivation. Outward current under these conditions (zero internal K+) was significant and most likely due to Cs+ efflux through the voltage-activated or Ca(2+)-activated nonspecific cation channels. Co2+ is an extremely effective blocker of this outward current. These results are not an artifact of internal perfusion or the special ionic conditions. Intracellular recording of unperfused neurons in normal Helix Ringer's solution showed that the Ca(2+)-dependent action potential duration was increased significantly by low concentrations of Co2+. This result is consistant with the Co(2+)-dependent increase in inward (depolarizing) current seen in voltage-clamp experiments.  相似文献   
Transformation of a Drosophila virilis white mutant host strain was attempted using a hobo vector containing the D. melanogaster mini-white+ cassette (H[w+, hawN]) and an unmodified or heat shock regulated hobo transposase helper. Two transformant lines were recovered with the unmodified helper (HFL1), one containing only the white+ marked vector, and a sibling line containing the vector as well as an HFL1 helper integration. An approximate total transformation frequency of 1% is deduced. A high frequency of wing and eye morphology mutants were also observed, suggesting that hobo may have mobilized a related element in D. virilis. The data reaffirms a relatively low transformation vector activity for the hobo transposon in D. virilis; however, nearly full interspecific expression of the white+ marker supports its possible function in other species as well.  相似文献   
Anterior pituitary cells of the GH line, which secrete prolactin spontaneously, showed spontaneous action potential activity. Thyrotrophin releasing factor, which increases secretion in these cells, caused a prompt increase of action potential frequency. Potassium, another secretagogue, depolarized the cells and sometimes initiated a burst of action potentials at the onset of this effect. The action potentials persisted in tetrodotoxin-containing and Na-free media, but were suppressed by the Ca-channel blocker, methoxyverapamil. Moreover, elevating the extracellular Ca2+ concentration increased the amplitude of the action potentials. These action potentials therefore have a prominent Ca component. This endows them with a particular interest since secretory activity of these cells is known to be dependent on extracellular Ca2+. Ba2+, which can substitute for Ca2+ in maintaining secretion, also substituted for Ca2+ in the maintenance of the action potentials. In addition, Ba2+ prolonged action potentials remarkably: tetraethylammonium was less effective in this regard.The several parallels between known secretory behaviour and electrical phenomena encourage the view that analysis of electrical activity in anterior pituitary cells may provide useful clues to events involved in stimulus-secretion coupling and in the secretory control exerted by the brain.  相似文献   
A trace element preparation (Béres Drops Plus, BDP) produced immunomodulatory effects in previous in vitro and in vivo experiments. Here, C57B1/6 inbred mice were transplanted with either Lewis lung tumor or with B16 melanoma. BDP was given intraperitoneally a. before transplantation; b. after transplantation or c. after the removal of the primary tumor. As a result, BDP pretreatment could slow down the tumor progression by decreasing the number and the volume of metastases as well as the proportion of mice with metastases without influencing the growth of the primary tumors. Furthermore, BDP treatment improved the immunological activity of the tumor-bearing host, too. These preliminary data suggest that the parenteral administration of the practically non-toxic BDP could help to control tumor progression in experimental models.  相似文献   
采用原子吸收分光光度法,测定了78 例肾小球疾病患儿血清铜、锌、铁、镁4 种元素。结果显示,单纯性肾病组、肾炎性肾病组、紫癜性肾病组及肾炎组血清锌均显著低于正常组( P< 005),血清铁、镁与正常组比较无显著差异。单纯性肾病组,肾炎性肾病组血清铜显著低于正常组( P< 005)。提示血清铜、锌、铁、镁含量的变化与疾病发生和疾病状态有关。  相似文献   
本文对七种常应用于化妆品中的微量元素的功能、作用机理、研究现状作了较为详细的讨论。  相似文献   
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