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Chromium (Cr) has been used histologically to stabilize lipid fractions in the retina and is suggested to enhance oxidizable lipids in brain MRI. This study explored the feasibility, sensitivity, and specificity of in vivo chromium‐enhanced MRI of retinal lipids by determining its spatiotemporal profiles and toxic effect after intravitreal Cr(VI) injection to normal adult rats. One day after 3 μL Cr(VI) administration at 1–100 mM, the retina exhibited a dose‐dependent increase in T1‐weighted hyperintensity until 50 mM. Time‐dependently, significant T1‐weighted hyperintensity persisted up to 2 weeks after 10 mM Cr(VI) administration. Three‐dimensional chromium‐enhanced MRI of ex vivo normal eyes at isotropic 50‐μm resolution showed at least five alternating bands across retinal layers, with the outermost layer being the brightest. This agreed with histology indicating alternating lipid contents with the highest level in the photoreceptor layer of the outer retina. Although Cr(VI) reduction may induce oxidative stress and depolymerize microtubules, manganese‐enhanced MRI after chromium‐enhanced MRI showed a dose‐dependent effect of Cr toxicity on manganese uptake and axonal transport along the visual pathway. These results potentiated future longitudinal chromium‐enhanced MRI studies on retinal lipid metabolism upon further optimization of Cr doses with visual cell viability. Magn Reson Med, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Chronic elevated exposure to manganese (Mn) is associated with neurocognitive and fine motor deficits in children. However, relatively little is understood about cellular responses to Mn spanning the transition between physiologic to toxic levels of exposure. Here, we investigated the specificity, sensitivity, and time course of the Golgi Phosphoprotein 4 (GPP130) response to Mn exposure in AF5 GABAergic neuronal cells, and we determined the extent to which GPP130 degradation occurs in brain cells in vivo in rats subchronically exposed to Mn. Our results show that GPP130 degradation in AF5 cells was specific to Mn, and did not occur following exposure to cobalt, copper, iron, nickel, or zinc. GPP130 degradation occurred without measurable increases in intracellular Mn levels and at Mn exposures as low as 0.54 µM. GPP130 protein was detectable by immunofluorescence in only ~15–30% of cells in striatal and cortical rat brain slices, and Mn‐exposed animals exhibited a significant reduction in both the number of GPP130‐positive cells, and the overall levels of GPP130 protein, demonstrating the in vivo relevance of this Mn‐specific response within the primary target organ of Mn toxicity. These results provide insight into specific mechanism(s) of cellular Mn regulation and toxicity within the brain, including the selective susceptibility of cells to Mn cytotoxicity. Synapse 67:205–215, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Citrinin (CIT) is a mycotoxin found in foods and feeds and most commonly discovered in red yeast rice, a food additive made from ordinary rice by fermentation with Monascus. Currently, no enzyme is known to be able to degrade CIT effectively. In this study, it was discovered that manganese peroxidase (MrMnP) from Moniliophthora roreri could degrade CIT. The degradation appeared to be fulfilled by a combination of direct and indirect actions of the MrMnP with the CIT. Pure CIT, at a final concentration of 10 mg/L, was completely degraded by MrMnP within 72 h. One degradation product was identified to be dihydrocitrinone. The toxicity of the CIT-degradation product decreased, as monitored by the increased survival rate of the Caco-2 cells incubated with MrMnP-treated CIT. In addition, MrMnP could degrade CIT (with a starting concentration of up to 4.6 mg/L) completely contaminated in red yeast rice. MrMnP serves as an excellent candidate enzyme for CIT detoxification.  相似文献   
Dried mushrooms might be a source of mineral components, which are indispensable for human health. The aim of this study was to determine the contents of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and selenium (Se) in dried wild-grown mushrooms (Boletus edulis and Xerocomus badius) available for sale, and to evaluate these mushrooms’ contribution to the daily reference intake of the studied bioelements. The concentrations of mineral components in the mushroom samples were determined by the flame method (Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn) and the electrothermal (Se) atomic absorption spectrometry method. The mean Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn (in mg/kg), and Se concentrations (in µg/kg) in B. edulis were 82.1, 964.1, 233.4, 97.9, 25.3, 22.1, and 6501.6, respectively, whereas in X. badius: 67.5, 1060.2, 87.8, 197.2, 33.9, 19.8, and 282.4, respectively. We have shown that dried B. edulis can be considered a source of Se. In the case of the other microelements, the tested mushrooms may serve only as additional supplements. Therefore, the studied species of mushrooms cannot be regarded as potential nutritional sources of the macroelements in question. Consumers should be properly informed about this, which should be guaranteed by appropriate legal regulations.  相似文献   
Recovery of zinc and manganese from scrapped alkaline batteries were carried out in the following way: leaching in H2SO4 and selective precipitation of zinc and manganese by alkalization/neutralization. As a result of non-selective leaching, 95.6–99.7% Zn was leached and 83.7–99.3% Mn was leached. A critical technological parameter is the liquid/solid treatment (l/s) ratio, which should be at least 20 mL∙g−1. Selective leaching, which allows the leaching of zinc only, takes place with a leaching yield of 84.8–98.5% Zn, with minimal manganese co-leaching, 0.7–12.3%. The optimal H2SO4 concentration is 0.25 mol∙L−1. Precipitation of zinc and manganese from the solution after non-selective leaching, with the use of NaOH at pH = 13, and then with H2SO4 to pH = 9, turned out to be ineffective: the manganese concentrate contained 19.9 wt.% Zn and zinc concentrate, and 21.46 wt.% Mn. Better selectivity results were obtained if zinc was precipitated from the solution after selective leaching: at pH = 6.5, 90% of Zn precipitated, and only 2% manganese. Moreover, the obtained concentrate contained over 90% of ZnO. The precipitation of zinc with sodium phosphate and sodium carbonate is non-selective, despite its relatively high efficiency: up to 93.70% of Zn and 4.48–93.18% of Mn and up to 95.22% of Zn and 19.55–99.71% Mn, respectively for Na3PO4 and Na2CO3. Recovered zinc and manganese compounds could have commercial values with suitable refining processes.  相似文献   
目的:探讨用锰增强磁共振功能成像(ME-MRI)检测大脑功能活动的可能性,为示踪移植神经干细胞(NSCs)在创伤性脑损伤大鼠脑内的功能作铺垫。方法:A组正常SD大鼠静脉缓慢输注四水合氯化锰(MnCl2·4H2O),用甘露醇开放其一侧血脑屏障,然后电刺激其对侧肢体,即刻行T1加权MRI扫描;同时比较C组未开放血脑屏障、D组未行肢体电刺激和应用钙通道阻断剂的ME-MRI图像。结果:仅静脉输注MnCl2·4H2O、开放血脑屏障和行电刺激的T1加权MRI上体感皮质区表现出高信号。结论:ME-MRI可在体评估大脑功能活动,并为移植NSCs在创伤性脑损伤大鼠脑内的功能评价提供依据。  相似文献   
This review focuses on the therapeutic effects and mechanisms of action of NAP (davunetide), an eight amino acid snippet derived from activity-dependent neuroprotective protein (ADNP) which was discovered in our laboratory. We have recently described the effects of NAP in neurodegenerative disorders, and we now review the beneficial effects of NAP and other microtubule-stabilizing agents on impairments in axonal transport. Experiments in animal models of microtubule-deficiency including tauopathy (spanning from drosophila to mammals) showed protection of axonal transport by microtubule-stabilizers and NAP, which was coupled to motor and cognitive protection. Clinical trials with NAP (davunetide) are reviewed paving the path to future developments.  相似文献   
The fungal secondary metabolite patulin is a mycotoxin widespread in foods and beverages which poses a serious threat to human health. However, no enzyme was known to be able to degrade this mycotoxin. For the first time, we discovered that a manganese peroxidase (MrMnP) from Moniliophthora roreri can efficiently degrade patulin. The MrMnP gene was cloned into pPICZα(A) and then the recombinant plasmid was transformed into Pichia pastoris X-33. The recombinant strain produced extracellular manganese peroxidase with an activity of up to 3659.5 U/L. The manganese peroxidase MrMnP was able to rapidly degrade patulin, with hydroascladiol appearing as a main degradation product. Five mg/L of pure patulin were completely degraded within 5 h. Moreover, up to 95% of the toxin was eliminated in a simulated patulin-contaminated apple juice after 24 h. Using Escherichia coli as a model, it was demonstrated that the deconstruction of patulin led to detoxification. Collectively, these traits make MrMnP an intriguing candidate useful in enzymatic detoxification of patulin in foods and beverages.  相似文献   
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