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The lack of stable housing can impair access and continuity of care for patients living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This study investigated the relationship between housing status assessed at multiple time points and several core HIV-related outcomes within the same group of HIV patients experiencing homelessness. Patients with consistently stable housing (CSH) during the year were compared to patients who lacked CSH (non-CSH group). The study outcomes included HIV viral load (VL), CD4 counts, and health care utilization. Multivariable and propensity weighted analyses were used to assess outcomes adjusting for potential group differences. Of 208 patients, 88 (42%) had CSH and 120 (58%) were non-CSH. Patients with CSH had significantly higher proportion of VL suppression and higher mean CD4 counts. The frequency of nurse visits in the CSH group was less than a half of that in the non-CSH group. Patients with CSH were less likely to be admitted to the medical respite facility, and if admitted, their length of stay was about a half of that for the non-CSH group. Our study findings show that patients with CSH had significantly better HIV virologic control and immune status as well as improved health care utilization.  相似文献   
Clinical decisions are often made with incomplete information, yet patient care decisions are made every day. Patients vary clinically, uncertainty exists in diagnostic and prognostic information, and many preventive and treatment alternatives have not been formally assessed for their effectiveness. Because scientific information will never answer all clinical questions, clinical decisions are partially based on probabilistic information.
This paper describes how to apply clinical decision making to diagnosing and managing dental caries and periodontal diseases. By using explicit information to quantify probabilities and outcomes, clinical decision making analyzes decisions made under uncertain conditions and the uncertain impact of clinical information.
Clinical decision making incorporates concepts for preventing, diagnosing and treating dental caries and periodontal diseases: risk assessment, evidence-based dentistry, and multiple oral health outcomes. This information can serve as a tool for clinicians to augment clinical judgment and expertise.  相似文献   
Entering the postmodern world in which society is confronting crossroads, paradoxes, and complexity, the health care system is encountering a transformation more comprehensive and revolutionary than has ever been seen before. Analysis of the state of nursing vis a vis these transformations indicates that the current paradigm does not ensure the existence of the profession in the postmodern health care system. That is because of increased difficulties in consolidating the economic and quality issues into the core of nursing, and in understanding the complexity inherent in health related situations.  相似文献   
This paper reports the proceedings of the discussion panel assigned to look at clinical aspects of quality in emergency medicine. One of the seven stated objectives of the Academic Emergency Medicine consensus conference on quality in emergency medicine was to educate emergency physicians regarding quality measures and quality improvement as essential aspects of the practice of emergency medicine. Another topic of interest was a discussion of the value of information technology in facilitating quality care in the clinical practice of emergency medicine. It is important to note that this is not intended to be a comprehensive review of this extensive topic, but instead is designed to report the discussion that occurred at this session of the consensus conference.  相似文献   
Abstract— Biomedical determinants of dental caries have been more extensively investigated than psychosocial factors and their impact on caries prevalence and incidence seems to be greater. However, a majority of these investigations relate to children and adolescents. An implementation of social and psychologic variables may be more relevant regarding dental caries in adults. In addition, a multidisciplinary approach might improve our understanding of dental caries as a multifactorial disease and bridge the gap between a biomedical concept and a more holistic approach to dental health.  相似文献   
AIMS: Screening for diabetic retinopathy (DR) is highly inadequate in France because of insufficient infrastructure and increasing disease prevalence. We describe the results of the first systematic DR screening programme established in a university diabetes department. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study conducted over 1 year, consecutive adult patients underwent three-field retinal photography with the Topcon TRC NW6S digital fundus camera following pupillary dilatation with Tropicamide 1%. A questionnaire provided information on patients' systemic and ocular history. Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) was measured at the screening visit.Two ophthalmologists graded the retinal photographs in a masked fashion. RESULTS: Of 1157 patients attending the diabetes department, 1153 (99.7%)underwent photographic screening. Images were gradable in 96% patients.Diabetic retinopathy was detected in 522 (45%) patients and sight-threatening DR in 167 (14%). Of 704 (61%) patients previously believed to have no DR,254 (34%) screened positive. The presence of DR was associated with age,insulin use and non-Caucasian ethnicity in Type 2 patients, and with duration of diabetes and HbA1c in Type 1 and Type 2 patients. Associated ocular pathologies were diagnosed in 612 (53%) patients. CONCLUSIONS: Our photographic screening programme using pharmacological mydriasis provided a high screening coverage feasible in a hospital setting. We obtained information regarding prevalence and associated risk factors of DR inpatients attending a tertiary care centre. Screening was well accepted by patients and met with no protest from city ophthalmologists. It generated considerable interest among endocrinologists and feedback of results is expected to improve optimization of glycaemic control.  相似文献   
The present paper deals with a Finnish long-term prospective study, the objective of which is to shed light on adjustment to retirement and old age. In this phase, only the preliminary findings of the initial survey carried out in 1982 are available. For the purposes of the study, a random sample of 200 individuals was drawn from among Turku inhabitants born in 1920. Another sample, consisting of 189 persons of the same age, was drawn from rural municipalities in the neighborhood of Turku. An extensive structured psychosocial interview could be conducted with a total of 339 subjects. The research methods used included e.g. the 36-item version of Goldberg's General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). Relatively little mental disturbance was revealed in the interview, and no major differences occurred between the urban and the rural sample. Somewhat over one-third of both samples were probable psychiatric cases as defined according to the GHQ.  相似文献   
Currently available approaches for the design of occupational case-control studies are reviewed. An accompanying paper reviews methods of analysis. We commence by drawing a distinction between cohort-based and registry-based studies. Methods for selecting cases and controls are then reviewed, including cumulative incidence and incidence density sampling, matching, sources of controls, and issues in control selection. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of the case-control approach are summarized.  相似文献   
PROBLEM: Recent developments in providing care to children with emotional and behavioral disorders, especially those with serious emotional disturbance, have included the establishment of systems of care. Guided by a set of principles and values, these systems of care have organized and delivered services to children and families with complex needs. To date, nurses have not had a salient role in systems of care. RESULTS: It is estimated that 20% of American children and adolescents have an emotional or mental disorder. As many as two thirds of these children are not receiving services. Systems of care have been funded to provide services for these children, particularly for the most severely affected. To date, nursing has not had a prominent role in these systems of care. CONCLUSIONS: Based on their knowledge, skills, and holistic approach to care, nurses could better integrate nursing care into systems of care. Possible roles as case managers, primary therapists, in-home interventionists, and in educational programs are suggested.  相似文献   
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