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AimsCurrent follow-up for head and neck cancer (HNC) is ineffective, expensive and fails to address patients' needs. The PETNECK2 trial will compare a new model of patient-initiated follow-up (PIFU) with routine scheduled follow-up. This article reports UK clinicians' views about HNC follow-up and PIFU, to inform the trial design.Materials and methodsOnline focus groups with surgeons (ear, nose and throat/maxillofacial), oncologists, clinical nurse specialists and allied health professionals. Clinicians were recruited from professional bodies, mailing lists and personal contacts. Focus groups explored views on current follow-up and acceptability of the proposed PIFU intervention and randomised controlled trial design (presented by the study co-chief investigator), preferences, margins of equipoise, potential organisational barriers and thoughts about the content and format of PIFU. Data were interpreted using inductive thematic analysis.ResultsEight focus groups with 34 clinicians were conducted. Clinicians highlighted already known limitations with HNC follow-up – lack of flexibility to address the wide-ranging needs of HNC patients, expense and lack of evidence – and agreed that follow-up needs to change. They were enthusiastic about the PETNECK2 trial to develop and evaluate PIFU but had concerns that PIFU may not suit disengaged patients and may aggravate patient anxiety/fear of recurrence and delay detection of recurrence. Anticipated issues with implementation included ensuring a reliable route back to clinic and workload burden on nurses and allied health professionals.ConclusionsClinicians supported the evaluation of PIFU but voiced concerns about barriers to help-seeking. An emphasis on patient engagement, psychosocial issues, symptom reporting and reliable, quick routes back to clinic will be important. Certain patient groups may be less suited to PIFU, which will be evaluated in the trial. Early, meaningful, ongoing engagement with clinical teams and managers around the trial rationale and recruitment process will be important to discourage selective recruitment and address risk-averse behaviour and potential workload burden.  相似文献   
目的:探讨尿酸性肾病中医分型与氧化应激相关性。方法:采用回顾性分析方法对2017年12月至2019年9月北京中医药大学第三附属医院收治的尿酸性肾病患者105例进行研究,选择同时期正常健康者105例作为对照,参考《中药新药临床研究指导原则》将105例尿酸性肾病和临床常见证型相结合,分成脾肾气虚18例、气阴两虚证19例、肝肾阴虚16例、阴阳两虚12例、湿热蕴结19例、瘀血阻滞17例、痰浊内阻13例,均在入院次日清晨空腹抽取静脉血,检测氧化应激氧化应激、肾功能损害指标,比较不同组别在氧化应激指标含量水平变化情况,比较中医分型和氧化应激、肾功能损害指标水平变化。结果:1)尿酸性肾病组总抗氧化能力(T-ACO)、晚期蛋白氧化物(AOPP)、血清丙二醇(MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)含量水平分别为(19.45±3.42)U/mL、(42.45±3.53)μmol/L、(4.52±1.23)nmol/L、(76.78±5.64)U/mL,正常对照组则分别为(10.76±1.31)U/mL、(20.84±1.28)μmol/L、(2.13±0.76)nmol/L、(130.85±16.75)U/mL,尿酸性肾病组T-ACO、AOPP、MDA较正常对照组显著偏高,SOD显著偏低(P<0.05)。2)虚证中阴阳两虚证SOD含量上较其他证型均偏低,而MDA、T-AOC、AOPP、胱抑素C(CysC)、β2微球蛋白、尿微量白蛋白(UMALB)、蛋白尿发生率则较其他证型均偏高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),实证中瘀血阻滞证SOD含量较其他证型均偏低,而MDA、T-AOC、AOPP则较其他证型均偏高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:尿酸性肾病中医分型的阴阳两虚证、瘀血阻滞证氧化应激水平、肾损害指标均显著升高,可结合该实验室检查进行临床干预。  相似文献   
持续追踪与分析全国中医药健康文化知识普及情况变化趋势,为制定中医药健康文化知识普及有关政策、策略和措施提供科学依据。该研究采用分层多阶段结合随机抽样方法,对全国(不包含西藏自治区和港、澳、台地区)30个省(自治区、直辖市)328个调查点15~69岁常住人口进行入户调查。研究采用《2017年全国中医药健康文化知识普及情况调查问卷》对调查对象接触、认知、信任和使用中医药健康文化知识的情况进行问卷调查。该研究共调查89 107人,有效问卷87 287份,有效率97.96%;其中城市人口占51.35%,农村人口占48.65%;男性占48.25%,女性占51.75%。2017年全国中医药健康文化知识普及率91.72%,阅读率89.61%,信任率89.60%,行动率55.53%。研究发现,年轻群体、高文化程度居民、未患慢性病群体的中医药健康文化知识普及情况更优。建议加强针对重点地区、重点人群的中医药健康文化普及工作,针对不同地区人群开展差异化中医药健康教育,内容与形式相结合,打好大众媒体组合拳。  相似文献   

Undocumented Mexican immigrants have had to regularly confront a prohibiting health care system despite alienation, marginalization, and the threat of deportation. In this article, I explore the impact of political exclusion and alienating discourses on the health habitus of undocumented Mexican mothers through the narrative of one mother, Marta Garza, who finds herself at the painful intersection of political and medical alienation. Marta’s narrative reflects an analytical framework that centers undocumented motherhood as a space of necessary resilience and strain, wherein she is forced to advocate for her children’s health despite prohibitive barriers and dangerous potential consequences.  相似文献   
This study aimed to evaluate changes in sleep during the COVID‐19 outbreak, and used data‐driven approaches to identify distinct profiles of changes in sleep‐related behaviours. Demographic, behavioural and psychological factors associated with sleep changes were also investigated. An online population survey assessing sleep and mental health was distributed between 3 April and 24 June 2020. Retrospective questions were used to estimate temporal changes from before to during the outbreak. In 5,525 Canadian respondents (67.1% females, 16–95 years old: Mean ± SD = 55.6 ± 16.3 years), wake‐up times were significantly delayed relative to pre‐outbreak estimates (p < .001,  = 0.04). Occurrences of clinically meaningful sleep difficulties significantly increased from 36.0% before the outbreak to 50.5% during the outbreak (all p < .001, g ≥ 0.27). Three subgroups with distinct profiles of changes in sleep behaviours were identified: “Reduced Time in Bed”, “Delayed Sleep” and “Extended Time in Bed”. The “Reduced Time in Bed” and “Delayed Sleep” subgroups had more adverse sleep outcomes and psychological changes during the outbreak. The emergence of new sleep difficulties was independently associated with female sex, chronic illnesses, being employed, family responsibilities, earlier wake‐up times, higher stress levels, as well as heavier alcohol use and television exposure. The heterogeneity of sleep changes in response to the pandemic highlights the need for tailored interventions to address sleep problems.  相似文献   
While the beneficial impact of physical activity has been ascertained in a variety of pathological scenarios, including diabetes and low-grade systemic inflammation, its potential remains still putative for periodontal health. Periodontal disease has been associated with inflammatory systemic alterations, which share a common denominator with type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. Physical exercise, along with nutritional counseling, is a cornerstone in the treatment and prevention of type 2 diabetes, also able to reduce the prevalence of periodontal disease and cardiovascular risk. In addition, considering the higher incidence of periodontitis in patients with type 2 diabetes compared to healthy controls, the fascinating research question would be whether physical activity could relieve the inflammatory pressure exerted by the combination of these two diseases. This multi-disciplinary viewpoint discusses available literature in order to argument the hypothesis of a “three–way relationship” linking diabetes, periodontitis, and physical activity.  相似文献   


Life expectancy of people with severe mental illness (SMI) is greatly shortened compared to the general population, and despite extensive research, this issue is unsolved. Although it is widely recognised that people with SMI need support from health care services to manage health related issues, profound health inequalities exist within provision of health care. The aim of this study was to examine how mental health care professionals accounted for their actions and responsibilities related to managing physical health issues among people with SMI.


Three focus groups were conducted with 22 mental health care professionals, employed at three mental health care locations. Participants' situated accounts were subjected to discourse analysis.


Participants accounted for actions and responsibilities in three typical ways; 1) by positioning people with SMI as difficult to motivate and actively resisting intervention, 2) by positioning people with SMI as so impaired that intervention was futile, and 3) by arguing they are undertreated for physical conditions and might have physical illnesses that staff are not aware of because of prominent mental illness. These discursive strategies seemed to legitimise situations where participants described not responding to physical health issues, and to downplay potential trouble in situations where participants described not succeeding in facilitating lifestyle changes or promoting compliance to treatment of physical conditions.

Discussion and conclusion

Mental health care professionals need to increase their awareness of latent discriminating attitudes towards people with SMI. Such attitudes are suggested to reinforce barriers for people with SMI receiving physical health care.  相似文献   


Revision total joint arthroplasty (TJA) is associated with increased readmissions, complications, and expense compared to primary TJA. Bundled payment methods have been used to improve value of care in primary TJA, but little is known of their impact in revision TJA patients. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of a care redesign for a bundled payment model for primary TJA on quality metrics for revision patients, despite absence of a targeted intervention for revisions.


We compared quality metrics for all revision TJA patients including readmission rate, use of post–acute care facility after discharge, length of stay, and cost, between the year leading up to the redesign and the 2 years following its implementation. Changes in the primary TJA group over the same time period were also assessed for comparison.


Despite a volume increase of 37% over the study period, readmissions declined from 8.9% to 5.8%. Use of post–acute care facilities decreased from 42% to 24%. Length of stay went from 4.84 to 3.92 days. Cost of the hospital episode declined by 5%.


Our health system experienced a halo effect from our bundled payment-influenced care redesign, with revision TJA patients experiencing notable improvements in several quality metrics, though not as pronounced as in the primary TJA population. These changes benefitted the patients, the health system, and the payers. We attribute these positive changes to an altered institutional mindset, resulting from an invested and aligned care team, with active physician oversight over the care episode.  相似文献   
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