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Key words:anTraditional Chinese Medicine has been used to treat various diseases in Chinathousands of years before the introduction of Western Medicine and practices.Inrecent years it has also been used to treat the immunological infertility caused byAs A…  相似文献   
Although the prevalence of a learned voiding dysfunction and non-neurogenic neurogenic bladder (NNB), which is one type of dysfunctional elimination syndrome, is considered to be relatively rare, the association of NNB with Down syndrome (DS) has been elucidated in male patients. We herein describe the occurrence of NNB in an adult female with DS. The diagnosis was confirmed after completely ruling out any neurological or anatomical anomalies that could be related to a lower urinary tract dysfunction. She had renal dysfunction and multiple obstructive uropathies for which clean intermittent catheterization was successfully introduced.  相似文献   
A cross-sectional survey on respiratory health in swine producers showed that 30% of 301 examined men usually used a dust mask when working inside a barn. They did not differ significantly from dust mask nonusers in respect to respiratory symptoms and lung function. This analysis was undertaken to determine whether the respiratory health of dust mask users was associated with reasons why they had started individual respiratory protection. The subjects were recontacted in order to identify those who started using a mask to deliberately prevent symptoms (42 men) and those who started protection because of pre-existing respiratory symptoms (44 men). Not unexpectedly, betweengroup comparisons of respiratory symptoms and lung function suggest that swine producers who wear dust masks for preventive purposes have better respiratory health than those who wear dust masks because of symptoms or those who do not use individual respiratory protection. The individual reasons for starting dust mask usage should be examined among potential determinants of the outcomes of prospective studies which can then provide more valid assessment of the effect of individual respiratory protection. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
自1988年1月~1993年12月我院共分娩10124例,双胎82例。结果表明:双胎组早产,妊高征、贫血、胎膜早破、产后出血和围产儿死亡率明显高于单胎组,为此提出:①有双胎家族史、由药物诱导排卵的孕妇、孕吐严重、先兆流产和子宫大于停经月份者应作B超检查,有助于双胎的早期诊断。②妊娠32周以后,双胎孕妇应连续卧床休息,注意营养,治疗合并症,对减少早产、增加新生儿体重和降低围产儿死亡率有重要意义。  相似文献   
The various causative and mechanistic phenomena associated with aneuploidy induction require considerable investigation to better understand the etiology of chromosome missegregation. We investigated the potential of vinblastine sulfate, pyrimethamine, diethylstilbestrol diphosphate, and chloral hydrate to induce numerical and structural chromosome changes in female mouse germ cells. Superovulated ICR mice were administered the compounds either by intraperitoneal injection or oral gavage, and oocytes were collected and processed for cytogenetic analysis 17 hr later. Vinblastine sulfate, administered i.p., induced a significant increase in the frequency of ovulated Ml oocytes and of hyperploid Mll oocytes compared to controls, but did not increase the frequency of structural aberrations. Pyrimethamine, diethylstilbestrol diphosphate, and chloral hydrate did not increase the frequency of numerical or structural chromosome changes in female mouse germ cells. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The pressure variations at the maximal urethral closure pressure (MUCP) were continuously recorded in healthy female volunteers by means of a two-point microtip transducer catheter for one hour. Before the investigation a normal voiding was assured objectively and bladder instability was excluded. All women showed pressure variations both at the MUCP and more distally. The pressure variations, from 3 to 66 cm H2O, showed rhythmicity and three frequency ranges could be identified. Slow pressure waves with a frequency of one in eight to 19 minutes were observed. Relatively fast-pressure waves were observed (one every one to four minutes) and relatively fast-frequency pressure waves were observed (rate: one to eight per minute). The pressure variations of the urethra seem to be an aspect of normal urethral physiology possibly contributing to continence and urinary tract infection prevention.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The complaint of chronic hair loss frequently affects female subjects and there is little or no objective technology available in the general dermatology or even in the hair clinics to guide the observer in the management of the patient. The purpose of this report is to share the results of refined hair growth measurements that were collected in 92 female subjects complaining about hair loss. METHODS: Clinically they were classified as having a patterned hair loss according to Ludwig (L; n=50), diffuse hair loss (D; n=13) or no visible hair loss but complaining of hair shedding (N; n=29). Two scalp sites on the top of the head and one occipital site were investigated after clipping by close-up photography before and after a hair dye (contrast enhancement, CE). Forty-eight hours later a new photograph was taken after CE in view of phototrichogram analysis (CE-PTG). Finally a last hair clip was performed 30 days later and hair thickness and length determined for linear growth measurements (LHGR). RESULTS: Herein we confirm that the top of the head shows usually a higher hair density than occipital sites, a physiological observation that applies both to men and women. From the technological perspective, we also document that CE improves hair detection in all sites. Interestingly, in affected patients (L and D) the relative increase of hair counts after CE was much higher (range +22.4% to +28.3%) compared with apparently unaffected females (N; range +8.2% to +9.7%). This increase in hair counts was only due in part to the presence of less pigmented thinning hair (thickness less than 40 microm). Such thin hairs were found in statistically significantly higher proportions in younger patients with mildly severe (grade I) patterned alopecia (Ludwig: L). In other patients with hair loss and in more severe forms of patterned alopecia - especially in older patients - the thin hair is not detected in abnormal proportions. In all sites slower growth rates and decreased anagen percentages indicate a defective hair replacement programme distinguishing L patterns from diffuse hair loss and from apparently unaffected patients complaining of chronic hair loss. Globally, we also noted that increasing age is associated with significant regression of scalp hair (decreased hair counts, thinner hair and slower LHGR). CONCLUSION: On the basis of the present data together with female data from the literature and our own studies in male subjects, we suggest a three-step mechanism leading to hair loss 1.Shortening of growth phase the hair cycle with maintained thick hair, i.e. more frequent hair cycling that leads to more hair shedding. 2.Intermittent production of short thin hair, i.e. morphological evidence of miniaturisation. 3.Very occasional or almost no hair production, i.e. dormant follicles or irreversible follicular atrophy. Depending on the genetic background, hormonal microenvironment in the scalp and conditioning of individual hair follicle bio-responses, female and male patterned hair loss may end up into different phenotypes.  相似文献   
The impact of obesity on female reproductive function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Obesity may be described as the new worldwide epidemic, and its serious impact on morbidity and mortality are well known. As more and more women become obese, the reproductive problems associated with obesity present an ever-growing challenge to physicians involved in their fertility care. The spectrum of reproductive problems associated with obesity encompasses a wide range of disorders including infertility problems, miscarriage and pregnancy complications. In this review, we aim to discuss the impact of obesity on the various aspects of female reproductive function with focus on the clinical aspects of fertility problems in obese women. We finally comment on the available therapeutic options available to this group of women.  相似文献   
In a group of 43 smelter workers exposed to inorganic arsenic dust for 13-45 years, nerve conduction velocities (NCVs) were significantly lower in two peripheral nerves as compared with matching referents. With multivariate data analysis, a significant negative correlation was found between cumulative absorption of arsenic and NCV in four examined nerves and the sural amplitude. Clinical symptoms of neuropathy and other symptoms related to arsenic exposure were moderate, though the difference between the groups was significant. The mean total absorption of arsenic was calculated to be less than 5 g, and the maximal absorption about 20 g. These data indicate that the adverse effect of arsenic on the peripheral nerves is dependent on long-term exposure rather than on short-term fluctuations in exposure levels. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide and estrogen have been shown to play a critical role in the control of female reproductive function. In order to determine an anatomical relationship between nitric oxide generating neurons and estrogen target neurons, NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry was combined with estrogen receptor immunohistochemistry in the female medial preoptic area. While only a few weakly stained neurons for NADPH-diaphorase were found in ovariectomized control rats, a drastic increase in NADPH-diaphorase activity was observed in the medial preoptic nucleus of estradiol-treated ovariectomized animals. The total number of NADPH-diaphorase neurons in the estradiol-treated group increased three-fold relative to controls, and more than 80% of those neurons contained estrogen receptor-immunoreactivity in their nuclei. Since neuronal NADPH-diaphorase is nitric oxide synthase, the present result suggests that nitric oxide synthase activity can be positively regulated by estradiol in neurons containing estrogen receptor in the female medial preoptic nucleus.  相似文献   
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