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This paper reports the proceedings of the discussion panel assigned to look at clinical aspects of quality in emergency medicine. One of the seven stated objectives of the Academic Emergency Medicine consensus conference on quality in emergency medicine was to educate emergency physicians regarding quality measures and quality improvement as essential aspects of the practice of emergency medicine. Another topic of interest was a discussion of the value of information technology in facilitating quality care in the clinical practice of emergency medicine. It is important to note that this is not intended to be a comprehensive review of this extensive topic, but instead is designed to report the discussion that occurred at this session of the consensus conference.  相似文献   
Many people die in emergency departments (EDs) across the United States from sudden illnesses or injuries, an exacerbation of a chronic disease, or a terminal illness. Frequently, patients and families come to the ED seeking lifesaving or life-prolonging treatment. In addition, the ED is a place of transition-patients usually are transferred to an inpatient unit, transferred to another hospital, or discharged home. Rarely are patients supposed to remain in the ED. Currently, there is an increasing amount of literature related to end-of-life care. However, these end-of-life care models are based on chronic disease trajectories and have difficulty accommodating sudden-death trajectories common in the ED. There is very little information about end-of-life care in the ED. This article explores ED culture and characteristics, and examines the applicability of current end-of-life care models.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: It is well described that unilateral pelviureteric junction obstruction (PUJO) is a benign condition, because the dilatation resolves spontaneously and the function does not decrease in most of the kidneys. However, there is exceptional PUJO that requires emergent treatment in neonatal periods. The aim of this article is to report the urological emergency and management in neonates with PUJO. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nine children (seven boys and two girls) with PUJO who underwent neonatal emergent treatment during the last 13 years were reviewed. Renal function was evaluated according to decay curve of serum creatinine (SCr) levels corresponding to gestational age (GA) at delivery. Physical examination, ultrasonographic monitoring, and chest and abdominal plain radiographs were repeated in each neonate. RESULTS: Eight patients were detected prenatally. In five patients, multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK) was demonstrated on the contralateral side. Three patients underwent percutaneous puncture of fetal hydronephrosis. Decrease of amniotic fluid was evident in three fetuses. Indications for emergent treatment included mass effect from hydronephrosis in three patients, renal dysfunction in five, and severe urinary tract infection in one. During neonatal periods, a percutaneous nephrostomy tube was placed in seven, and open nephrostomy in one with anorectal malformation. Repeated punctures of the dilated renal pelvis were done in one patient. Renal function after pyeloplasty was stable in eight patients, while it was moderately decreased in one who was associated with oligohydramnios in utero. CONCLUSION: Indications for emergent treatment in neonates with PUJO included mass effect from giant hydronephrosis, renal dysfunction and severe urinary tract infection. At birth, respiratory and circulatory conditions must first be stabilized. In neonates with hydronephrosis of the solitary kidney or severe bilateral PUJO, serial SCr should be monitored to evaluate renal function. Decrease of amniotic fluid suggested renal functional compromise that would not recover after urological management.  相似文献   
In the emergency department, photography requires an expedient, portable, adaptable, and relatively simple camera system to take advantage of fleeting opportunities for recording visually educational material. These prerequisites are different from those for traditional medical photography, for which relatively plentiful time and advanced equipment are routinely available. Medical photography departments provide an invaluable service, but are rarely convenient for immediate or spontaneous emergency. department photographs. Although no single system or technique is optimal in all these areas, the authors find certain components and approaches work well. They review photographic equipment, paying attention to speed, ease of use, and quality of output. They also review simple techniques such as film choice, lighting, close-up photography, standardization, copy work, and radiographs. Attention to these details can help the inexperienced photographer obtain a system and begin to enjoy the rewards of effective photography in the emergency department.  相似文献   
The use of anaesthesiologists in prehospital emergency care is controversial. We wanted to assess the impact of an anaesthesiologist and a short time interval from acceptance of a mission to take–off at survival rates in a rural/urban emergency medical service. Prospectively registered data for 991 consecutive patients through a 12–month period were retrospectively evaluated by an independent foreign expert. Of all primary missions, 3.3% were considered probably lifesaving from site of injury to receiving hospital. Of these, the lifesaving result in 50% were dependent on both the qualifications of the anaesthesiologist and a short response time. Survival from hospital admission to discharge was 44%. All patients were discharged to their own homes, able to live a fully functional life. The consistent use of anaesthesiologists compared to less qualified personnel and the maintaining of response times below presently required minima doubles the potential for lives saved in services comparable to the one studied.  相似文献   
To explore medical students' use of computer tutorials embedded in a busy clinical setting; to demonstrate that such tutorials can increase knowledge gain over and above that attributable to the clinical rotation itself.
Six tutorials were installed on a computer placed in a central area in an emergency department. Each tutorial was made up of between 33 and 85 screens of information that include text, graphics, animations, and questions. They were designed to be brief (10 minutes), focused, interactive, and immediately relevant. The authors evaluated the intervention using quantitative research methods, including usage tracking, surveys of faculty and students, and a randomized pretest-posttest study.
Over 46 weeks, 95 medical students used the tutorials 544 times, for an overall average of 1.7 times a day. The median time spent on completed tutorials was 11 minutes (average [SD], 14 [±12] minutes). Seventy-four students completed the randomized study. They completed 65% of the assigned tutorials, resulting in improved examination scores compared with the control (effect size, 0.39; 95% confidence interval = 0.15 to 0.62). Students were positively disposed to the tutorials, ranking them as "valuable." Fifty-four percent preferred the tutorials to small group teaching sessions with a preceptor. The faculty was also positive about the tutorials, although they did not appear to integrate the tutorials directly into their teaching.
Medical students on rotation in a busy clinical setting can and will use appropriately presented computer tutorials. The tutorials are effective in raising examination scores.  相似文献   
Droperidol (DROP) is used in the emergency department (ED) for sedation, analgesia, and its antiemetic effect. Its ED safety profile has not yet been reported in patients (pts). OBJECTIVES: To document the use of DROP in high-risk pts (those with head injury, alcohol or cocaine intoxication, and/or remote or recent seizures), and to determine the number of serious and minor adverse events (AEs)-seizures, hypotension, extrapyramidal side effects (EPSEs)-after DROP. METHODS: The ED database (EmSTAT) was queried to determine who received intramuscular or intravenous DROP in the ED in 1998; further chart review was done if the patient was considered high risk for or had experienced an AE. Multiple regression analysis using a random-effects model determined the significance of each variable in the occurrence of AEs. RESULTS: 2,468 patients (aged 20 months to 98 years; 112 < or =17 years; 141 > or =66 years) received DROP for agitation (n = 1,357), pain (1,135), anxiety (99), vomiting (173), or other reasons (50). There were 945 pts considered high risk; 933 charts were reviewed (DROP mean dose 4.1 +/- 2.0 mg); of these, 50 patient visits did not meet the criteria for high risk. There were 622 pts with head trauma (401 with alcohol use), including 47 with computed tomography (CT) scans positive for brain injury, 64 with cocaine use, and 197 with recent or remote seizures (137 with alcohol use). Minor AEs such as transient hypotension occurred in 96 pts after DROP (73 with alcohol use); 20 received intravenous fluids, while an additional 28 pts (8 with alcohol use) received rescue medications for EPSEs. Six possible serious AEs occurred in pts with serious comorbidities; 2 cases of respiratory depression, 3 post-DROP seizures, and 1 cardiac arrest (resuscitated) 11 hours after DROP in a cocaine-intoxicated pt (normal QT interval). There was no significant difference among high-risk groups in the occurrence of AEs. CONCLUSIONS: The vast majority of pts who received DROP in the ED did not experience an AE. A few serious AEs were noted following DROP in patients with serious comorbidities; it is not clear that DROP was causative.  相似文献   
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