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BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Laser-induced autofluorescence spectroscopy provides excellent possibilities for medical diagnostics of different tissue pathologies including cancer. However, to create the whole picture of pathological changes, investigators collect spectral information from patients in vivo or they study different tumor models to obtain objective information for fluorescent properties of every kind of healthy and diseased tissue. Therefore, it is very important to find the most appropriate, and close to the human skin, animal samples from the fluorescence point of view, which will allow the extrapolation of the animal data to human spectroscopic diagnostics. METHODS: In the present work, we examined the autofluorescence properties of different animal skin tissues, which are considered as the most common skin models. A nitrogen laser was used as an excitation source. Samples of healthy mouse, chicken and pig skin in vivo and/or ex vivo were studied and were compared with results obtained from investigations of healthy human skin in vivo. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Specific features of the recorded spectra are discussed and the possible origin of the obtained fluorescence signals is proposed. Quantitative evaluation of data extrapolation for each skin type is also depicted.  相似文献   
A cross-sectional survey on respiratory health in swine producers showed that 30% of 301 examined men usually used a dust mask when working inside a barn. They did not differ significantly from dust mask nonusers in respect to respiratory symptoms and lung function. This analysis was undertaken to determine whether the respiratory health of dust mask users was associated with reasons why they had started individual respiratory protection. The subjects were recontacted in order to identify those who started using a mask to deliberately prevent symptoms (42 men) and those who started protection because of pre-existing respiratory symptoms (44 men). Not unexpectedly, betweengroup comparisons of respiratory symptoms and lung function suggest that swine producers who wear dust masks for preventive purposes have better respiratory health than those who wear dust masks because of symptoms or those who do not use individual respiratory protection. The individual reasons for starting dust mask usage should be examined among potential determinants of the outcomes of prospective studies which can then provide more valid assessment of the effect of individual respiratory protection. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Focal full-thickness cartilage lesions of the human medial femoral condyle (MFC) can cause pain and functional impairment. Affected middle-aged patients respond unpredictably to existing treatments and knee arthroplasty may be required, prompting risk of revision. This study assesses the safety of, and biological and functional response to, a metallic resurfacing implant which may delay or obviate the need for traditional arthroplasty. The anatomic contour of the surgically exposed MFC of six adult goats was digitally mapped and an 11 mm diameter full-thickness osteochondral defect was created. An anchor-based Co-Cr resurfacing implant, matching the mapped articular contour, was implanted. Each goat's contralateral unoperated femorotibial joint was used as a control. Postoperative outcome was assessed by lameness examination, radiography, arthroscopy, synoviocentesis, necropsy, and histology up to 26 (n = 3) or 52 (n = 3) weeks. By postoperative week (POW) 4, goats demonstrated normal range of motion, no joint effusion, and only mild lameness in the operated limb. By POW 26 the animals were sound with only occasional very mild lameness. Arthroscopy at POW 14 revealed moderate synovial inflammation and a chondral membrane extending centrally across the implant surface. Radiographs at POWs 14 to 52 implied implant stability in the operated joints, as well as subchondral bone remodeling and mild exostosis formation in the operated and contralateral unoperated joints of some goats. By POW 26, histology revealed new trabecular bone abutting the implant. At POWs 26 and 52 MFC cartilage was metachromatic and intact in the operated and unoperated femorotibial joints. Proximal tibiae of some operated and unoperated limbs demonstrated limited subchondral bone remodeling and foci of articular cartilage fibrillation and thinning. The chondral membrane crossing the prosthesis possessed a metachromatic matrix containing singular and clustered chondrocytes. Our data imply the safety, biocompatibility, and functionality of the implant. Focal articular damage was documented in the operated joints at POWs 26 and 52, but lesions were much reduced over those previously reported in untreated defects. Expanded animal or preclinical human studies are justified.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to develop and verify a new technique for monitoring the progression of osteoarthritis (OA) by combining a rat model with the imaging modality optical coherence tomography (OCT). Time-sequential, in vivo, OCT imaging was performed on the left femoral condyles of 12 Wistar rats following sodium-iodoacetic acid-induced OA progression. The right femoral condyles (untreated) were also imaged and served as controls. Imaging was performed on days 0, 10, 20, 30, and 60 with an OCT system capable of acquiring images at four frames per second and an axial resolution of 5 microm. Progressive changes were analyzed using an OA scoring system. OCT successfully identified progressive cartilage degeneration as well as alteration of the cartilage/bone interface. Significant changes to both of these structures were observed in the sodium-iodoacetic acid-injected condyles. Structural changes detected with OCT were confirmed histologically. OCT in combination with a well-known model used in arthritis research represents a powerful tool for following degenerative joint disease progression in a given animal by detecting changes to the cartilage/bone interface and articular cartilage.  相似文献   
Summary Changes in regional cerebral blood flow in anaesthetized pigs with an induced focal cerebral contusion were studied before and after two grades of hyperventilation. A reduction in arterial tension of CO2 with 0.70mmHg and a further reduction of 0.55mmHg did not change the CO2 reactivity. Reactivity in both injured and macroscopically normal regions was the same, revealing an average of 39.3% flow change per kPa change in CO2 tension. Regions with low flow after the contusion had an equally big reduction apparently leading to hypoxia because global metabolic rate was unchanged.  相似文献   
Our aim was to develop an accurate multispectral tissue segmentation method based on 3D feature maps. We utilized proton density (PD), T2-weighted fast spin-echo (FSE), and T1-weighted spin-echo images as inputs for segmentation. Phantom constructs, cadaver brains, an animal brain tumor model and both normal human brains and those from patients with either multiple sclerosis (MS) or primary brain tumors were analyzed with this technique. Initially, misregistration, RF inhomogeneity and image noise problems were addressed. Next, a qualified observer identified samples representing the tissues of interest. Finally, k-nearest neighbor algorithm (k-NN) was utilized to create a stack of color-coded segmented images. The inclusion of T1 based images, as a third input, produced significant improvement in the delineation of tissues. In MS, our 3D technique was found to be far superior to that based on any combination of 2D feature maps (P < 0.001). We identified at least two distinctly different classes of lesions within the same MS plaque, representing different stages of the disease process. Further, we obtained the regional distribution of MS lesion burden and followed its changes over time. Neuropsychological aberrations were the clinical counterpart of the structural changes detected in segmentation. We could also delineate the margins of benign brain tumors. In malignant tumors, up to four abnormal tissues were identified: 1) a solid tumor core, 2) a cystic component, 3) edema in the white matter, and 4) areas of necrosis and hemorrhage. Subsequent neurosurgical exploration confirmed the distribution of tissues as predicted by this analysis.  相似文献   
本文对59名接触实验动物大白鼠引起23例流行性出血热(EHF)的流行病学和临床症状进行了调查,发病率为38.98%。发病的有副教授、讲师、助教、研究生等。发病多在春季,年龄组在21~40岁,男多于女。经间接免疫荧光技术检查,大白鼠肺EHFV抗原阳性率为32.69%。临床分型以中型为多,其次为重型和轻型。临床症状以发热、头痛、腰痛、全身痛、食欲不振、酒醉貌为主,没有死亡病例。血清间接免疫荧光抗体IgG在1:320~1:5 120之间的占91.30%。  相似文献   
To evaluate changes in matrix molecules of the joint capsule, the right knees of 24 skeletally mature female NZW rabbits were immobilized while the contralateral limb served as an unoperated control. The immobilization was discontinued at 8 weeks and the rabbits were divided among four groups (n = 6) based on the number of weeks the right knees were remobilized: 0, 8, 16, or 32. Three rabbits (six knees) that did not have operations provided normal control joint capsules. The mRNA levels for collagen types I, II, and III, and MMP-1 and -13 were significantly increased in the joint capsules of the contracture knees in all groups when compared to normal and contralateral limb joint capsules. In contrast, the mRNA levels for TIMP-1, -2, and -3 were decreased in the joint capsules of the contracture knees in all groups when compared to normal and contralateral limb joint capsules. The mRNA levels for lumican and decorin were increased in the joint capsules of the contracture knees in all groups when compared to normal capsules. Many of the changes observed in this animal model are similar to those observed in human joint capsules from posttraumatic elbow contractures, supporting the value of this rabbit model.  相似文献   
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) was inoculated into two species of marmosets. Successful infection was established in the majority of the animals of one species, Callithrix jacchus, as evidenced by the development of high, persistent levels of antibody against virus-specific capsid and early nonstructural proteins. Antibodies also were produced against the major membrane antigen and, in some animals, against EBV nuclear antigen (EBNA) 2 but not against EBNA 1. This is the antibody profile normally noted in individuals with chronic infectious mononucleosis (IM). EBV-induced lymphoproliferation was not seen, and EBV-specific proteins were not detected in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of infected animals. Hence, EBV infection in C. jacchus apparently does not generally include extensive B-cell involvement. However, the marmosets clearly are useful as a model for EBV primary infection and also possibly for chronic IM.  相似文献   
1. In our series of experiments the role of serotonin in human depression was studied by using animal models of depression.

2. The results of these studies support the hypothesis that some types of human depression may be primarily due to an excessive transmission of serotonin at the synapse.  相似文献   

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