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In 1993, Rauscher et al. reported a temporary increase in spatial-temporal ability after listening to Mozart's music. This led to numerous replication and extension studies with mixed findings in the past decade. This study investigated the 'Mozart effect' in preschool children. Forty-one boys and girls, aged three to five, attempted a series of pencil-and-paper maze tests after each of three listening conditions: Mozart's Piano Concerto in A Major (K488), age-appropriate popular music and silence. Overall, there were no statistically significant differences among the three interventions. The results are discussed in relation to the findings of other investigations of the Mozart effect, and the need for further investigation of possible trends.  相似文献   
目的介绍个体成长模型方法对大学新生适应能力中交往主动性的3次测查数据采用普通回归模型和个体成长模型进行分析。结果个体成长模型的拟合度比普通回归模型的拟合度要好,个体成长模型可在个体水平上分析个体随时间产生的变化。结论个体成长模型具有许多优点,熟悉这种重要的分析方法对纵向数据研究者是非常有益处的。  相似文献   
This study investigated the effects of structured group workshops for a population with special needs. Twenty subjects, each with a mild or moderate mental handicap, attended a series of 10 weekly 1-hour music workshops on the structured group playing of a Javanese Gamelan. Twenty subjects formed a non-intervention control group. The experimental hypothesis was that participation in the experimental group would produce significant improvements in musical ability as measured by the Rossi test of musical ability, devised and validated for use in this study. Significant gains in communication skills as measured by the Communication Assessment Profile for Adults with a Mental Handicap (CASP) and self-esteem levels measured by the Khalid semantic differential technique were also postulated. It was also suggested that these gains would be significantly correlated. Results show significant gains in musical ability (instrumental rhythm production: t = 5.67, d.f. = 29, p < 0.01 and simple rhythm production: t = 8.42, d.f. = 29, p < 0.01) and communication skills (t = 4.69, d.f. = 29, p < 0.01). Moreover these results are significantly correlated (r = 0.59, p < 0.05, r = 0.75, p < 0.05, r = 0.56, p < 0.05). A ceiling effect was obtained in the measurement of self-esteem. It is suggested that these gains derive from certain aspects of the musical communicative environment at the workshops. Suggestions for future research involve examining the possible influences on these developments.  相似文献   
The natural history of untreated phenylketonuria over 20 years   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifty-one adults with untreated phenylketonuria (PKU), have been reviewed after a 20 year interval, at ages ranging from 28.8 to 71.8 years. Five died of causes unrelated to PKU. Three severely affected individuals had shown a progressive loss of motor function and three had developed epilepsy, bringing the total with this problem to 12. No loss of abilities was apparent in 41 patients. Other health problems, including cataracts, were not frequent. Serum phenylalanine levels had decreased over the 20 year period. Untreated PKU does not generally cause progressive loss of abilities during adult life.  相似文献   
From birth onwards, auditory stimulation directs and intensifies visual orientation behaviour. In deaf children, by definition, auditory perception cannot take place and cannot, therefore, make a contribution to visual orientation to objects approaching from outside the initial field of view. In experiment 1, a difference in catching ability is demonstrated between deaf and hearing children (10-13 years of age) when the ball approached from the periphery or from outside the field of view. No differences in catching ability between the two groups occurred when the ball approached from within the field of view. A second experiment was conducted in order to determine if differences in catching ability between deaf and hearing children could be attributed to execution of slow orientating movements and/or slow reaction time as a result of the auditory loss. The deaf children showed slower reaction times. No differences were found in movement times between deaf and hearing children. Overall, the findings suggest that a lack of auditory stimulation during development can lead to deficiencies in the coordination of actions such as catching which are both spatially and temporally constrained.  相似文献   
Velo-cardio-facial syndrome (VCFS) is associated with deletions on the long arm of chromosome 22, mild intellectual disability, poor social interaction and a high prevalence of psychosis. However, to date there have been no studies investigating the neuropsychological functioning of adults with VCFS. We compared 19 adults with VCFS with 19 age, gender and IQ matched controls using a comprehensive neuropsychological battery. Compared to controls, adults with VCFS had significant impairments in visuoperceptual ability (Visual Object and Space Perception Battery), problem solving and planning (Tower of London) and abstract and social thinking (Comprehension WAIS-R). It is likely that haploinsufficiency (reduced gene dosage) of a neurodevelopmental gene or genes mapping to chromosome 22q11 underlies the cognitive deficits observed in individuals with VCFS.  相似文献   
目的:通过对患者在住院过程中的系统教育,使患者了解自己疾病的知识,提高患者对糖尿病的认知水平和自我管理能力,养成良好的健康行为和生活方式,从而提高生活质量。方法:采用集体、个体、自学等形式进行教育。结果:通过培养,患者掌握了一些基本的操作技能,明显缩短了住院日,同时激发了护士与患者学习专业知识的热情,减少或延缓了并发症的发生。结论:①健康教育是一个护患双边活动过程。②通过教育,可不断提高护士的自身修养和专业知识水平。③健康教育是糖尿病患者学习糖尿病知识,提高自我护理能力的有效途径。  相似文献   
Mating ability differences between flies of different alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) genotypes have been assessed in the temperature range 15 to 29°C for laboratory-adapted and field-derivedDrosophila melanogaster. Significant differences amongAdh genotypes were detected principally for the laboratory-adapted strains due to departures from random mating associated with heterozygote superiority at the relatively extreme temperature of 29°C, although mating ability differences could not be attributed directly to theAdh locus. The difference between the laboratory and the field populations can be explained by the effects of genetic back-ground manifested in the form of fitness differences, being enhanced for the laboratory-adapted flies as a consequence of the stress of laboratory culture. In contrast with larval survival and development time, laboratory and field flies do not differe appreciably in their overall abilities to obtain mates, which indicates that mating ability is a direct fitness character not greatly affected by laboratory culture. It follows that direct fitness traits are the least amenable to change under domestication.  相似文献   
Genetic Structure of Spatial and Verbal Working Memory   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Ando J  Ono Y  Wright MJ 《Behavior genetics》2001,31(6):615-624
Working memory (WM) encompasses both short-term memory (storage) and executive functions that play an essential role in all forms of cognition. In this study, the genetic structure of storage and executive functions engaged in both a spatial and verbal WM span task is investigated using a twin sample. The sample consists of 143 monozygotic (MZ) and 93 dizygotic (DZ) Japanese twin pairs, ages 16 to 29 years. In 155 (87 MZ, 62 DZ) of these pairs, cognitive ability scores from the Kyodai Japanese IQ test are also obtained. The phenotypic relationship between WM and cognitive ability is confirmed (r = 0.26–0.44). Individual differences in WM storage and executive functions are found to be significantly influenced by genes, with heritability estimates all moderately high (43%–49%), and estimates for cognitive ability comparable to previous studies (65%). A large part of the genetic variance in storage and executive functions in both spatial and verbal modalities is due to a common genetic factor that accounts for 11% to 43% of the variance. In the reduced sample, this common genetic factor accounts for 64% and 26% of the variance in spatial and verbal cognitive ability, respectively. Additional genetic variance in WM (7%–30%) is due to modality specific factors (spatial and verbal) and a storage specific factor that may be particularly important for the verbal modality. None of the variance in cognitive ability is accounted for by the modality and storage genetic factors, suggesting these may be specific to WM.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to investigate the factors responsible for the low subitizing limit of cerebral palsied (CP) children. For this purpose, 44 CPs were tested on two tasks involving the rapid recognition of dot configurations. The answer was either a number (subitizing task) or the name of a pattern (pattern recognition task). The CPs were compared to controls of the same age. All children were evaluated for visual and visuospatial short-term memory. The results showed that CPs with a low subitizing limit did not do better with a canonical arrangement than the random one, were impaired to the same extent on the pattern recognition task as on the subitizing task, and had a short visuospatial short-term memory span. These results suggest that the low subitizing limit of CPs stems from a (non-number-dependent) lesser capacity to perceive a dot configuration as a gestalt. A low subitizing limit was almost always associated with a right-hemisphere lesion.  相似文献   
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