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This study aimed to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Disabilities of Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) scale in Brazilian and American dental students and assess the influence of demographic variables on disability in them. A cross-sectional observational study was conducted with a nonprobabilistic sample. The sample was composed of students of both genders from the School of Dentistry of Araraquara, State University of São Paulo (UNESP) (n = 288), and students from Stony Brook University, New York, NY, USA (n = 149). The disabilities of the upper limbs were estimated using the DASH scale. The samples were characterized by collecting information on gender, academic year, and sports and work activities. The refined bifactorial model presented goodness-of-fit indices for both countries. There was a significant effect of the variables gender and academic year for the Brazilian sample and the variable sports practices for the American sample. The refined bifactorial model was valid and reliable for the Brazilian and American populations. In this model, the removal of item 17 for the Brazilian sample and items 3, 13, and 23 for the American sample was necessary. Demographic variables such as gender, academic year, and sports practice contributed significantly to the level of disability in the study populations.  相似文献   
T cell replete HLA-mismatched haploidentical transplantation (HIDT) with post-transplant cyclophosphamide is increasingly becoming an acceptable treatment approach for patients lacking timely access to a suitably matched related donor transplant (MRDT) or matched unrelated donor transplant (MUDT). Multiple recent registry and single-center studies have shown comparable overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) rates among HIDT, MRDT, and MUDT with a significantly lower risk of acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) among HIDT recipients. Candidates for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) often have access to multiple donor sources, and a relevant question is whether outcomes can be improved with a younger HLA-mismatched haploidentical donor (≤35 years) rather than an older matched related donor (≥35 years) or matched unrelated donor (≥35 years). We analyzed 406 consecutive allogenic HSCT recipients, with a median age of 54 years (range, 19 to 77), after a MRDT with a donor age of ≥35 years (n = 222), MUDT with a donor age of ≥35 years (n = 91), and HIDT with a donor age of ≤35 years (n = 93). Median follow-up time for survivors was 51.5 months. Compared with MRDT and MUDT, HIDT recipients had a similar median age at time of HSCT, hematopoietic cell transplant comorbidity index, disease risk index distribution, and donor recipient sex matching. The survival estimates and relapse incidence at 3 years post-HSCT were OS (64% for MRDT, 54% for MUDT, and 62% for HIDT), DFS (55% for MRDT, 44% for MUDT, and 58% for HIDT), Transplant related mortality (TRM) (19% for MRDT, 16% for MUDT, and 18% for HIDT), and relapse (26% for MRDT, 37% for MUDT, and 24% for HIDT). HIDT recipients had better 3-year relapse rates compared with MUDT recipients (24% versus 37%, P= .048), with similar DFS and OS in a univariate analysis. MRDT recipients had a better relapse rate (26% versus 37%, P = .042) compared with MUDT recipients. Recipients of HIDT also had significantly lower rates of moderate to severe chronic GVHD compared with MRDT and MUDT recipients (P = .01). Multivariable analysis showed no effect of donor on OS, DFS, relapse, and TRM. Recipients of HIDT from a young donor ≤35 years had similar OS, lower rates of chronic GVHD, and better chronic GVHD-free, relapse-free survival compared with patients undergoing transplantation with an MRD or a MUD donor ≥35 years. This study suggests that given a situation where a choice between a young haploidentical relative and an older matched unrelated donor is to be made, one can achieve similar survival with a haploidentical donor and significantly lower rates of chronic GVHD.  相似文献   
目的分析湖北省某县中学生性侵犯发生情况及其影响因素,为制定儿童性侵犯预防策略提供科学依据。方法于2016年3月采用分层整群抽样方法抽取某县1 476名中学生进行问卷调查,收集学生对儿童性侵犯的认知以及性侵犯发生情况,应用χ~2检验和多因素logistic回归进行统计分析。结果在1 476名应答者中遭受本研究所提及的6种形式中的任意一种性侵犯的比例为20.7%,其中男生和女生报告的比例分别为27.4%和13.7%,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=42.008,P=0.000)。多因素logistic回归分析显示,女性(OR=0.421)是儿童遭受性侵犯的保护因素;父亲外出半年以上(OR=1.510)、高中生(OR=1.961)、对儿童性侵犯有足够认知的学生(OR=1.332)是儿童遭受性侵犯的危险因素。结论该县中学生性侵犯发生率较高,男生遭受性侵犯的比例高于女生;父亲外出半年以上、高中生、对儿童性侵犯知识有足够认知是儿童遭受性侵犯的危险因素。  相似文献   
Aim  To evaluate the technical quality of root fillings performed by undergraduate students at a dental teaching centre in France.
Methodology  A random sample of 419 records of patients who received dental treatment at the dental service of the teaching Hospital, in Reims, France between 2005 and 2006 was investigated. Evaluation of root filled was based on radiographical criteria defined by the French National Health Service. The length of root fillings, the radiodensity and the presence of voids in the root filling or between root filling and root canal walls were recorded and scored. Chi-square analysis was used to determine statistically significant differences between the technical quality of root fillings and tooth type.
Results  Of the 304 teeth included in the study, 69% had an adequate length of root filling and 42.7% had a dense root filling without voids; only 30.3% of teeth fulfilled these criteria at the same time. The relationship between the technical quality of root fillings and tooth type was statistically significant ( P  < 0.001), the highest percentage of adequate root fillings occurred in single-rooted teeth (36.1%). The highest percentage of inadequate root fillings according to the criteria of root filling length and lateral adaptation was found in molar teeth (71.9%).
Conclusion  Overall, the technical quality of root fillings performed by undergraduate students was poor.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: The objectives were to assess the prevalence of substance use among Dutch dental students and to determine their attitudes about substance use and its consequences. METHODS: In association with a national study of drug use among US dental students, a questionnaire was translated from English into Dutch and administered to dental students at two dental schools in The Netherlands. Students received an anonymous 115-item questionnaire in the fall of 1996. RESULTS: Alcohol was the students' drug of choice for lifetime (95%), past year (94%) and past month (88%) use. No significant correlations were found between alcohol use and gender, schools, and years in dental education. In the past month, 58% of students reported drinking on 5 or more days; 53% had 5 or more drinks on the same occasion, 20% had 5 or more drinks on the same occasion on 5 or more days; and 17% reported getting drunk at least monthly. Prevalence rates for past month use of tobacco was 24% and marijuana, 4%. Male students smoked twice as much as females, with significant differences found for all three periods of use (X2>19.00, P<0.01). When asked whether their schools offered policies and education programs on alcohol and other drugs, 52% of students reported that these were not available. CONCLUSIONS: Dental schools should develop effective programmes to educate students about responsible use of alcohol and other licit and illicit drugs. Schools should also inform students about their susceptibilities to substance abuse and dependency.  相似文献   
Four cohorts of undergraduate students (n = 113) were filmed on video tapes whilst performing paediatric treatments. Selected parts of these tapes were shown the day after. Thus, within one term each student was able to view his performance on a videotape as well as those of fellow students. After completion of the clinical course in paediatric dentistry students were asked by means of a questionnaire about behavioural changes in their clinical work regarding different topics. Considerable changes in behaviour were reported for various topics. Most of the students emphasised the viable role of the video for changing their behaviour. This was especially true for aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication where mainly female students benefited. Moreover, video was thought to have been useful for improving capacities to deal with patients in fear or pain and for ergonomics. About two-thirds of the students (64.6%) thought that watching the video had made it easier for them to put theoretical knowledge into action. Video does not seem to play an important role for confirmation and maintenance of behaviour patterns. In conclusion however, it can be stated that video has a high impact on the modification of behaviour patterns of undergraduate students for many aspects of clinical work. The use of video can thus attribute to dental education in an effective way.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to determine the views of dental students concerning the acceptability of the use of sedation in the management of dentally anxious children. Dental students in Trinidad (n = 100) were asked to rate the acceptability of vignettes describing the management of a young teenager with dental anxiety. The vignettes varied systematically along two dimensions: nature of intervention for anxiety (sedation vs. the use of relaxation training and rewards) and outcome of the intervention (good vs. poor). Ratings of acceptability were made using a standardized questionnaire measure. The data were analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). There were significant main effects of nature of intervention (F = 5.54; P < 0.05) and outcome of intervention (F = 298.01; P < 0.001), though the students' year of study did not influence ratings. None of the interaction terms were significant. Sedation was viewed as a less acceptable intervention than relaxation and rewards. Interventions associated with good outcomes were seen as more acceptable than interventions associated with poor outcomes. It is concluded that dental students' perceptions of the acceptability of interventions for use with dentally anxious patients are related to the effectiveness of the intervention. Sedation, regardless of the outcome, is seen as less acceptable than the use of rewards and relaxation.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the clinical efficacy of a new caries detecting dye using a laser fluorescence device (DIAGNOdent). METHOD: Primary and permanent teeth with dentin caries were stained with Caries Check (CC), containing 1% acid red in polypropylene glycol (MW=300) or Caries Detector (CD), containing 1% acid red in propylene glycol (MW=76). Primary-CC, primary-CD, permanent-CC and permanent-CD groups were prepared. In the CC groups, stained dentin was completely removed. In the CD groups, pink-stained dentin was retained according to the manufacturers' instructions. Cavities before and after caries removal were measured with the DIAGNOdent. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Fisher's PLSD multiple comparison test at alpha=0.05. Regression analyses were performed between DIAGNOdent readings and scores obtained from the clinical parameters. RESULTS: For all groups, there were no significant differences in the DIAGNOdent readings before treatment. The DIAGNOdent readings after caries removal were: primary-CC (16.0+/-17.6), primary-CD (9.6+/-5.2), permanent-CC (11.0+/-7.0) and permanent-CD (7.1+/-3.8). Significant differences were identified between the permanent-CC and primary-CD, and permanent-CC and permanent-CD subgroups but not for the primary subgroups. Correlation coefficients between DIAGNOdent readings and clinical parameters were low. CONCLUSIONS: When dentin stained with Caries Check was completely removed, the DIAGNOdent readings were higher than those recorded when palely-stained pink dentin was retained with the Caries Detector, with significant difference observed for the permanent teeth. Caries Check may be used clinically to avoid excessive removal of caries-affected or sound dentin in permanent teeth but not in primary teeth.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether any differences existed in dental health behaviour between Japanese and Finnish dental students. SETTING: Hiroshima University School of Dentistry and the University of Helsinki. DESIGN: Comparison of cross-cultural differences of self-reported oral health behaviour. SUBJECTS: Dental students, 337 in Japan and 113 in Finland. METHOD: Subjects were surveyed using the Japanese and Finnish versions of a 20-item questionnaire entitled Hiroshima University--Dental Behavioural Inventory (HU-DBI). RESULTS: Only 2 per cent of Finnish students reported that they put off going to the dentist until they had toothache, compared to 56 per cent of Japanese students. Similarly, significantly more Japanese students thought that their teeth were getting worse despite their daily brushing, compared to their Finnish peers. The mean HU-DBI score of Year 1 Finnish students was higher than that of their Japanese peers, which suggested a higher level of dental health awareness in Finnish students upon entry into dental school. The mean scores of the Japanese students were lower than those of their Finnish peers until Year 3. The mean scores of Year 5 and Year 6 Japanese students were higher than that of Year 1 students, indicating raised self-care levels influenced by the course in preventive dentistry. The gender difference of the HU-DBI score was not a major feature in either country. CONCLUSIONS: Self-reported oral health behaviours seemed to be very different between the two countries, which reflected different culture and/or health education systems of the students.  相似文献   
AIM: To explore the preparedness of Greek dental university students for advising patients to quit smoking; how the awareness of the students is modified from the beginning of university studies to graduation; and how it is associated with their smoking habits. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Officially registered dental students (n=165) participated in the study by completing anonymously a 16-item questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted with the use of standard univariate statistical methods, whereas multivariate analysis relied on logistic regression modelling. RESULTS: Students showed significant knowledge attainment on tobacco health effects from the beginning of their studies to graduation, although 54% of graduating students were not aware of an association between smoking and implant failure. More than 80% considered tobacco cessation counselling a duty of every dentist, although 32% believed it to be ineffective. Almost half of the students felt unprepared to provide tobacco counselling. Students' attitudes towards tobacco cessation counselling did not change from the beginning of their studies to graduation, although they were modified by personal smoking habits. Non-smokers were significantly more optimistic than smokers about the effectiveness of tobacco cessation activities. CONCLUSIONS: Dental school students represent a promising baseline for education on tobacco control protocol development and clinical tobacco cessation intervention techniques.  相似文献   
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