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The modulation of drug metabolising enzymes by Masheri extract (ME) and Benzo(a)Pyrene [B(a)P] was studied in male Sprague Dawley rats fed different dietary protein levels. Two groups of 21 days old male Sprague Dawley rats were put on a high protein diet (SHP) with 20% Casein, and a low protein diet (SLP) with 3% Casein semisynthetic based diets for 12 weeks. The SLP fed animals showed lower basal levels of the Phase I activating enzymes viz. Cytochrome P450, Benzo(a)Pyrene hydroxylase, Benzphetamine demethylase and Phase II glutathione detoxification system viz. Glutathione (GSH) and Glutathione-S-transferase. ME and B(a)P treatment significantly depleted the glutathione detoxification system in the SLP group whereas an opposite effect was observed in the SHP group. Interstingly, ME and B(a)P treated rats in the SLP group showed a higher percent increase in the hepatic and pulmonary Phase I enzyme activities than those observed in the treated ME/B(a)P treated SHP rats. Furthermore, both ME and B(a)P significantly decreased the hepatic pool of vitamin A while a concomittant increase in that of vitamin C was observed. 相似文献
Prevalence, morbidity and service need among South Asian and white adults with intellectual disability in Leicestershire, UK 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
C. W. McGrother S. Bhaumik C. F. Thorp J. M. Watson & N. A. Taub 《Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDR》2002,46(4):299-309
Background Previous reports have suggested that South Asian and white UK populations have different prevalences of intellectual disability (ID), related psychological morbidity and service use. The aim of the present study was to compare these rates among South Asian and white adults in Leicestershire, UK. Method This cross‐sectional study is comprised of two parts. The analysis of prevalence is based on data from all South Asian and white adults known to the Leicestershire Learning Disabilities Register in 1991, with population denominators being drawn from the 1991 census. The other analyses use data collected from the most recent semi‐structured home interviews, carried out between 1987 and 1998, with 206 South Asian and 2334 white adults. Results The prevalence of ID in adults in Leicestershire is 3.20 per 1000 in South Asians and 3.62 per 1000 in whites. Among adults with ID, South Asians have similar prevalences of disabilities to whites and significantly lower skill levels. South Asians show similar levels of psychological morbidity, but make significantly lower use than whites of psychiatric services, residential care and respite care. South Asians use community services as extensively as whites, but feel that they have a substantially greater unmet need, especially with regard to social services. Conclusion South Asian and white populations have similar prevalences of ID and related psychological morbidity. Culturally appropriate services for South Asian adults may need to focus on skill development and community care. 相似文献
随着医药工业的发展,新药层出不穷。以抗生素为例,20世纪50年代临床用的抗生素只有青、链、红、氯四大素,现在常用临床的抗生素以有100多种,临床医生长期来忙与医疗任务,如何掌握新药信息,做到合理选药,合理用药,使药物的药理作用转化为治疗效应,已成为临床医生日益关心的问题。1抗生素在临床应用中存在问题1.1常规固定方案长期以来根据以往的经验或资料,正式或非正式采用抗生素治疗方案。如:氨苄西林+庆大霉素、青霉素+庆大霉素、红霉素+氯霉素。由于对致病菌针对性不强,以致延误治疗。1.2抗生素在选择中存在问题随着医药工业的发展,抗生素… 相似文献
60例(男50,女10,年龄43±8a)经内窥镜证实的活动性消化性溃疡患者,口服法莫替丁40mg,qn,疗程2-4wk或延至6-9wk。溃疡愈合率DU2,4,6 wk分别为50%,84%,92%,SU2,4,6,8 wk分别为40%,68%,73%,82%。服药后3,7,14 d上腹痛缓解率DU为50%,80%,100%,SU为40%,75%,95%。未见严重不良反应。故法莫替丁对溃疡病,尤其是DU是一有效和安全药物。 相似文献
应用0.5%环孢霉素A(cyclosporin A,CsA)滴眼治疗穿透性角膜移植术后发生免疫排斥患者16例(16只眼),治愈9只眼,好转6只眼,无效1只眼。随访5~24个月,其中2只眼因停药复发,1只眼于拆线后复发,继续用药或增加给药次数后治愈。研究表明0.5%CsA滴眼剂治疗术前移植床条件较好,角膜移植术后发生免疫排斥的病例可得到良好疗效;而对术前移植床条件较差,角膜移植术后发生免疫排斥的病例有一定的疗效。作者对眼局部应用CsA治疗角膜移植排斥的疗效和作用机理进行了讨论。 相似文献
A型肉毒杆菌毒素治疗麻痹性斜视 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用眼外肌注射A型肉毒杆菌毒素的方法,治疗17例(18只眼)麻痹性内斜视患者。最大的肌肉麻痹作用发生于注射后7~14天,最大斜视矫正度为50-,随访时间为4~20周,5例最终获得双眼视。未见全身副作用。认为,这种疗法可在部分患卉中替代斜视矫正术。 相似文献
Rapidly progressive parkinsonism in a self-reported user of ecstasy and other drugs. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A 38-year-old man developed parkinsonism that progressed to Hoehn and Yahr stage 5 within 4 years of onset. Response to ropinirole deteriorated, levodopa was not tolerated, and subthalamic nucleus stimulation has provided only partial relief of symptoms. He reported heavy use of Ecstasy through most of his twenties and thirties. His neurological problems may be unrelated to his drug use, but it is also possible they represent an idiosyncratic reaction. 相似文献
原发性高血压患者425例(男252,女173;年龄60±s12a)采用美托洛尔100mg,po,每晨1次,4wk为一个疗程。总有效率82.4%,治疗2wk后血压继续下降,心率并不继续减慢。不良反应主要为心率减慢后的症状及神经系症状,停药率6.4%。60a以上的患者总有效率及停药率与中、青年患者无明显区别。故美托洛尔同样适用于老年人。 相似文献