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The modulation of drug metabolising enzymes by Masheri extract (ME) and Benzo(a)Pyrene [B(a)P] was studied in male Sprague Dawley rats fed different dietary protein levels. Two groups of 21 days old male Sprague Dawley rats were put on a high protein diet (SHP) with 20% Casein, and a low protein diet (SLP) with 3% Casein semisynthetic based diets for 12 weeks. The SLP fed animals showed lower basal levels of the Phase I activating enzymes viz. Cytochrome P450, Benzo(a)Pyrene hydroxylase, Benzphetamine demethylase and Phase II glutathione detoxification system viz. Glutathione (GSH) and Glutathione-S-transferase. ME and B(a)P treatment significantly depleted the glutathione detoxification system in the SLP group whereas an opposite effect was observed in the SHP group. Interstingly, ME and B(a)P treated rats in the SLP group showed a higher percent increase in the hepatic and pulmonary Phase I enzyme activities than those observed in the treated ME/B(a)P treated SHP rats. Furthermore, both ME and B(a)P significantly decreased the hepatic pool of vitamin A while a concomittant increase in that of vitamin C was observed. 相似文献
Kristin M. Marano Ziad S. NaufalSteven J. Kathman Joy A. BodnarMichael F. Borgerding Cody L. Wilson 《Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP》2012
Arsenic is measurable in tobacco and cigarette mainstream smoke (MSS). Whether arsenic has an independent role in diseases associated with tobacco consumption is not known. Epidemiology and biomonitoring data and probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) methods were used to investigate this potential association. Analysis of data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) showed that urine arsenic concentrations in tobacco consumers were not different or were lower than levels in non-consumers of tobacco. Additionally, urine arsenic levels from NHANES tobacco consumers were five-times or more lower than levels reported in epidemiology studies to be associated with adverse health effects. Results of PRA indicated that mean non-cancer hazard estimates and mean incremental lifetime cancer risk estimates were within accepted ranges. Taken together, these results suggest that arsenic may not be independently associated with tobacco consumption or diseases related to tobacco consumption. 相似文献
Luigi A. Nasto Kevin Ngo Adriana S. Leme Andria R. Robinson Qing Dong Peter Roughley Arvydas Usas Gwendolyn A. Sowa Enrico Pola James Kang Laura J. Niedernhofer Steven Shapiro Nam V. Vo 《The spine journal》2014,14(3):416-423
Background contextTobacco smoking is a key risk factor for spine degeneration. However, the underlying mechanism by which smoking induces degeneration is not known. Recent studies implicate DNA damage as a cause of spine and intervertebral disc degeneration. Because tobacco smoke contains many genotoxins, we hypothesized that tobacco smoking promotes spine degeneration by inducing cellular DNA damage.PurposeTo determine if DNA damage plays a causal role in smoking-induced spine degeneration.Study designTo compare the effect of chronic tobacco smoke inhalation on intervertebral disc and vertebral bone in normal and DNA repair-deficient mice to determine the contribution of DNA damage to degenerative changes.MethodsTwo-month-old wild-type (C57BL/6) and DNA repair-deficient Ercc1?/Δ mice were exposed to tobacco smoke by direct inhalation (4 cigarettes/day, 5 days/week for 7 weeks) to model first-hand smoking in humans. Total disc proteoglycan (PG) content (1,9-dimethylmethylene blue assay), PG synthesis (35S-sulfate incorporation assay), aggrecan proteolysis (immunoblotting analysis), and vertebral bone morphology (microcomputed tomography) were measured.ResultsExposure of wild-type mice to tobacco smoke led to a 19% increase in vertebral porosity and a 61% decrease in trabecular bone volume. Intervertebral discs of smoke-exposed animals also showed a 2.6-fold decrease in GAG content and an 8.1-fold decrease in new PG synthesis. These smoking-induced degenerative changes were similar but not worse in Ercc1?/Δ mice.ConclusionsShort-term exposure to high levels of primary tobacco smoke inhalation promotes degeneration of vertebral bone and discs. Disc degeneration is primarily driven by reduced synthesis of proteoglycans needed for vertebral cushioning. Degeneration was not exacerbated in congenic DNA repair-deficient mice, indicating that DNA damage per se does not have a significant causal role in driving smoke-induced spine degeneration. 相似文献
目的 了解广州市居民对公共场所禁烟处罚态度,探讨不同特征人群对禁烟处罚措施(处罚公共场所吸烟者和管理者)的支持程度和偏向.方法 采用多元多水平logistic模型分析广州市居民禁烟处罚措施态度的影响因素及各因素的效应差别,以及受访居民两种处罚态度间的关联性.结果 分别有74.6%( 3647/4892)和61.2% (2994/4892)的广州市居民赞同处罚该公共场所吸烟者和管理者,两种处罚态度有关联(x2=1253.45,P< 0.0001).女性、30~ 59岁、高中/中专以上文化程度、吸烟危害知识得分较高、现无吸烟行为的居民更赞成处罚吸烟者,也同样赞成处罚管理者;而每日“二手烟”暴露者更赞同处罚吸娴者.结论 广州市具备公共场所实施控烟处罚措施的群众基础,年龄、性别、文化程度、吸烟危害知识、现吸烟和“二手烟”暴露是处罚措施态度的影响因素,非现吸烟者和“二手烟”每日暴露者对处罚措施的态度倾向性不同. 相似文献
为系统评价中国控烟研究的质量,总结控烟措施的有效性证据,在多个数据库中检索1990-2009年中国发表的控烟措施有效性评价研究文献,采用美国<社区预防服务指南>制定的方法对文献质量进行评价,并进一步对控烟干预措施的有效性证据强度进行评定。共纳入282项中国控烟干预性评价研究,其中仅75项(26.41%)研究质量较好、能够进入证据评价体系。有效性证据强度评定结果显示,吸烟人群中开展戒烟药物干预和行为干预一般人群中开展多组分干预(如宣传教育+行为干预)的有效性证据充分,而临床咨询、中医疗法、单纯宣传教育、规章制度等干预措施的有效性缺乏充分证据支持。中国控烟干预性研究整体质量较低,高质量研究的数量不足是限制控烟有效性证据产出的主要障碍;应重视和加强对控烟规章制度有效性评价的研究。 相似文献
目的 探讨被动吸烟与舌癌发病的关系。方法 采用病例对照研究方法,收集2010年9月~2015年1月经病理确诊的舌癌新发病例190例,并选取同期686例社区健康人群作为对照。应用非条件Logistic回归模型估算仅18岁前、仅18岁后、18岁前后均被动吸烟与舌癌发病风险的调整OR(95%CI)值,并进一步对性别、年龄进行分层分析。结果 与无被动吸烟者相比,仅18岁前被动吸烟可增加舌癌的发病风险为2.813(OR=2.813,95%CI:1.581~5.005),仅18岁后被动吸烟可增加舌癌的发病风险为1.666(OR=1.666,95%CI:1.055~2.631);18岁前后均被动吸烟可增加舌癌的发病风险为2.690(OR=2.690,95%CI:1.674~4.322)。而且每日暴露时间越长、开始暴露年龄越小、被动吸烟年限越长,患舌癌的危险性就越大(均有P趋势<0.05)。分层分析结果显示在被动吸烟人群中,女性或年龄≥60岁者比男性或年龄<60岁者患舌癌的风险更高。结论 被动吸烟是舌癌发病的危险因素,减少被动吸烟可在一定程度上降低舌癌的发生。 相似文献
宋丹君;李品;冷嘉鹏;庞立健;臧凝子;吕晓东 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》2023,25(10):3193-3200
在过去的几十年,大量化学分析研究已经鉴定出烟草烟雾中众多化合物,且数量不断增加,截至2013年,烟草烟雾中已发现化合物达9582种,其中包含尼古丁、烟草烟雾特异性亚硝胺、苯并[α]芘等物质,以及可替宁、4-(甲基亚硝胺)-1-(3-吡啶基)-1-丁醇等经体内代谢转化而成的产物,能够靶向心、肺等器官,诱发慢性阻塞性肺疾病、冠心病以及肺癌、食道癌等多种类型的癌症。中医对“毒性”的认识起源于《内经》,认为“毒邪”既可以作为外来致病因素,也可致五脏失和酿生痰瘀等病理产物蕴积成内毒。现代医学对烟草烟雾有毒物质及其代谢产物致病认识与中医“外毒”“内毒”的认识颇相一致,因此笔者从烟草烟雾有害物质及其代谢产物出发,拟深入探析其主要成分及致病机制,明确烟毒“内毒”“外毒”病因特点及病机转化特征,从而为中医探析“烟毒”致病现代化研究及烟草烟雾致病与中医理论相结合奠定理论基础。 相似文献