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Persistent iatrogenic atrial septal defect (iASD) is a common but poorly characterized complication after cryoballoon (CB) pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) procedures. We therefore investigate its prevalence, evolution, risk factors, and clinical outcomes in a prospective longitudinal study.


A total of 108 patients (41 women, mean age 57 ± 11.3) underwent CB PVI for AF. Serial transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) was performed 9 months and then annually until 6 years after the procedure to study the characteristics of persistent iASD.


Persistent iASD occurred in 33 (30.6%) patients 9 months after CB PVI. Spontaneous closure of iASD was found in 6 (22.2%) and 3 (15.8%) patients 2 and 3 years after the procedures, respectively. No spontaneous closure was observed on 4, 5, and 6-year TEE follow-up. The projected long-term persistence rate of iASD after CB PVI was therefore 20% (30.6% × 0.778 × 0.842). Using multivariate logistic regression, a higher number of cryoapplications (≥ 2 minutes) was the only independent predictor of persistent iASD 9 months after CB PVI (odds ratio [OR] 1.207; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.033-1.411, P = 0.018). Two (1.9%) patients with significantly larger iASD size than the others (long diameter 12.6 ± 0.8 vs 3.7 ± 1.5 mm, P < 0.001; short diameter 10.9 ± 0.2 vs 3 ± 1.1 mm, P < 0.001) required percutaneous closure because of exertional dyspnea and right ventricular enlargement. Over 129.7 patient-years follow-up, during which iASD persisted, there was no occurrence of neurologic events.


Approximately one fifth of patients undergoing CB PVI will have permanently persistent iASD. Patients with defect sizes of greater than 10 mm may need percutaneous closure due to significant left-to-right shunting.  相似文献   
In Kobe University Hospital, a new method for endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) using insulated‐tip electrosurgical knife (IT‐EMR) for early gastric cancer (EGC) was introduced from November 2001. To achieve an effective and safe IT‐EMR procedure, we use a high‐frequency surgical unit for cutting and coagulation (ERBOTOM ICC 200) with automatically controlled cutting mode (ENDOCUT). In this study, we show not only our results of IT‐EMR for EGC in comparison with those of the conventional strip biopsy method, but also the optimal conditions for the apparatus of a high‐frequency surgical unit to prevent complications such as bleeding and perforation.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: 1Alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) [1,25(OH)(2) Vitamin D(3)] induces growth inhibition in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cell lines of the head and neck by arresting the cells in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle, probably due to an enhanced expression of p21, which could be demonstrated in other cell lines (JPPA, SCC9) before. In SCC25, a SCC cell line isolated from tongue, growth inhibition but no overexpression of p21 was detected. The retinoblastoma gene, as a direct target of G1 cyclin-CDK complexes, showed an obvious shift from the hyperphosphorylated to the hypophosphorylated form under 1,25(OH)(2)Vitamin D(3), which indicates that the growth inhibition takes place in the G0/G1 phase. To explore the possible pathway of growth inhibition in SCC25 we investigated other cell cycle inhibitors (p18, p19, p27). METHODS: Synchronized cells were treated with 1,25(OH)(2)Vitamin D(3) over 96 h. The cell cycle status and expression of cell cycle-regulating proteins was determined by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and Western blotting. An overexpression of p18 in 1,25(OH)(2)Vitamin D(3) vs. ethanol-treated cells was determined until 30 h in SCC25. No influence was detectable on the expression of p27 and p19. CONCLUSION: One mechanism by which 1,25(OH)(2)Vitamin D(3) controls cell growth might be the upregulation of p21. As p21 was unsusceptible to 1,25(OH)(2)Vitamin D(3) in SCC25, other inhibiting proteins were necessary to be tested. The proven upregulation of p18 seems to be the responsible step for growth inhibition of 1,25(OH)(2)Vitamin D(3) in SCC25.  相似文献   
The decoction of Sclerocarya birroea Hochst. shows hypoglycaemic effects, an increase in plasma IRI in normal rats and an incremented oral-glucose tolerance. The decoction is also active against diet-induced hypercholesterolaemia.  相似文献   
This report describes a model for identifying sets of teaching abilities considered to be effective for medical school teaching staff, based on roles teachers assume and functions they are expected to perform as instructors. The specification of these teaching abilities was the first step in the development of a comprehensive course on Medical Instruction at the Basic Institute of Medical and Agricultural Biology of the State University of Sao Paulo, Botucatu, Brazil, where the senior author is employed. The work was based on the assumption that medical school teachers are expected to assume a variety of teaching roles and that identification and specification of the abilities that define their roles can result in more effective and efficient teaching.  相似文献   
This article describes the association between previous infection and/or vaccination and the development of optic neuritis (ON) in 18 children. Ten of these children subsequently developed clinically definite multiple sclerosis (MS), while in 8 patients a clinically definite etiology could not be confirmed. Vaccination preceded the first ON attack in 6 patients, all but one of whom subsequently developed MS. It also preceded subsequent demyelinating events in 6 patients. Ten of the patients had a bacterial or viral infection within the 2 weeks prior to the first symptoms of ON. Intrathecal antibody synthesis against 2 or more viruses could be shown in 5 out of 8 patients studied; 5 out of 6 patients had oligoclonal antibodies in CSF and 12 out of 16 patients a high IgG index. Neither intrathecal antibody synthesis against 2 or more viruses nor elevated IgG indexes could be found in the control patients. Measles and mumps occurred at a significantly later age in the children who subsequently developed MS than in the control children, and these patients had significantly more events that might have impaired the blood-brain barrier than the controls. These results indicate that immunological events leading to MS may be triggered during childhood. Vaccination and infection often precede ON in childhood. Intrathecal viral antibody production can occur already in childhood at the time of the first symptoms of MS.  相似文献   
While much time has been spent deliberating about the definition of play, little emphasis has been placed on what children themselves perceive as play. The aim of the present study was to examine social context as a cue for children's perceptions of play and learning. Ninety-two children aged between four and six years (mean four years nine months) participated in the study and completed the Activity Apperception Story Procedure. Children were asked to sort photographic stimuli into those they believed depicted play/not play and learning/not learning. Each of the stimuli were identified by independent raters as containing one of the following social cues; teacher absence (solitary activity, parallel activity or cooperative activity) or teacher presence (teacher involved activity or teacher directed activity). Findings revealed that children associated teacher absence with play. More specifically, children made links between play and the presence of peers (parallel and cooperative activity). Findings are discussed in relation to play in the early years curriculum, differences in children's early educational experiences and the importance of understanding children's perceptions of play.  相似文献   
Two samples of kindergarten children's representation and understanding of written number symbols were examined in two time points in one academic year. About 85% of Chinese five year olds (mean = 5 years 10 months) were able to use conventional number symbols to represent the quantity of 30 or larger. At the end of the kindergarten year, 94% of Chinese six year olds (mean = 6 years 4 months) were able to use conventional number symbols to represent the quantity of 100 or larger. Some Chinese six year olds had problems in representing written addition and subtraction tasks. Children's ability to represent written number symbols, ability to represent written addition and subtraction formula and their performance on written addition and subtraction were closely related. The performance of children in a university-affiliated childcare center was better than that of the center serving working-class families in Time 1, but the performance reversed at the end of the kindergarten year.  相似文献   
The study explored the counterfactual thinking that women with chronic and widespread pain showed in response to what they themselves considered to be particularly stressful situations. Counterfactual thinking in 125 women sick‐listed due to chronic and widespread pain was investigated in terms of structure, function and control focus. The women were asked, for each of three types of problems that they indicated in a questionnaire to affect them most strongly, to describe a typical occurrence of it and to complete a counterfactual sentence in connection with it of the type ‘If only . . .’. The majority of counterfactuals pertained to predominantly somatic problems (e.g. musculo‐skeletal problems, pain and fatigue) classified as being affective rather than preparative and self‐focused rather than external, whereas in counterfactuals relating to predominantly psychological/psychosocial problems a preparative function and an external focus were more prominent. The numbers of problems listed and the numbers of situations responded to counterfactually were positively correlated. The counterfactuals, although often related to somatic problems, generally concerned psychological or psychosocial matters such as finances and paid or unpaid work. A contextual approach to elucidating counterfactual thinking based on subjects' own experiences is seen as providing valuable insight into what bothers them most. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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