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AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate the nature and organization of maternal needs and priorities in a neonatal unit. BACKGROUND: The relationship between maternal needs and priorities appears to be an under studied area in neonatal nursing. METHODS: A quantitative survey was carried out based on 209 mothers with premature infants. Two self-assessment schedules were used: critical care maternal needs inventory (J. Leske, Heart and Lung 15, 27-42) and a ranking scale. The data were analysed with multivariate analysis. FINDINGS: Data analysis revealed clear priorities in maternal needs. In particular the need for accurate infant related information was a priority for 93% of the mothers. Good communication practices with professionals were also valued. The mothers displayed altruistic behaviour, and self-related needs took second place. It is proposed that maternal needs demonstrate a hierarchical organization. CONCLUSION: It is important for nurses to consider the individual needs of the mothers, simply because the satisfaction of these needs is essential for maternal well-being.  相似文献   
‘Well-being’ is frequently said to be the ultimategoal of health promotion. However, health promotion author itiesdo no: offer a clear definition of ‘well-being’.Instead health promoters either assume a causal relationshipbetween their activities and the increase of ‘well-being’or claim privileged knowledge of ‘well-being’ andits means of production, or both. These health promotion strategiesare questioned, and it is suggested that the use of ‘well-being’in health promotion acts to obscure the analysis of health promotionphilosophy and practice. It is concluded that either the term‘well-being’ should be given clear and substantialcontent, or it should be discarded by health promoters. Thelatter option is favoured.  相似文献   
Health-related quality of life (HQL) assessment in the clinical setting have distinguished subjective perceptions (e.g. well-being), signssymptoms of the disease, and functional capacity as three major components. The impact of short-term treatment for migraine attacks on these variables was evaluated in an open prospective 6-month study at the Gothenburg Migraine Clinic. Socio-economic factors, subjective symptoms, and general well-beingquality of life were evaluated by self-administered questionnaires in 99 patients with migraine with or without aura in accordance with the classification of the International Headache Society. Short-term treatment comprising conventional therapy or subcutaneous sumatriptan reduced number of days per month with migraine and absenteeism from work, migraine-associated symptoms, but did not significantly improve general well-being between attacks. Future assessment of the patients' HQL in accordance with this approach would enable us to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of current therapies of particular interest in the field of migraine.  相似文献   
Fifty mothers and 44 well siblings of children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis (CF) participated in this study to identify correlates of maternal well-being. Participants completed postal questionnaires which assessed maternal well-being, problems experienced surrounding the illness and treatment and the nature of the sibling relationship. Due to the demanding nature of treatment and the fact that CF is both genetic and incurable at present we anticipate mothers of these children will experience higher levels of stress and consequently poorer well-being than the normal population. In addition, illness severity, problems with adherence to treatment, child communication, maternal support and the sibling relationship are expected to relate to maternal well-being. Mothers in this sample did not rate their well-being as any different to the normal population. Results suggest that mothers are likely to rate their own well-being as poor when they report more frequent problems surrounding the illness and treatment and well children rate their sibling relationship as having frequent disagreements and aggression. This study highlights factors that are related to maternal well-being in families where one child has CF. These mothers as a group do not appear to be experiencing more stress in their daily lives than the normal population but certain illness and family variables are related to their well-being when examining the mothers on certain dimensions.  相似文献   
Previous literature presents discordant results on the relationship between physiological and subjective sexual arousal in women. In this study, the use of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) revealed a significant concordance between continuous measures of physiological and subjective sexual arousal as assessed during exposure to erotic stimuli in a laboratory setting. We propose that past studies that have found little or no association between the two measures may have been in part limited by the methodology and statistical analyses employed.  相似文献   
Food ingestion induces homeostatic sensations (satiety, fullness) with a hedonic dimension (satisfaction, changes in mood) that characterize the postprandial experience. Both types of sensation are secondary to intraluminal stimuli produced by the food itself, as well as to the activity of the digestive tract. Postprandial sensations also depend on the nutrient composition of the meal and on colonic fermentation of non-absorbed residues. Gastrointestinal function and the sensitivity of the digestive tract, i.e., perception of gut stimuli, are determined by inherent individual factors, e.g., sex, and can be modulated by different conditioning mechanisms. This narrative review examines the factors that determine perception of digestive stimuli and the postprandial experience.  相似文献   
The provision of continuous care to a dependent person can lead to a lack of self-care by the caregiver themselves with corresponding low levels of well-being. This well-being has been analysed mostly from within the perspective of the hedonic tradition, with the development of personal growth often being overlooked. This study aims to increase the understanding of the connection between this type of psychological well-being and involvement in self-care activities, and to be a starting point for the determination of categories that may serve in the screening of potential participants in social-health interventions where it is being promoted. Taking the hypothesis of a probable positive connection between psychological well-being and involvement in self-care, an observational study was carried out on 45 caregivers of relatives with dementia. In those caregivers showing greater dedication to self-care, a higher score was obtained on the well-being scales connected to personal significance and positive emotions and experiences. These findings were further reinforced by the identification of other positive connections, the involvement in self-care and the six dimensions of wellness contemplated by Ryff. It is possible to envisage the existence of a virtuous circle in respect of the caregiver, whereby a greater involvement in self-care is related to a higher psychological well-being, which in turn is related to greater self-care, and so on.  相似文献   
目的:探讨大学生自我表露、主观幸福感现况及二者的关系.方法:根据浙江大学164名学生的问卷调查结果对Jourard SM自我表露问卷进行修订,用修订的自我表露问卷和幸福感指数量表对浙江大学的356名学生进行问卷调查.结果:不同信息类别的自我表露评分差异显著(F=50.24,P<0.001),其中品味和兴趣(1.85±0.41)、学习(工作)(1.87±0.43)的自我表露评分均高于态度和看法(1.70±0.32)(t=7.870、8.256)、金钱(1.60±0.41,t=10.517、11.429)、个性(1.70±0.39)、身体(1.71±0.42)(P均<0.001).目标人的主效应显著(有男/女朋友者、无男/女朋友者的自我表露问卷评分差异均有显著性,F=21.14、13.88,P<0.001),信息类别和目标人的交互作用显著(F=76.15,P<0.001).在金钱、身体、学习或工作方面大学生向父母表露多于向男、女性朋友(如金钱上:母亲1.81±0.59、父亲1.73±0.58,男朋友1.42±0.44,女朋友1.40±0.44;F=116.84,P=0.000).女性的表露程度高于男性(1.79±0.31/1.71±0.32,t=2.03,P=0.044).自我表露与主观幸福感呈正相关(r=0.16,P=0.003).分层回归显示自我表露对预测主观幸福感作出了新的贡献(△R2=0.021,P=0.006).结论:信息类别、目标人、被试性别会影响自我表露的程度,提升表露水平有助于改善主观幸福感.  相似文献   
艺术大学生自我效能、主观幸福感及其关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究艺术大学生自我产能与主观幸福感的关系。方法用幸福感指数量表、一般自我效能感量表494艺术大学生进行了测量。结果①艺术大学生的主观幸福感和自我效能感有显着的独生和性别差异。②艺术大学生的高、低自我效能与主观幸福感存在显着的差异和相关。结论自我效能是影响幸福感的重要因素。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of a hospital-coordinated discharge care plan, involving a multidisciplinary team of primary health care providers, on hospital length of stay, quality of life, and both patient and general practitioner inclusion in, and satisfaction with, discharge procedures. DESIGN: This investigation comprised a prospective, randomized, controlled, clinical trial. SETTING: This multicentre and cross-jurisdictional study focused on areas of tertiary and primary health care as well as community allied health in Western Australia. PARTICIPANTS: Patients (n = 189) with chronic cardiorespiratory diagnoses were recruited from respiratory, cardiovascular, and general medical wards at two tertiary hospitals. INTERVENTION: Subjects were randomly assigned to one of two groups. Intervention group patients received a discharge care plan in accordance with that outlined in the Australian Enhanced Primary Care Package, completed before discharge and sent to the patient's general practitioner and other community service providers for review. Control patients were discharged under existing hospital processes. Outcome measures. Patients and general practitioners were surveyed pre-discharge and 7 days post-discharge for quality of life and opinion of discharge procedures. Hospital length of stay was also determined. RESULTS: Significant improvements in discharge planning involvement, health service access, confidence with discharge procedures, and opinion of discharge based on previous experience were seen for patients who received the discharge care plan. Further, improved perceptions of mental quality of life were observed within the first week post-discharge for intervention patients. Length of stay showed no difference between groups. Extent and speed of hospital-general practitioner communication were significantly improved via the intervention. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that a multidisciplinary discharge care plan, initiated before separation, improves quality of life, involvement, and satisfaction with discharge care, and hospital-general practitioner integration. As such, it possesses benefits over current Western Australian hospital discharge procedures for the care of chronically ill populations.  相似文献   
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