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Children have a statutory right to a smoke-free environment, and tobacco control advocates are now considering regulation of smoking behavior in the private sphere. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has investigated the support for a ban on smoking in cars with children compared to other possible extensions of the tobacco act among the Norwegian public.

Material and methods

A nationwide representative survey (CAWI) of 5543 participants was conducted in 2014–2015. Respondents were asked to consider several possible new tobacco control measures, through selfreported ranking on 5-point scales for each measure. Multiple logistic regression models were applied to control for confounders (i.a. smoking behavior) for the tendency to state full support.


A majority (78 % of all respondents, 61.8% of daily smokers) supported a proposal prohibiting smoking in cars when children are present. This proposal received substantially more support than bans on private balconies, in parks and at public transport stops and work entrances. Full support for the latter proposals varied between 39.9% and 58.1% (between 2.7% and 16.8% among smokers). Differences by smoking status were maintained after multiple controls.


The strong endorsement of the proposal (also provided by the majority of current smokers) suggests high legitimacy and compliance, which means that an implementation could be introduced without serious enforcement problems.  相似文献   
Background/purposePatients with acute leukemia undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) are exposed to high risk of developing invasive fungal infections, and the invasive mold infections (IMIs) are becoming more and more common after transplantation. Here, we conducted a retrospective study to analyze demographics, microbiology, and risk factors for IMIs development in adult acute leukemia patients undergoing allo-HSCT.MethodsWe reviewed 245 adult acute leukemia patients undergoing allo-HSCT from January 2003 to December 2014. Clinical characteristics including age, sex, conditioning regimens, European Group for Blood and Bone marrow Transplantation (EBMT) risk score, and presence of acute graft-versus-host disease (aGVHD) or chronic GVHD (cGVHD) were collected and analyzed. Cox proportional hazard model was adopted to explore the independent risk factors for IMIs developments.ResultsSeventeen of 245 patients developed IMIs during the study period. The cumulative incidence of IMIs in this cohort was 8.7% and 16.8% at 6 and 12 months, respectively, with Aspergillus species being the most common pathogen. The significant risk factors predicting IMIs were unrelated donor transplantation (hazard ratio [HR] 5.11), smoking (HR 3.55), EBMT risk score > 2 (HR 4.22), and moderate to severe cGVHD (HR 3.76).ConclusionsWe identified four risk factors-unrelated donor transplantation, smoking, EBMT risk score >2 and moderate to severe cGVHD to predict IMIs among acute leukemia patients undergoing allo-HSCT. This cohort study suggests early identification of high-risk patients and to provide better prevention strategies would reduce the incidence and severity of IMIs in these patients.  相似文献   
Dentists are a potentially valuable source of community education about the health effects surrounding tobacco use. The aims of this study were to provide Australian data on dentists' current practice regarding discussing smoking with patients, dentists' perceptions of the barriers to discussing smoking with patients and dentists' interest in discussing smoking with patients. A postal survey of all dentists who were members of the Hunter Branch of the Australian Dental Association in New South Wales was conducted. Dentists generally reported quite high levels of current activity regarding smoking. The majority of dentists reported asking at least some of their patients whether or not they smoked. Dentists reported that they discussed the possible oral effects of smoking with at least some of their smoking patients. Furthermore, they told at least some of their patients with smoking related disease that smoking may have contributed to their problems. Dentists identified a number of difficulties involved in helping patients quit smoking. These findings may be used to help guide future research and practice in involving dentists further in discussing smoking with patients.  相似文献   
Abstract. The present study primarily aimed at investigating the oral microbiota in smokers and non-smokers with established gingivitis and monitoring its composition during experimental gingivitis. Secondly, it aimed at examining whether the composition of the microbiota is associated with different levels of gingival inflammation during this experimental gingivitis trial. For this purpose, 25 non-dental university students with gingivitis were recruited. 11 subjects were smokers and 14 were non-smokers. After achieving gingival health, they entered a 14-day experimental gingivitis trial. Plaque and bleeding were assessed before entering into the study (intake), at day 0. day 5 and at day 14 of the experiment. Microbiological samples from mucosal sites and dental plaque (taken at intake, day 0, and day 14) were analysed for the presence of Actinomyces species. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Bacteroides forsythus, Campylobacter rectus, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Peptostreptococcus micros. Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia and Streptococcus species. At day 14 of the experimental period, the level of plaque formation was not different between smokers and nonsmokers, but bleeding scores were lower in smokers than in non-smokers (15% and 30%) respectively, p= 0.01). The change from natural gingivitis to a state of gingival health and a subsequent change from gingival health to experimentally induced gingivitis was accompanied by quantitative alterations in the cultivable microbiota in both groups. Changes were most prominent in the transition from gingival health to experimental gingivitis and were found in dental plaque for Actinomyces species, C. rectus, F. nucleatum, and P. intermedia. Within the group of non-smokers, a distinction was made between subjects with a‘weak’or 'strong’inflammatory response. No relationship with a single bacterial species could be established which would likely explain the differences in levels of inflammation. It is concluded that differences in response to experimental gingivitis are not caused by major differences in the composition of the oral microbiota.  相似文献   
吸烟与牙周病关系的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为研究吸烟与牙周病的关系,调查432名中老年男性的口腔卫生状况、牙周状况及吸烟习惯。结果表明吸烟者软垢指数与不吸烟者相同,龈炎区段数两者差异无显著性,吸烟者牙周炎区段数高于不吸烟者。重度吸烟者牙周炎区段数高于轻、中度吸烟者及不吸烟者。调查结果提示吸烟可能是牙周病流行的高危因素之一。  相似文献   
吸烟与糖尿病对龈沟液中天冬氨酸转氨酶活性水平的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :研究吸烟、糖尿病对牙周龈沟液中天冬氨酸转氨酶 (GCF AST)水平的影响。方法 :选择 10 5例吸烟者、86例糖尿病患者及 90例对照者 ,测定牙周病指数 (PDI)、GCF AST水平并比较。结果 :吸烟组和糖尿病组PDI值均明显高于对照组 ,牙周健康区数低于对照组 ;牙龈炎区数 3组相近 ;牙周炎区数高于对照组。在PDI相同的情况下 3组GCF AST水平无显著性差异。结论 :吸烟、糖尿病是牙周病流行的高危因素 ,而对GCF AST水平无直接影响  相似文献   
牙槽骨吸收与吸烟状况的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的: 评价不同程度牙槽骨吸收的牙数与每日吸烟量和血浆中cotinine水平的关系。方法: 120名未治疗的慢性牙周炎患者,男 48,女 72,平均年龄 42. 3岁。根据自述的吸烟状况分组。116人检测了血浆cotin ine水平。根据骨吸收达根长的冠 1 /3、中 1 /3和根 1 /3, 牙槽骨吸收分为轻、中、重度骨吸收。结果:cotinine水平与自述的吸烟状况呈正相关(P<0. 001)。重度吸烟组较非吸烟组,中度骨吸收的牙齿数明显增多;而非吸烟组,无骨吸收的牙齿多(P值均<0. 001)。结论:吸烟>10支 /d是牙槽骨吸收牙数增加的重要危险因素。  相似文献   
Objective Evidence is lacking regarding the combined effects of smoking and obesity on mortality from coronary heart disease in male veterans.This study aimed to explore the combined effect of smoking and obesity on coronary heart disease mortality in male veterans in China.Methods A cohort of 1,268 male veterans from 22 veteran centers in Xi’an(Shaanxi Province,China)were followed up once every 2 years from February 1,1987 to October 30,2016.The endpoint was death from any cause.The hazard ratio(HR)of each risk factor and the 95%confidence interval(CI)were calculated using a multivariate Cox proportional hazard model.Results The total follow-up was 24394.21 person-years;each subject was followed up for a mean duration of 19.24 years.By the end of the study,of the 1,268 veterans,889 had died,363 were alive,and 16 were lost to follow-up.Cox regression analysis results revealed that current smoking(HR:1.552,95%CI:1.074–2.243),obesity(HR:1.625,95%CI:1.024–2.581),and the combined effect of the two factors(HR:2.828,95%CI:1.520–5.262)were associated with coronary heart disease mortality.Conclusion Our results suggest that obese veterans who smoke might be an important target population for coronary heart disease mortality control.  相似文献   
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has been linked to reward dysfunctions, highlighting a possible role of anhedonia in OCD. Surprisingly, anhedonia in OCD has never been evaluated. Moreover, although nicotine typically has anti-anhedonic effects, anecdotal reports suggest low prevalence rates of smoking in OCD. To address these two phenomena, 113 individuals with OCD completed a battery of questionnaires assessing symptom severity, anhedonia, and smoking. 28.3% of the sample met criteria for clinically significant anhedonia, which correlated with Y-BOCS scores (r=0.44), even when controlling for depressive symptoms. 13.3% of the sample endorsed current smoking, a lower rate than seen in psychiatric disorders (40–90%) and the general adult population (19%). Results highlight high rates of anhedonia and yet reduced prevalence of smoking in OCD. In contrast to the known positive association between anhedonia and smoking, a negative association emerged. Future research is needed to address the unique interface between anhedonia and reward responsiveness in OCD. Potential clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
Cigarette smokers have increased rates of mood and anxiety-related conditions. Hoarding is another anxiety-related condition that has yet to be examined in relation to smoking behavior. The current investigation sought to examine smoking rates among a sample of individuals with hoarding disorder and individuals with non-hoarding obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). Additionally, we examined the relationship between hoarding symptoms and reasons for smoking. Participants in Study 1 consisted of 57 individuals with non-hoarding OCD or hoarding disorder. Participants in Study 2 consisted of 661 adult daily smokers. Results revealed that a significantly greater proportion of individuals diagnosed with hoarding were current smokers compared to the non-hoarding OCD group. Additionally, hoarding severity was associated with negative affect reduction expectancies. These results provide important information regarding smoking behaviors within hoarding disorder. Given the poor treatment outcomes and negative health risks associated with hoarding, this information could inform future research and treatment programs.  相似文献   
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