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Helicobacter pylori infection is common among Asians. However, evidence in the recent years has demonstrated a decrease in the prevalence of H. pylori infection among children and adults worldwide. Our aim was to update its prevalence in symptomatic children in our locality in the recent 12?years and compared to the results of our previous review published in 2005.


A retrospective review was carried out between 2005 and 2017. All children who presented with dyspepsia or gastrointestinal bleeding and underwent oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with antral biopsy taken were included. Patient demographics, endoscopic, or histological diagnosis and the H. pylori status were recorded.

Main Results

A total of 602 patients were included. There was a statistically significant decreasing trend of H. pylori infection rate between 2005 and 2017 (p?=?0.003). The overall infection rate from this study was 12.8%, compared to 25.6% from our previous review. Overall failure of eradication with first-line antibiotic therapy has increased to 29.3% from 10% in our previous review.


There was a decrease in the prevalence of H. pylori infection among symptomatic children for the recent 12?years, comparing to our previous data from 2005. We hypothesize that the reduction in prevalence of H. pylori infection among adults and the decrease in the practice of sharing chopsticks during meals have led to a decrease in transmission of the bacteria among family members in Hong Kong. However, the failure of eradication with first line treatment was higher, possibly due to the increase in antibiotics usage and resistance.

Level of Evidence

III  相似文献   
目的了解重症监护病房(intensive care unit,ICU)患者病原菌分布情况,采取相应对策,降低医院感染发生率。方法回顾性调查2016年1月至2017年11月ICU患者病原菌分布情况及医务人员手细菌监测情况。患者均为入本院ICU患者,医护人员均为本院ICU医护人员。2017年1月至2017年11月送检标本为实验组,2016年1月至2016年11月为对照组。观察两组干预前后医务人员手的细菌监测合格率,患者感染率,细菌耐药率。结果实施细菌感染监控前后,对照组550例患者发生感染164例;实验组525例患者发生感染79例,实验组的感染率低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。实验组共分离出病原菌119株,对照组为202株,实验组分离出的病原菌数低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。两组病原菌耐药结果显示,干预后,实验组肺炎克雷伯菌对头孢菌素、奎诺酮类耐药率降低到30%以下,大肠埃希氏菌降低到60%左右。实验组医务人员手的细菌数监测合格率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论采取相应对策干预后有效降低患者的细菌感染率,同时,革兰阴性菌对常用抗菌药物的耐药情况也有很大程度的改善。  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to describe the prevalence of pulp chamber calcifications in a sample of Turkish dental patients and to report associations between presence of pulp chamber calcifications and dental status, gender, age, and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Data were collected through radiographic examination of periapical and bitewing radiographs of 15,326 teeth from 536 dental patients, comprising 270 male and 266 female patients aged between 13 and 65 years. Definite radiopaque focuses inside the radiolucent pulp chamber were defined as pulp chamber calcifications. When the pulp chamber was completely radiolucent, that tooth was scored as tooth without pulp chamber calcification. The dental status was scored as intact, carious, restored, or restored + carious. Pulp chamber calcifications were identified in 204 (38%) patients examined. Of the 15,326 teeth, 747 (4.8%) had pulp chamber calcifications. Gender and dental status were found to be correlated with the presence of pulp chamber calcifications. The high prevalence of pulp chamber calcifications in carious, restored, and restored + carious teeth support the view that the occurrence of pulp chamber calcifications can be a response to long-standing irritants. However, to report any associations between occurrence of pulp chamber calcifications and different dental or clinical status, further studies are still needed.  相似文献   
In order to study the age-related susceptibility to dental fluorosis, 40 children who had been lifelong consumers of moderate- to high-fluoride water (0.55–8.48 mg F/l) were examined, as well as a group of older siblings (n = 40) who were born 6 months to 6 years before the fluoride-containing drinking water was introduced to the household. Background information was obtained through a structured questionnaire. Dental fluorosis was scored according to the TF index. Among the 80 children examined, the permanent incisors were erupted in 66, while 67 had permanent first molars present. As compared to their older siblings, the prevalence of dental fluorosis was significantly higher in the children who had consumed moderate- to high-fluoride water throughout their lives. In a multiple regression analysis, the variable “age when introduced to moderate- to high-fluoride water” came out as the only significant risk factor associated with dental fluorosis. This variable was divided into three categories according to the first exposure to moderate- to high-fluoride drinking water (1) 0–12 months of age, (2) 13–24 months of age and (3) after 24 months of age. Category 3 was used as the reference group. Fluoride exposure starting during the 1st year of life showed the highest odds ratio as compared to exposure only after 2 years of age. The findings indicate that early mineralising teeth (central incisors and first molars) are highly susceptible to dental fluorosis if exposed to fluoride from the first and – to a lesser extent – also from the 2nd year of life. Received: 20 July 1998 / Accepted: 22 October 1998  相似文献   
Research into behavioural phenotypes identifies both environmental and organic factors as influencing aggression in children and adults with genetic disorders associated with intellectual disability. However, in contrast to self-injury there is a paucity of research that compares aggression across relevant syndromes. The primary aim of this review is to examine the association between aggression and genetic syndromes by analysis of prevalence studies. The review also examines the literature on the form of the behaviour and influence of environmental factors.Results imply that certain syndrome groups (Cri du Chat, Smith-Magenis, Prader-Willi, Angelman, Cornelia de Lange, and Fragile X syndromes; estimates over 70%) evidence a stronger association with aggression than others (e.g. Williams and Down syndromes; estimates below 15%). However, the strength of association is difficult to quantify due to methodological differences between studies. The results from examining form and environmental influences highlight the importance of phenotype–environment interactions. Research employing group comparison designs is warranted and future work on the assessment and intervention of aggression in genetic syndromes should consider the importance of phenotype–environment interactions.  相似文献   
Health care employees are more likely than other workers to be victims of violence or aggression. Results from one Australian study suggest that 30% of respondents experienced aggression on a daily or near daily basis. In an Irish context, a total of 22% of all reported injuries in the health and social sector related to injuries inflicted by another person. However, both in Ireland and internationally, there has been an inadequate categorization of the types of incident to which staff are exposed. This contributes to definitional difficulties as well as problems in comparing research findings and using such findings to make work environments safe. The current study aimed to identify the types of violent or aggressive incidents that staff in Irish Accident and Emergency departments were exposed to within a month long period. A cross-sectional study was undertaken with all nurses (N = 80) working in Accident and Emergency departments in two sites nationally as part of a larger study of aggression and violence in health services looking at both Mental Health Services and Accident and Emergency departments. Data were collected using the Scale of Aggressive and Violent Experiences - questionnaire adapted from the Perception of Prevalence of Aggression Scale. The questionnaire captured data on personal and professional demographics as well as experiences of aggressive or violent incidents respondents may have encountered 'in their work situation'. There was a response rate of 46% (n = 37). Data were analysed utilizing spss-11. The relevant data were subjected to a series of one-way anovas and chi-square analysis. The findings suggest that nursing staff in Accident and Emergency departments experienced high levels of verbal aggression. Additionally, they encountered violence or aggression that is vicariously experienced more than forms that were overtly directed towards staff. It is a matter of concern that less than one-third of staff in this study reported that they had training in the management of aggression and violence. The implications will be discussed in relation to both policy and practice.  相似文献   
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