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T.-N. Wu Chen-Yang Shen Saou-Hsing Liou Guang-Yang Yang K.-N. Ko Show-Lin Chao Chao-Chun Hsu P.-Y. Chang 《International archives of occupational and environmental health》1997,69(6):386-391
To monitor the lead hazards in industries and to investigate the prevalence of elevated blood lead levels (BLLs) in lead-exposed
workers, a lead surveillance system (PRESS-BLLs) has been established and operated in Taiwan, Republic of China, since July
1993. A cohort of lead-exposed workers who received a periodic annual health examination at 55 accredited hospital laboratories
was constructed. A total of 9807 separate BLL measurements were reported to the system in 1994. The mean BLL was 15.8 μg/dl
in male workers and 11.6 μg/dl in female workers. The mean BLL of lead-exposed workers was significantly (P<0.05, z-test) higher than that of the general Taiwanese population (8.6 μg/dl for males and 6.7 μg/dl for females). In addition,
the BLLs of 983 (10.0%) workers exceeded the regulatory action level (40 μg/dl for males; 30 μg/dl for females). The workplaces
and homes of 57% of the workers with elevated BLLs were thoroughly investigated to determine the sources of lead contamination.
These actions identified the causes of elevated BLLs and set up strategies to reduce workers’ lead exposure. The establishment
of this occupational lead surveillance system represents a method for monitoring of lead hazards from occupational and environmental
settings to prevent lead poisoning. The information acquired from the system can help in the setting up of a priority of prevention
and the development of control measures. It is also useful for further monitoring of changes in the BLLs of the lead-exposed-worker
cohort. The Health Department of Taiwan can use this information to evaluate the effectiveness of current industrial hygiene
practice. Subjects with elevated BLLs have been medically treated and placed on long-term follow-up for sequelae.
Received: 2 September 1996/Accepted: 29 November 1996 相似文献
P Oksa H Koskinen J P Rinne A Zitting P Roto M S Huuskonen 《American journal of industrial medicine》1992,21(4):561-567
Exposure to mineral dust was studied among construction workers (N = 437) with the aid of a questionnaire and a chest X-ray examination of the lungs. The results of the questionnaire showed that 81% of the construction workers had been exposed to asbestos. Exposure had occurred in all of the occupational groups studied. Pleural plaques and/or lung fibrosis (ILO greater than or equal to 1/1) were found in 26% of the examined workers; the prevalence varied from 18 to 40% among the various occupational groups. Comparison with a representative sample of the Finnish male population from another investigation indicates that the frequency of lung fibrosis (ILO greater than or equal to 1/1) is at least two times higher among the examined construction workers than among the general population. It seems likely that exposure to asbestos dust can be considered an etiological factor for an appreciable number of the X-ray findings. 相似文献
C. J. English W. M. Maclaren C. Court-Brown S. P. F. Hughes R. W. Porter W. A. Wallace R. J. Graves A. J. Pethick C. A. Soutar 《American journal of industrial medicine》1995,27(1):75-90
To make a preliminary assessment of whether upper limb soft tissue disorders might be associated with activities at work, we have conducted a case-control study of subjects attending orthopedic clinics in three cities. All subjects between the ages of 16 and 65 years, in whom defined soft tissue conditions of the upper limb were diagnosed by the participating orthopedic surgeons, were invited to take part. Controls were subjects attending the same clinics within the same age range whose clinical diagnosis did not include disease of the upper limb, cervical or thoracic spine. Information concerning repetitive movements of the upper limbs at work was elicited by questionnaire. Five hundred eighty cases and 996 controls were studied, representing 96% and 93%, respectively, of those invited to participate. The diagnoses of the cases included soft tissue conditions affecting the shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, thumb, hand, and fingers. The diagnoses of the controls included traumatic, degenerative, and inflammatory conditions, mostly of the legs and lower back. Women predominated among the cases (70%) and men among the controls (56%). Of 221 female cases with injury to the wrist and forearm, 32 were cleaner/domestics (14.5%) compared to 35 of 439 controls (8%), a difference statistically significant at the 2 1/2% level. Other jobs significantly overrepresented (5% level) among female cases with injuries at various anatomical sites included hairdressers, secretary/temps, assembly line workers, and machine operators (type unspecified). Among male cases, electricians were significantly overrepresented (5% level). Jobs for which there was a suggestion (p < 0.1) of overrepresentation among cases included butchers and teacher/ lecturers (both males only) and the combined job groups (chosen a priori for analysis) of keyboard operators, machine operators, and music teachers (all three jobs, females only). 相似文献
V. Leroy Young Mary K. Seaton Christine A. Feely Cynthia Arfken Dorothy F. Edwards Carolyn M. Baum Samuel Logan 《American journal of industrial medicine》1995,27(3):419-431
On-site testing of 157 poultry processors disclosed that 50% had three or more abnormal upper extremity findings out of a total of 22 possibles. The average worker had five to six abnormal findings. Impaired pinch strength, decreased vibration sensitivity in the fingertips, and reports of current numbness were the most prevalent. Of workers with signs, 25% reported no symptoms, whereas only 8% of workers reported symptoms but had no signs. The investigators concluded that this measurement method has utility for assessments of worker populations to determine prevalence of CTDs and, potentially, for preclinical detection of these disorders to permit early intervention, reduce medical costs, and minimize disability. The need for accurate measurement to enhance early detection and prevention is discussed. 相似文献
Liaison with support personnel is important in the management of workers with occupational skin disease (OSD). This study shows that there are many areas of concern regarding the knowledge and understanding of OSD in these groups. There needs to be a comprehensive education programme concerning OSD within the working community and support personnel. Dermatologists need to simplify their "language' in the reporting of OSD. Insurers need to take a more sympathetic attitude towards the partially fit worker. Rehabilitation personnel must become more familiar with OSD. 相似文献
High exposures to organic solvents among graffiti removers 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Helena Anundi Marie-Louise Lind Lennart Friis Nadja Itkes Sven Langworth Christer Edling 《International archives of occupational and environmental health》1993,65(4):247-251
Summary The exposure to organic solvents among 12 graffiti removers was studied. Health effects were also assessed by structured interview and a symptom questionnaire. Blood and urine samples were collected at the end of the day of air sampling. The concentrations of dichloromethane, glycol ethers, trimethylbenzenes and N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone in the breathing zone of each worker were measured during one working day. The 8-h time-weighted average exposure to dichloromethane ranged from 18 to 1200 mg/m3. The Swedish Permissible Exposure Limit value for dichloromethane is 120 mg/m3. The air concentrations of glycol ethers, trimethylbenzens and N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone were low or not detectable. No exposure-related deviations in the serum concentrations of creatinine, aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, -glutamyl transpeptidase or hyaluronan or the urine concentrations of 1-microglobulin, R2-microglobulin or N-acetyl--glucos-aminidase were found. Irritative symptoms of the eyes and upper respiratory tract were more prevalent than in the general population. This study demonstrates that old knowledge about work harzards is not automatically transferred to new professions. Another aspect is that the public is also exposed as the job is performed during daytime in underground stations. At least for short periods, bystanders may be exposed to high concentrations of organic solvent vapours. People with predisposing conditions, e.g. asthmatics, may risk adverse reactions. 相似文献
Antonio Mutti Enrico Bergamaschi Sergio Ghittori Marcello Imbriani Innocente Franchini 《International archives of occupational and environmental health》1993,65(Z1):S171-S176
Ambient and biological monitoring of hexane exposure were repeatedly carried out in 14 female shoe makers. Airborne hexane (Ci-H) was measured in 4-h samples collected by a diffusive method. Urinary spot samples were collected before, during (at noon), and at the end of a work shift. 2,5-Hexanedione (2,5HD) in urine collected at noon was poorly related to morning Ci-H. End-of-shift 2,5HD were also poorly related to afternoon air samples. The correlation was still relatively low when end-of-shift 2,5HD was related to 8-h TWA Ci-H (r= 0.44; P<0.01 on=" a=" linear=" scale,=" and=">0.01>r-0.58, P< 0.01=" on=" a=" log-log=" scale).=" end-of-shift=" 2,5hd=" levels=" estimated=" on=" the=" basis=" of=" pre-shift=" values=" using=" a=" mathematical=" model=" were=" much=" higher=" (2.3=" times=" on=" average)=" than=" those=" experimentally=" measured=" during=" the=" study=" period.=" owing=" to=" its=" relatively=" long=" half-time,=" 2,5hd=" seems=" to=" be=" influenced=" not=" only=" by=" current=" exposure,=" but=" also=" by=" hexane=" absorbed=" during=" the=" day(s)=" preceding=" sampling.=" the=" lack=" of=" a=" sampling=" strategy=" may=" account=" not=" only=" for=" inconsistencies=" between=" environmental=" and=" biological=" data,=" but=" also=" for=" a=" possible=" misuse=" of=" biological=" monitoring=" when=" utilized=" for=" risk=" assessment.=" despite=" sometimes=" poor=" correlations=" with=" ci-h,=" 2,5hd=" may=" still=" be=" preferred=" to=" other=" indicators=" as=" a=" marker=" of=" effective=" internal=" dose.=" a=" sampling=" strategy=" should=" ensure=" that=" measured=" values=" are=" representative=" of=" the=" individual=" risk=" for=" adverse="> 相似文献
The authors developed a union sponsored 2-day human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) "train the trainer" program for healthcare workers in the San Francisco Bay Area. The program incorporated the "education for action" approach in an effort to respond to the inadequacies in many traditional, institutional trainings. Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and Labor Occupational Health Program (LOHP) conducted the HIV/AIDS "train the trainer" program for approximately 100 healthcare workers in county public hospitals and community health clinics. After completing the program, these workers went back to their healthcare facilities, or community organizations, and led additional classes on HIV/AIDS transmission and prevention for approximately 600 more people. The goal of the program was to empower healthcare workers to: 1) identify the occupational risks associated with exposure to blood and potentially infectious body fluids at the workplace; 2) develop strategies to reduce those risks; 3) discuss their feelings about caring for an HIV/AIDS patient; and, 4) conduct HIV/AIDS workshops at the workplace. 相似文献
Roderik Mrena Seppo Savolainen Heikki Kiukaanniemi Jukka Ylikoski Antti A. Mäkitie 《International journal of audiology》2013,52(6):394-400
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of tightened hearing protection regulations on tinnitus in the Finnish Defence Forces. The initial study group comprised 252 officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs), of which 229 were included in the final study group. Subjective symptoms of tinnitus and audiometric test results for these officers and NCOs examined before retirement, from 1984 to 1986 (Period I), and 2003 to 2005 (Period II), were reviewed. Changes in tinnitus reports between the two time periods, during which regulations had been revised, were investigated. Prevalence of tinnitus showed a decline both in officers (from 68% to 63%) and in NCOs (from 76% to 72%) between the two study periods, in accordance with tightened hearing protection regulations. The Cox regression analysis showed a significantly decreased hazard ratio for constant or disturbing tinnitus for Period II. Tinnitus prevalence, especially constant or disturbing tinnitus, in the Finnish Defence Forces was diminished by tightened hearing protection regulations. Tinnitus might be more persistent than hearing loss and does not necessarily improve in direct relation to hearing loss after protective measures. 相似文献
目的对某中水站建设项目职业病危害因素及存在的职业卫生问题提出有效的防护对策和建议。方法依据《工业企业设计卫生标准》《工作场所有害因素职业接触限值》等标准,采用检查表法和类比调查法,对项目中可能存在的职业病危害进行识别、分析与评价。结果检测14个产生化学有毒物质作业岗位和4个噪声工作岗位,全部合格。本项日在总体布局、生产工艺、职业病防护措施等方面基本符合《工业企业设计卫生标准》要求。在设备布局、照明、应急救援措施等方面设计还不够完善。结论本项目属于职业病危害一般的建设项目,从职业病防治角度分析是可行的。 相似文献