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Seven99Mo/99mTc generators (using fission99Mo) obtained from seven different manufactures were studied in 1984 and 1985 to test the quality of the eluates. We present the findings concerning the elution efficiency, radionuclide purity,99Mo breakthrough, radiochemical purity, pH, and aluminium content of the eluates. One generator was overloaded with99Mo by about 40%, while one generator had99mTc yields of only about 80%. The eluates generally (although with some exceptions) exhibited a high and satisfactory radionuclidic purity and good radiochemical purity. The low-level determination of99Mo break-through using a commercially available dose calibrator with a99Mo assay shiled indicated a misleadingly high99Mo content. All of the eluates had pH values of between 5.0 and 5.5, and the aluminium content was always below the detection limit of 1 g per milliliter of eluate. The generators performed well and proved their capability of functioning as reliable sources of sodium pertechnetate Tc99m. In all cases, the pertechnetate produced met the requirements of the European Pharmacopeia.This report is based on work conducted within the scope of a research poject devised by the Ministry of the Interior of the Federal Republic of Germany (Hammermaier et al. 1985). The present report reflects the opinions of the authors and does not necessarily express the views of the Federal Ministry of the Interior  相似文献   
微生物还原氧化态硒对于硒在自然界的循环有重要作用,目前发现的还原方式主要有三种,即硒酸盐/亚硒酸盐经甲基转移酶或谷胱甘肽(GSH)作用后成为可挥发性的甲基硒化物;在细胞内的与含巯基的化合物发生化学反应,生成硒中间产物,进入各种代谢途径,或被巯基还原酶还原为Se0;反硝化细菌内硝酸还原酶具有还原氧化态硒的功能,发现另一种氧化态硒还原酶可以专门地还原氧化态硒为低价态或单质,该酶被发现同属于Ⅱ型钼酶家族.本文综述了氧化态硒还原酶的研究进展,以及在生化、遗传、基因组和蛋白质组学等方法研究中的应用.  相似文献   
本文利用体外培养心肌细胞方法,通过直接观察钼和硒对心肌细胞生长发育及自发性收缩的影响,证明了钼和硒同时作用比钼和硒单独作用有更加明显之效果,即证明在这方面钼和硒具有协同作用。  相似文献   
目的探讨X线钼靶与磁共振(MRI)诊断乳腺叶状肿瘤(phyllodes tumor,PT)的影像价值。方法选取2012年4月至2015年4月医院19例经临床病理证实为PT患者作为研究对象,均行X线钼靶、MRI检查,分析影像学表现。结果手术病理显示,12例为良性,4例交界性,3例恶性。X线钼靶上3例圆形,16例分叶状,病灶密度高于周围腺体,10例见清晰边界,7例肿块周边有环形低密度影,2例无清晰边界。MRI上5例圆形,14例分叶状,平扫T1等信号或低信号,T2高信号,以信号均匀为主,4例囊变,2例出血。动态增强扫描显示以均匀明显强化为主,时间-信号曲线扫描显示6例上升型,11例平台型,2例为流出型。b值为0s/mm2时,DWI高信号;b值为500s/mm2时,12例高信号,7例低信号,对应ADC值明显高于对侧正常乳腺组织(P0.05)。结论乳腺叶状肿瘤在X线钼靶与MRI上均具有一定特征性,尤其是MRI动态增强扫描,但确诊仍依赖临床病理检查。  相似文献   
Endovascular retrograde suction decompression (RSD) with balloon occlusion of the internal carotid artery is helpful to facilitate clipping large and giant paraclinoid carotid aneurysms. The authors reported a revised endovascular technique without internal carotid access using Mo.Ma device and analyzed its feasibility. In the series, 15 consecutive patients harboring 15 large and giant paraclinoid carotid aneurysms were clipped with assistance of this revised RSD technique. The technical feasibility of the procedure, procedure-related complications, angiographic results, and clinical outcome were evaluated. Technical success was achieved in 14 patients with aneurysm neck clipping and internal carotid artery (ICA) patent. No complication related to this endovascular technique occurred. At follow-up (mean time 15.3 months), the modified Rankin Scale score was excellent in 11 patients, good in two patients and poor in one patient. Their preliminary experience indicates that revised retrograde suction decompression technique with Mo.Ma device seems effective and safe in the surgical treatment of large and giant paraclinoid ICA aneurysms.  相似文献   
偏头痛是临床常见头面部疾病,现在医学多采用特异性治疗药物跟非特异性止痛药物治疗。长期服药造成一定的并发症及不良反应,中西医结合治疗偏头痛是临床研究的重点。张仲景《金匮要略.中风历节病脉证并治》篇中初次记录头风摩散,该外治方的主要功效是用来治疗头风病,同时开创了摩顶膏法的先河。 摩法是最古老、最常用的手法之一。记载摩法的古代文献颇多,可追溯至《素问.病能》曰;“摩之切之。” 《素问.至真要大论》曰:“摩之、浴之。”并由此演绎出一系列实用手法。本文旨在探究摩法结合头风摩散治疗偏头痛的操作应用及其原理,进一步考究摩法与头风摩散结合治疗偏头痛的协同作用,以期对临床有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
目的:探讨采用美国GE公司产钼铑双靶X线机摄片系统对乳腺癌的诊断价值.方法:通过数字化后处理方法,对1 600例乳腺疾病患者钼钝双靶X线摄片结果进行分析.结果:具备更高质量的乳腺图像,提高了乳腺疾病的诊断正确率,而且能够发现原有的单钯X线机所不易检出的疾病,如微小乳腺癌及微小钙化等,大大地提高了乳腺癌的早期检出率,而且其对人体辐射剂量减少,更具人性化,适合临床应用.  相似文献   
Giant cell arteritis is a disease of the elderly which is more common than previously recognized. It is important to be aware of this condition because treatment effectively relieves symptoms and prevents serious complications. The disease is suggested when an elderly patient complains of constitutional symptoms, headache, jaw claudication, or the musculoskeletal manifestations of polymyalgia rheumatica. Abnormalities in temporal arteries or other cranial arteries, or evidence of large vessel involvement may be detected by physical examination. A markedly elevated sedimentation rate in association with other clinical features of the disease strongly suggests giant cell arteritis, but a biopsy should be performed to confirm the diagnosis. Corticosteroid therapy should be started promptly in high doses in order to prevent blindness. Prolonged treatment with lower dose corticosteroids is generally necessary for up to 1 to 2 years, and sometimes longer, for continued symptomatic relief. Long-term follow-up of treated patients has demonstrated no detectable effect on survivorship.  相似文献   
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