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目的 分析重庆市肺癌发病死亡和疾病负担归因于被动吸烟的情况,为开展肺癌防治提供建议。 方法 肺癌死亡个案数据来源于2019年重庆市肿瘤登记报告系统,被动吸烟率来自2013年重庆市慢性病及危险因素监测。计算人群归因危险度百分比(population attributable risk percent, PAR%)、被动吸烟导致的肺癌发病、死亡和疾病负担。采用Excel 2010与SPSS 25.0进行统计分析,率的比较采用χ2检验。 结果 2013年30岁及以上成年人被动吸烟率为52.37%。2019年重庆市30岁及以上人群肺癌发病率与标化发病率分别为118.44/10万与80.83/10万,死亡率与标化死亡率分别为96.51/10万、63.58/10万。肺癌发病率和死亡率归因于被动吸烟的PAR%分别为19.76和19.04,归因发病率与归因标化发病率分别为23.41/10万和16.34/10万,归因死亡率与归因标化死亡率分别为18.38/10万和12.40/10万。2019年重庆市30岁及以上肺癌早死所致寿命损失年率(years of life lost,YLL)、残疾所致寿命损失年率(years lived with disability,YLD)、调整伤残寿命损失年率(disability adjusted life year,DALY)分别为21.16‰、0.31‰、21.47‰,YLL率、YLD率、DALY率归因于被动吸烟的PAR%分别为21.16、19.76和20.49,归因YLL率为4.34‰,归因YLD率为0.06‰,归因DALY率为4.40‰。 结论 2019年重庆市30岁及以上人群肺癌发病率、死亡率、YLL率、DALY率高,被动吸烟率高,肺癌归因于被动吸烟的疾病负担重,应加强落实控烟工作。  相似文献   
ObjectiveSeveral trials have recently reported the safety of pulmonary resection after neoadjuvant immunotherapy with encouraging major pathological response rates. We report the detailed adverse events profile from a recently conducted randomized phase II trial in patients with resectable non–small cell lung cancer treated with neoadjuvant durvalumab alone or with sub-ablative radiation.MethodsWe conducted a randomized phase II trial in patients with non–small cell lung cancer clinical stages I to IIIA who were randomly assigned to receive neoadjuvant durvalumab alone or with sub-ablative radiation (8Gyx3). Secondary end points included the safety of 2 cycles of preoperative durvalumab with and without radiation followed by pulmonary resection. Postoperative adverse events within 30 days were recorded according to the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (version 4.0).ResultsSixty patients were enrolled and randomly assigned, with planned resection performed in 26 patients in each arm. Baseline demographics and clinical variables were balanced between groups. The median operative time was similar between arms: 128 minutes (97-201) versus 146 minutes (109-214) (P = .314). There was no 30- or 90-day mortality. Grade 3/4 adverse events occurred in 10 of 26 patients (38%) after monotherapy and in 10 of 26 patients (38%) after dual therapy. Anemia requiring transfusion and hypotension were the 2 most common adverse events. The median length of stay was similar between arms (5 days vs 4 days, P = .172).ConclusionsIn this randomized trial, the addition of sub-ablative focal radiation to durvalumab in the neoadjuvant setting was not associated with increased mortality or morbidity compared with neoadjuvant durvalumab alone.  相似文献   
AimsCurrent follow-up for head and neck cancer (HNC) is ineffective, expensive and fails to address patients' needs. The PETNECK2 trial will compare a new model of patient-initiated follow-up (PIFU) with routine scheduled follow-up. This article reports UK clinicians' views about HNC follow-up and PIFU, to inform the trial design.Materials and methodsOnline focus groups with surgeons (ear, nose and throat/maxillofacial), oncologists, clinical nurse specialists and allied health professionals. Clinicians were recruited from professional bodies, mailing lists and personal contacts. Focus groups explored views on current follow-up and acceptability of the proposed PIFU intervention and randomised controlled trial design (presented by the study co-chief investigator), preferences, margins of equipoise, potential organisational barriers and thoughts about the content and format of PIFU. Data were interpreted using inductive thematic analysis.ResultsEight focus groups with 34 clinicians were conducted. Clinicians highlighted already known limitations with HNC follow-up – lack of flexibility to address the wide-ranging needs of HNC patients, expense and lack of evidence – and agreed that follow-up needs to change. They were enthusiastic about the PETNECK2 trial to develop and evaluate PIFU but had concerns that PIFU may not suit disengaged patients and may aggravate patient anxiety/fear of recurrence and delay detection of recurrence. Anticipated issues with implementation included ensuring a reliable route back to clinic and workload burden on nurses and allied health professionals.ConclusionsClinicians supported the evaluation of PIFU but voiced concerns about barriers to help-seeking. An emphasis on patient engagement, psychosocial issues, symptom reporting and reliable, quick routes back to clinic will be important. Certain patient groups may be less suited to PIFU, which will be evaluated in the trial. Early, meaningful, ongoing engagement with clinical teams and managers around the trial rationale and recruitment process will be important to discourage selective recruitment and address risk-averse behaviour and potential workload burden.  相似文献   


Concomitant chemoradiation is the standard of care in patients with inoperable non-small cell lung cancer. The purpose of this study was to analyse the survival outcome and toxicity data of using hypofractionated chemoradiation.

Materials and methods

One hundred patients were treated from June 2011 to November 2016. Treatment consisted of 55 Gy in 20 daily fractions concurrently with split-dose cisplatin vinorelbine chemotherapy over 4 weeks followed by two cycles of cisplatin vinorelbine only. Survival was estimated using Kaplan–Meier and Cox regression was carried out for known prognostic factors. A systematic search of literature was conducted using Medline, Embase and Cochrane databases and relevant references included.


In total, 97% of patients completed radiotherapy and 73% of patients completed all four cycles of chemotherapy. One patient died of a cardiac event during consolidative chemotherapy. There were two cases of grade 4 toxicities (one sepsis, one renal impairment). Grade 3 toxicities included nausea/vomiting (17%), oesophagitis (15%), infection with neutropenia (12%) and pneumonitis (4%). Clinical benefit was seen in 86%. Two-year progression-free survival and overall survival rates were 49% and 58%, respectively. The median progression-free survival and overall survival were 23.4 and 43.4 months, respectively. The only significant prognostic factor was the number of chemotherapy cycles received (P = 0.02). The systematic review identified 13 relevant studies; a variety of regimens were assessed with variable reporting of outcomes and toxicity but with overall an improvement in survival over time.


Our experience compared with the original phase II trial showed improved treatment completion rates and survival with acceptable morbidity. With appropriate patient selection this regimen is an effective treatment option for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer. This study helps to benchmark efficacy and toxicity rates while considering the addition of new agents to hypofractionated concurrent chemoradiotherapy. The agreement of a standard regimen for assessment in future trials would be beneficial.  相似文献   


Childhood cancer is rare and survival of childhood cancer has increased up to 80% at 5 years after diagnosis. Radiotherapy is an important element of the multimodal treatment concept. However, due to growing tissue, children are particularly sensitive to radiation-related side-effects and the induction of secondary malignancies. However, radiotherapy techniques have continuously progressed. In addition, modern treatment concepts have been improved in order to minimise long-term effects. Today, radiotherapy is used for various tumour types in childhood, such as sarcomas and tumours of the central nervous system.

Materials and methods

External beam therapy with either photons or protons and brachytherapy are predominantly used for the treatment of childhood tumours. Technical developments and features, as well as clinical outcomes, for several tumour entities are presented.


The development of radiotherapy techniques, as well as risk-adapted therapy concepts, resulted in promising outcome regarding tumour control, survival and therapy-related side-effects. It is assumed that proton therapy will be increasingly used for treating children in the future. However, more data have to be collected through multi-institutional registries in order to strengthen the evidence.


The development of radiotherapy techniques is beneficial for children in terms of reducing dose exposure. As compared with other modern and highly conformal techniques, particularly proton therapy may achieve high survival rates and tumour control rates while decreasing the risk for side-effects. However, clinical evidence for modern radiotherapy techniques is still limited today. An optimal patient triaging with the selection of the most appropriate radiation technique for each individual patient will be an important goal for the future.  相似文献   
《Cancer cell》2021,39(9):1279-1291.e3
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This study investigated the correlation between a history of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and skin cancer risk.

Materials and Methods

The study cohort comprised 26,919 patients with newly diagnosed HPV infection between 2000 and 2012; with the use of computer-generated numbers, patients without previous HPV infection were randomly selected as the comparison cohort. The patients in the HPV infection cohort were matched to comparison individuals at a 1:4 ratio by demographic characteristics and comorbidities. All study individuals were followed up until they developed skin cancer, withdrew from the National Health Insurance program, were lost to follow-up, or until the end of 2013. The primary outcome was subsequent skin cancer development. Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was used to analyze the risk of skin cancer with hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) between the HPV and control cohort.


The adjusted HR of skin cancer for patients with HPV relative to controls was 2.45 after adjusting sex, age and comorbidities. (95% CI, 1.44–4.18, p < .01). The subgroup analysis indicated that a patient with HPV infection had a significantly greater risk of skin cancer if they were aged >40 years. Notably, a risk of skin cancer was found in the group diagnosed with HPV within the first 5 years after the index date (adjusted HR, 3.12; with 95% CI, 1.58–5.54). Sensitivity analysis by propensity score, matching with balanced sex, age, and comorbidities, showed consistent results.


A history of HPV infection is associated with the development of subsequent skin cancer in Taiwanese subjects, and the risk wanes 5 years later.

Implications for Practice

In this Taiwan nationwide cohort study, there was a 2.45-fold increased risk of developing new-onset skin cancers for patients with incident human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, compared with the matched controls. Furthermore, the risk was noticeably significant among patients aged >40 years. A prominent risk of skin cancers was found in the group diagnosed with HPV within the first 5 years after the index date in this study. The results of this analysis may raise consensus on the effect of HPV infection on the risk of skin cancers. Clinicians are encouraged to implement prudently on the differential diagnosis of skin cancers and HPV prevention and treatment, especially in older patients.
AimsSelf-expanding metal stents provide rapid improvement of dysphagia in oesophageal cancer but are associated with complications. The aim of the present study was to test the effectiveness of an alternative treatment of combining biodegradable stents with radiotherapy.Materials and methodsA Simon two-stage single-arm prospective phase II trial design was used to determine the efficacy of biodegradable stents plus radiotherapy in patients with dysphagia caused by oesophagus cancer who were unsuitable for radical treatment. Fourteen patients were recruited and data from 12 were included in the final analyses.ResultsFive of 12 patients met the primary end point: one stent-related patient death; four further interventions for dysphagia within 16 weeks of stenting (41.7%, 95% confidence interval 15.2–72.3%). The median time to a 10-point deterioration of quality of life was 2.7 weeks. Nine patients died within 52 weeks of registration. The median time to death from any cause was 15.0 weeks (95% confidence interval 9.6–not reached).ConclusionThe high re-intervention observed, which met the pre-defined early stopping criteria, meant that the suggested alternative treatment was not sufficiently effective to be considered for a larger scale trial design. Further work is needed to define the place of biodegradable stents in the management of malignant oesophageal strictures.  相似文献   
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