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Why do women live longer than men? Here, we mine rich lodes of demographic data to reveal that lower female mortality at particular ages is decisive—and that the important ages changed around 1950. Earlier, excess mortality among baby boys was crucial; afterward, the gap largely resulted from elevated mortality among men 60+. Young males bear modest responsibility for the sex gap in life expectancy: Depending on the country and time, their mortality accounts for less than a quarter and often less than a 10th of the gap. Understanding the impact on life expectancy of differences between male and female risks of death by age, over time, and across populations yields insights for research on how the lives of men and women differ.

Between ages 15 and 40, death rates for men are usually two or three times higher than death rates for women. This disparity has fueled widespread interest in the ratio of male to female death rates over the life course and in why it is exceptionally high for younger adults (16). Between ages 15 and 40, however, numbers of deaths are relatively low, so the high ratio of male to female death rates has a modest impact on the gap between female and male life expectancies. The sex difference in life expectancy hinges on differences in mortality risks at the ages when deaths are relatively common (7). Up through the early decades of the 20th century, these ages were at both extremes of life, infancy and old age. Afterward, death mostly struck after age 60. Here, we investigate variation across populations, over time, and over the life course in absolute and relative differences in mortality for men and women. We discuss what insights can be gained by scrutinizing relative risks compared to what can be learned by analyzing absolute risks.  相似文献   
BackgroundLittle is known about how pre-resettlement experiences affect refugees’ uptake of cancer screenings. The objective of this study was to characterize Somali Bantu and Karen experiences with cancer and cancer screenings prior to and subsequent to resettlement in Buffalo, NY in order to inform engagement by health providers.MethodsThe study was grounded in a community-based participatory research approach, with data collection and analysis guided by the Health Belief Model and life course framework. Interviews were transcribed, independently coded by two researchers, and analyzed using an immersion-crystallization approach. We conducted 15 semi-structured interviews and six interview-focus group hybrids with Somali Bantu (n = 15) and Karen (n = 15) individuals who were predominantly female (87%).ResultsCancer awareness was more prevalent among Karen compared to Somali Bantu participants. Prior to resettlement, preventative health care, including cancer screening, and treatment were unavailable or inaccessible to participants and a low priority compared with survival and acute health threats. There, Somali Bantu treated cancer-like diseases with traditional medicine (heated objects, poultices), and Karen reported traditional medicine and even late-stage biomedical treatments were ineffective due to extent of progressed, late-stage ulcerated tumors when care was sought. A fatalistic view of cancer was intertwined with faith (Somali Bantu) and associated with untreated, late-stage cancer (Karen). Karen but not Somali Bantu reported individuals living with cancer were stigmatized pre-resettlement due to the unpleasant manifestations of untreated, ulcerated tumors. Now resettled in the U.S., participants reported obtaining cancer screenings was challenged by transportation and communication barriers and facilitated by having insurance and interpretation services. While Somali Bantu women strongly preferred a female provider for screenings, Karen women felt cancer severity outweighed cultural modesty concerns in terms of provider gender.SignificanceOur findings suggest the need for culturally-relevant cancer education that incorporates the life course experiences and addresses logistical barriers in linking individuals with screening, to be complemented by trauma-informed care approaches by healthcare providers.  相似文献   
社会支持对肝移植患者生存质量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的研究社会支持与肝移植患者生活质量的关系,探讨提高这一特殊人群生存质量的有效途径。方法采用描述、相关性研究方法,对90例肝移植患者进行生活质量和社会支持两方面问卷调查,以分析其相关性。结果生存质量中的社会领域、总体生存质量与社会支持总分呈正相关;总体生存质量与主观支持呈正相关,生理领域与客观支持呈正相关;社会领域与总体生存质量与对支持的利用度呈正相关。结论社会支持与肝移植患者生存质量密切相关,护士应重视社会支持系统对提高肝移植患者生活质量的作用,并有效利用。  相似文献   
Purpose: To estimate associations of eight common health conditions with life expectancy (LE) and disabled life expectancy (DLE), the percentage of life disabled in an activity of daily living. Methods: Data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics represented Americans ages 55+ (1999–2011, n?=?2118, mean baseline age 63.3, 19?447 person-years). We estimated probabilities of death and disability with multinomial logistic Markov models adjusted for age, sex, race/ethnicity and education. We used the probabilities to create large populations with microsimulations, each individual having a known monthly disability status, age 55 through death. We calculated LE and DLE for the populations, repeating each microsimulation 100 times for confidence intervals. Results: Nearly half (48.8%) of the participants had two or more conditions, 24.7% had three or more, 11.5% had four or more. Having any one condition significantly reduced LE. For example, white women lived to age 87.3 (95% confidence interval 86.5–88.1) with no conditions, 75.8 (70.9–80.7) with heart disease. Multiple conditions did not further reduce LE but often increased DLE, which for white women was 12.2% (11.1–13.2) with no conditions, 39.1% (28.3–49.8) with heart disease and 47.0% (46.9–47.1) with heart disease, diabetes and hypertension. Conclusion: The increasing prevalence of multiple chronic conditions may substantially increase disability.
  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • The growing number of individuals with multiple chronic conditions will greatly increase the prevalence of disability in later life.

  • It is important for rehabilitation science, practice and policy to address this emerging epidemiological transition.

  • Rehabilitation is especially important for people with pre-diabetes, developing heart disease or early stages of other cardiovascular-related diseases as avoiding the development of multiple chronic diseases through increased activity may greatly reduce disability and mortality.

It is argued that the adolescent onset of social anxiety disorder (SAD) may be partly attributable to an increase in avoidance of social situations across this period. The current cohort-sequential study investigated developmental pathways of social avoidance in adolescence and examined the explanatory role of social anxiety and negative cognitive processes. A community sample of youth (9–21 years, N = 331) participated in a four-wave study. Trajectory analyses revealed two pathways: an increased avoidance pathway and a low avoidance pathway. The pathways were hardly distinguishable at age 9 and they steadily diverged across adolescence. Logistic regression analyses showed that social anxiety and post-event rumination were significantly related to the increased avoidance pathway; anticipatory processing and self-focused attention were not. The findings suggest that adolescence is a key developmental period for the progression of social avoidance among youth who show relatively high levels of social anxiety and post-event rumination.  相似文献   
BackgroundA growing body of research has sought to examine issues associated with the Quality of Life (QoL) of parents of children with Autistic Disorder. However, no studies have examined the QoL of Arab parents whose parenting experience is expected to be substantially different from that of their western counterparts. Therefore, the purposes of this study were: (1) to examine differences in the QoL between fathers and mothers of children with Autistic Disorder in a sample from an Arab country, and (2) to examine the psychosocial correlates of the QoL of Arab parents of children with Autistic Disorder.MethodsSelf-administered questionnaires on parents’ QoL, stress, coping strategies, and demographic characteristics were completed by 184 parents of children with Autistic Disorder. The participants were recruited using the convenience sampling design.ResultsFathers and mothers of children with Autistic Disorder showed no significant differences in their physical, psychological, social, and environmental health. Further, both parents showed almost similar bivariate correlations between the reported QoL levels and their parenting stress, coping strategies, and demographic characteristics.ConclusionThis is the first study to examine the QoL of parents of children with Autistic Disorder in the Arab world and, in doing so, it highlighted the distinct lack of research in this area. The QoL of Arab parents of children with Autistic Disorder crosses lines with their stress levels, coping strategies, demographic characteristics, and to some extent their cultural context.  相似文献   
Supraspinal processes in humans can have a top‐down enhancing effect on nociceptive processing in the brain and spinal cord. Studies have begun to suggest that such influences occur in conditions such as fibromyalgia (FM), but it is not clear whether this is unique to FM pain or common to other forms of chronic pain, such as that associated with osteoarthritis (OA). We assessed top‐down processes by measuring anticipation‐evoked potentials and their estimated sources, just prior (< 500 ms) to laser heat pain stimulation, in 16 patients with FM, 16 patients with OA and 15 healthy participants, by using whole‐brain statistical parametric mapping. Clinical pain and psychological coping factors (pain catastrophizing, anxiety, and depression) were well matched between the patient groups, such that these did not confound our comparisons between FM and OA patients. For the same level of heat pain, insula activity was significantly higher in FM patients than in the other two groups during anticipation, and correlated with the intensity and extent of reported clinical pain. However, the same anticipatory insula activity also correlated with OA pain, and with the number of tender points across the two patient groups, suggesting common central mechanisms of tenderness. Activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was reduced during anticipation in both patient groups, and was related to less effective psychological coping. Our findings suggest common neural correlates of pain and tenderness in FM and OA that are enhanced in FM but not unique to this condition.  相似文献   
We investigated the Core Lower Urinary Tract Symptom Score as an outcome assessment tool for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms using silodosin. In addition, the ability of the Core Lower Urinary Tract Symptom Score to detect overactive bladder in male patients with lower urinary tract symptoms was examined. The present study included 241 males with benign prostatic hyperplasia treated at 31 medical facilities between June 2009 and December 2010. All patients were given silodosin, and the effects of silodosin intake were measured using four questionnaires: the Core Lower Urinary Tract Symptom Score, International Prostate Symptom Score, Overactive Bladder Symptom Score and Quality‐of‐Life index. The efficacy of silodosin for treating lower urinary tract symptoms was validated according to the total scores of all four questionnaires weighted equally (P < 0.05). Spearman's ρ among the Core Lower Urinary Tract Symptom Score, International Prostate Symptom Score and Overactive Bladder Symptom Score showed a mild‐high correlation. However, the correlation between the baseline values of the Core Lower Urinary Tract Symptom Score and Quality‐of‐Life index was low in the groups with benign prostatic hyperplasia (ρ = 0.314) and benign prostatic hyperplasia/overactive bladder (ρ = 0.244). Our findings showed the Core Lower Urinary Tract Symptom Score, both its total score and each subscore, is able to show the efficacy of silodosin, similar to other questionnaires. The Core Lower Urinary Tract Symptom Score is also useful for identifying overactive bladder symptoms in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. As the Core Lower Urinary Tract Symptom Score does not correlate well with the Quality‐of‐Life index, these two questionnaires might be better used in combination to assess treatment outcomes.  相似文献   
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