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The Russian writer Dostoevsky (1821–1881) suffered from a rare form of temporal lobe epilepsy termed “ec-static epilepsy.” Dostoevsky used his epileptic experiences to create Prince Myshkin, the protagonist of The Idiot. The recent case of a patient who experienced ecstatic epilepsy as a result of a temporal lobe brain tumor is presented and compared with that of Prince Myshkin. Reading Dostoevsky can give the contemporary physician an insight into the inner life of an epileptic patient — an example of how art can directly benefit medical practice.  相似文献   
Brain cyclooxygenases (COX), the rate-limiting enzyme in prostaglandin synthesis, is rapidly and transiently induced by convulsions in hippocampal and cortical neurons. Previous studies have explored the protective effect of naproxen (non-selective COX-inhibitor) or rofecoxib (selective COX-2 inhibitor) against chemical kindling in mice. With this background, the present study was designed to explore the possible effect of nimesulide (a preferential COX-2 inhibitor) against pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-induced kindling epilepsy in mice. To induce kindling, PTZ was injected in a subconvulsive dose (40 mg/kg, i.p.) every other day for 15 days. Nimesulide (2.5 or 5 mg/kg, p.o.) was administered each day 45 min before either PTZ or vehicle challenge. The intensity of kindling was assessed immediately after PTZ administration according to a prevalidated scoring scale. On 16th day i.e. 24 h after the last dose of PTZ, animals were sacrificed and various biochemical parameters were assessed in the whole brain. Compared with normal control group, PTZ-kindled mice had significantly higher levels of malondialdehyde, nitrite, myeloperoxidase but had lower levels of reduced glutathione in the whole brain homogenate. Chronic treatment with nimesulide (2.5 or 5 mg/kg, p.o.) for 15 days showed significant decrease in kindling score and could play a role in controlling the accompanying biochemical alterations due to PTZ. These results suggested that nimesulide, a preferential COX-2 inhibitor offered neuroprotection against PTZ-induced kindling in mice.  相似文献   
Systemic (s.c.) administration of aminooxyacetic acid (AOAA) in mice triggered clonic convulsions with a CD50 (convulsive dose) of 68 mg/kg (range 54-86). AOAA also induced clonic convulsions in mice subjected to intracerebroventricular administration of the drug with a CD50 of 0.04 mumols (range 0.028-0.06). At the onset of convulsions induced by systemic AOAA (CD97;150 mg/kg), the GAD activity in the frontal cortex and hippocampus was not affected. GABA mimetic drugs, progabide and gabaculine, had no effect on convulsions induced by AOAA. Convulsions induced by systemic administration of AOAA were blocked by diazepam, phenobarbital, and valproate. Ethosuximide, trimethadione, acetazolamide, diphenylhydantoin, and carbamazepine remained ineffective. L-Phenylisopropyladenosine was also found to protect mice against AOAA-induced convulsions, whereas atropine and baclofen had no effect. The seizures induced by intracerebroventricular administration of AOAA (CD97; 0.1 mumols) were blocked by coadministration of preferential N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonists, D-(-)-2-aminophosphonoheptanoic (AP7), 3-[+/-)-2-carboxypiperazine-4-yl)-propyl-1-phosphonic (CPP), and kynurenic acid (KYNA); preferential quisqualate/kainate antagonists, 6-cyano-7-nitro-quinoxaline-2,3-dione and gamma-D-glutamylaminomethylsulphonic acid, remained inactive in the range of dosages sufficient to block seizures induced by quisqualic acid or kainic acid. The antagonistic action of antiepileptic drugs effective against seizures induced by excitatory amino acids (diazepam and valproate), and drugs acting on excitatory amino acid receptors (AP7, CPP, and KYNA) upon seizures induced by AOAA suggests an involvement of excitatory neurotransmission in the convulsant action of the drug.  相似文献   
Reproductive Function in Epilepsy   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:0  
Summary: : The hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis is a complex system within which both positive and negative feedback occur among its elements and higher brain systems. The occurrence of seizures and changes in the secretion of pituitary hormones can affect the feedback loop. Both seizures and antiepileptic drugs can affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis of males and females and cause changes in hormones and sexuality. Reproductive dysfunction has a social impact because of reduced fertility. Once conception occurs, live birth rates are not diminished. Prospective studies of men and women with epilepsy are needed.  相似文献   
Pierre Jallon 《Epilepsia》1997,38(S9):S37-S42
Summary: Treatment of epilepsy, one of the most common neurologic disorders, has evolved from "institutional" poly-therapy to "dogmatic" monotherapy, and, most recently, to "rational" polypharmacy. The introduction of bromides for the treatment of epilepsy was followed first by phenobarbital and then by phenytoin as therapeutic options. Although attempts to combine medications were legion, none was supported by studies that demonstrated the benefit of such combinations. The issue of adverse effects became a principal argument in favor of monotherapy. Monotherapy, using newly developed drugs, avoided problems due to drug interactions but was ineffective in 20–30% of patients. A greater understanding of basic disease mechanisms and developments in molecular biology have led to an increased number of effective drugs for the estimated 6–12% of patients with epilepsy whose condition is intractable. Clinical research continues to build on the work of basic scientists in attempting to develop treatments based on a desire to move beyond the palliative and to affect the causative mechanisms of the disease. Novel medical approaches now under exploration include the use of drugs with complementary mechanisms of action, stimulation of various components of the nervous system, biochemical manipulations, focal intracerebral drug perfusion, and gene therapy.  相似文献   
Summary: Purpose: Quantitative MRI techniques provide an unparalleled opportunity to examine in vivo the relationship between the extent and laterality of hippocampal pathology and associated neuropsychological deficits. The purpose of this study was to examine the nature of the relationship between quantitative measures of hippocampal pathology and neuropsychological measures, using a multivariate approach. Methods: We examined the relationship between two MRI measures of hippocampal structure; hippocampal volumes (HCvol) and T2 relaxation times (HCT2), and memory performance, in 80 presurgical temporal lobe epilepsy patients. Results: As a group, patients with left hippocampal sclerosis (LHS) performed more poorly that those with right hippocampal sclerosis (RHS) on immediate and delayed prose recall. In the group as a whole, right hippocampal volume was significantly correlated with the delayed recall of a complex figure. None of the verbal memory test scores were significantly correlated with the right or left HCvol or HCT2 measures. However, stepwise multiple regression analyses indicated that up to a third of the variation in specific test scores could be explained by the quantitative MRI hippocampal measures in conjunction with chronological age, and age at onset of habitual epilepsy. Left hippocampal measures explained 24% of the variance in the story-recall tasks, while right hippocampal measures explained 18% of the variance in a design-learning task and 32% of the variance in a figure-recall task. Conclusions: Our results provide some support for the lateralised model of material specific memory deficits, but suggest that a number of demographic and epilepsy-related factors may interact with the extent and laterality of hippocampal pathology in shaping the nature of the associated neuropsychological deficit.  相似文献   
Summary: A number of new antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), including topiramate (TPM), felbamate (FBM), and gabapentin (GBP), are approved or believed to be close to approval for marketing in the United States. Key efficacy findings for these AEDs in refractory partial epilepsy were reviewed. Large and significant drug-placebo differences were observed with TPM in two large dose-finding trials conducted in the United States. The minimal effective dose of TPM in the population studied was determined to be approximately 200 mg/day, and doses above 600 mg/day produced good efficacy but little incremental benefit versus the lower dosages for the overall study population. FBM is active in partial epilepsy, although seizure reduction is less marked and drug interactions complicate the findings. GBP is also active in this population, but only the 1,800 mg/day dosage was significantly better than placebo with respect to percent re-sponders. It may be useful to explore higher dosage ranges for both FBM and GBP if they can be well tolerated.  相似文献   
目的 研究细胞周期依赖性蛋白激酶5(cyclin dependent kinases 5,CDK5)在耐药性癫(癎)患者颞叶中的表达,探索其在耐药性癫(癎)发病机制中的作用.方法 收集耐药性癫(癎)患者术后脑组织,用荧光定量PCR、免疫组化和Western blot 3种检测方法从基因和蛋白水平分别测定CDK5在耐药性癫(癎)患者颞叶中的表达,并与对照组进行比较.结果 荧光定量PCR发现CDK5 mRAN比对照组明显增加,免疫组化检测显示这种基因的蛋白表达产物主要分布在神经元轴突和胶质细胞中,Western blot检测在相对分子质量35 000处有一蛋白条带,并且可见实验组(颞叶和海马中分别为1.4293±0.1839和2.0733±0.4738)高于对照组(颞叶和海马中分别为0.9680±0.4147和1.403±0.6163,P<0.05).结论 CDK5在耐药性癫(癎)患者颞叶中表达增强,提示他们可能参与了耐药性癫(癎)的形成.  相似文献   
婴幼儿癫痫的外科治疗   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的探讨婴幼儿癫痫外科的手术意义。方法从2002-2005年有12例婴幼儿因海绵状血管瘤(4例)、发育不良神经上皮肿瘤(DNTs)(2例)、Sturge.weber综合征(1例)、半侧巨脑病(2例)、外伤后脑膜脑疤痕(1例)、脑脓肿疤痕组织(1例)、脉络丛乳头瘤(1例);由分别位于额(2例)、颞(4例)、顶(2例)、枕(2例)与额顶及颞顶(各1例)病变所致均为灾难性癫痫。当年龄在9—32(平均21.5)个月龄时做了病变及致痫灶切除/功能性大脑半球切除。癫痫开始于出生后5~20 (平均11.8)个月,每天或每周发作多次,抗痫药物治疗无效。患儿做手术评估是6—22(平均12.8)个月。3例患儿有偏瘫,7例显示有缓慢发展的认知功能减低表现。MRI、PET及V-EEG都证实了病灶及致痛灶。结果手术后无死亡及新的神经症状缺失。8例解除了癫痫(EngelⅠ级);2例罕有发作(EngelⅡ级);2例有值得的(worthwhile)改善(EngelⅢ级),7例认知功能也有改善,3例偏瘫者2例有改善。结论灾难性癫痫婴幼儿仔细选择手术病例,外科可以减轻、解除癫痫的疾苦。  相似文献   
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