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影像技术的每一次进步,都与其相关设备的更新换代紧密相连,只要谈到医学影像技术的新发展,就必然涉及到相关设备的推陈出新.常规X线设备近期技术发展主要体现在主机系统的高频化、控制系统的智能化以及图像系统的数字化.实现图像数字化主要有成像板技术(IP)、平板检测技术(FPD)、CCD或CMOS技术及线扫描技术等.数字化新技术在X线摄影方面,CR在朝体积更小、速度更快、功能更多、操作更方便发展.DR在降低辐射计量、提高成像速度和分辨率及进一步拓展软件功能方面迅速发展.  相似文献   
Tracheal intubation remains a common procedure during neonatal intensive care. Rapid confirmation of correct tube placement is important because tube malposition is associated with serious adverse outcomes. The current gold standard test to confirm tube position is a chest radiograph, however this is often delayed until after ventilation has commenced. Hence, point of care methods to confirm correct tube placement have been developed. The aim of this article is to review the available literature on tube placement in newborn infants. We reviewed books, resuscitation manuals and articles from 1830 to the present with the search terms “Infant, Newborn”, “Endotracheal intubation”, “Resuscitation”, “Clinical signs”, “Radiography”, “Respiratory Function Tests”, “Laryngoscopy”, “Ultrasonography”, and “Bronchoscopy”. Various techniques have been studied to help clinicians assess tube placement. However, despite 85 years of clinical practice, the search for higher success rates and quicker intubation continues. Currently, chest radiography remains the gold standard test to confirm tube position. However, rigorous evaluation of new techniques is required to ensure the safety of newborn infants.  相似文献   
体外循环对单核细胞HLA-DR表达的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究体外循环对单核细胞表面HLA-DR表达水平的影响.方法16例风湿性心脏病瓣膜置换术患者为试验组(心内直视术组),10例肺叶切除术患者为对照组(非心内直视术组).采用流式细胞术动态观察麻醉诱导前、气管插管后、体外循环心肺转流前、体外循环心肺转流后、手术后第1d、第3d及第5d淋巴细胞和单核细胞表面HLA-DR的表达水平,同时观察APACHEⅡ评分及手术后恢复情况.结果心内直视术组心肺转流后、术后第1d、第3dHLA-DR表达阳性的单核细胞百分率显著下降,且心肺转流后单核细胞数显著下降,单核细胞表面的HLA-DR分子数显著下降(P<0.05).肺叶切除术组手术后HLA-DR表达阳性的单核细胞百分率明显下降,但单核细胞占外周血白细胞比例无显著性差异.HLA-DR表达阳性的淋巴细胞百分率在各个时间点均无统计学差异(P>0.05);两组相比,手术后HIA-DR表达阳性的单核细胞百分率心内直视组显著低于肺叶切除组.2例心内直视术后并发感染患者于术后第6dHLA-DR表达阳性的单核细胞百分率仍低于40%.结论心肺转流后机体免疫功能的障碍与单核细胞的功能紧密相关.动态监测单核细胞表面HLA-DR的表达水平有助于预测心内直视术后感染的发展及预后.  相似文献   
目的探讨切开复位内固定结合传统敞开引流无菌敷料敷盖、DR脱细胞异种(猪)皮和持续负压封闭引流技术(VSD)3种创面处理技术治疗胫腓骨骨折合并骨筋膜室综合征的疗效。方法 67例胫腓骨骨折合并骨筋膜室综合征,早期均行切开减张术和内固定术,分别以传统敞开引流无菌敷料覆盖(A组,n=35)、DR脱细胞异种(猪)皮覆盖(B组,n=13)、VSD持续吸引(C组,n=19)处理至创面肉芽组织生长良好后,二期行游离植皮术。结果 C组创面修复及骨折愈合良好,且骨筋膜室综合征得到控制;在换药次数、术后3 d伤口渗出量、减轻小腿肿胀程度、疼痛、伤口感染率、住院时间、二期创面修复时间方面,B、C组均优于A组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论切开复位内固定结合VSD技术治疗胫腓骨骨折合并骨筋膜室综合征可缩短治疗时间,降低感染率和渗出量,减轻肿胀和疼痛。尽管DR脱细胞异种(猪)皮不及VSD技术优势明显,但是其价格低廉,适用于基层医院的推广。  相似文献   
This study evaluated the myocardial contrast effect and safety of polygelin colloid solution selectively injected into the coronary arteries in 25 patients during two-dimensional echocardiography. Six patients (group I) had selective intracoronary injections of nonagitated and 19 (group II) of hand-agitated polygelin colloid solution. Myocardial contrast was seen on two-dimensional echocardiographic cross sections in three patients of group I and in all patients of group II; in 16 patients it was also seen on M-mode echocardiograms. The contrast effect lasted for 15 to 60 seconds. The intensity of myocardial opacification was not significantly influenced by the amount of polygelin colloid solution injected, heart rate or cardiac size. The total number of contrast-enhanced segments after right and left coronary artery injections delineated the entire cross-sectional area in any given view. None of the patients developed symptoms during or immediately after the injections. One patient had transient second degree atrioventricular block after a right coronary wedge injection, one patient showed a QRS axis shift and two others had transient T wave changes. There were no aortic blood pressure changes and no significant serum enzyme (creatine kinase [CK], CK-MB fraction, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase) elevation or alterations of left ventricular function assessed echocardiographically. It is concluded that hand-agitated polygelin colloid solution is a useful and safe intracoronary contrast agent for delineating myocardial perfusion areas on two-dimensional echocardiography in humans.  相似文献   
Park C‐S, Kim K‐H, Im S‐A, Song S, Lee C‐K. Identification of HLA‐DR4‐restricted immunogenic peptide derived from xenogenic porcine major histocompatibility complex class I molecule. Xenotransplantation 2012; 19: 317–322. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Abstract: Indirect recognition of xenoantigens has been implicated as the major mechanism underlying xenospecific CD4+ T‐cell activation in chronic rejection. We identified swine leukocyte antigen (SLA)‐derived immunogenic peptides that are presented in the context of human HLA‐DR4 molecules. The SLA class I‐derived peptides that bind HLA‐DRB1*0401, a representative of the DR4 supertype, were predicted using a computer‐assisted algorithm. The candidate peptides were synthesized, and their binding capacities to HLA‐DRB1*0401 were compared in a competitive ELISA using biotinylated hemagglutinin reporter peptides [HA307‐319]. Peptide‐11 (LRSWTAADTAAQISK) was determined to exhibit the most potent binding capacity to HLA‐DRB1*0401 in vitro and thus selected for in vivo immunization. Immunization of HLA‐DRB1*0401‐transgenic mice with peptide‐11 elicited potent CD4+ Th1 responses. Peptide‐11 shares homology to α2 domains of three SLA‐1 alleles, six SLA‐2 alleles, and 14 SLA‐3 alleles. Thus, this study has important implications not only for the identification of an immunogenic indirect epitope shared by diverse SLA class I alleles, but also for the development of epitope‐specific immunoregulation strategies.  相似文献   
Objective: To observe the expression of human leukocytic antigen DR (HLA-DR) in primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and its up-regulation by interferon (IFN). Methods: The expression of HLA-DR in 46 specimens of human HCC tissues, 4 human HCC cell lines (SMMC-7721, HCC-9204, BEL-7402 and HHCC) and a human hepatocyte cell line QZG was respectively detected by immunohistochemical ABC staining and flow cytometry. The expression of HLA-DR in the 5 cell lines was detected by ELISA before and after the cells were treated with IFN-γ or IFN-α. Results:Eighteen out of 46 HCC tissues (39.1%) expressed HLA-DR, whereas all the normal liver tissues immediately adjacent to HCC tissues were HLA-DR-negative. No obvious HLA-DR-positive staining was found in all the 5 cell lines. The expression of HLA-DR was up-regulated in all the 5 cell lines after IFN-γ or IFN-α treatment. The up-regulation of HI A-DR in QZG cells was less obvious than that in HCC cell lines. The effect of IFN-γ was more significant than that of IFN-α. Conclusion: HCC tissues can express HLA-DR to some extent, but HCC cell lines do not express detectable HLA-DR. IFN can up-regulate HLA-DR expression in HCC cells.  相似文献   
目的:利用超高速扫频源光学相干断层扫描血管成像(SS-OCTA)测量脉络膜毛细血管(CC)灌注密度(PFD)评估不同糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)患者脉络膜毛细血管血流特征。方法:横断面研究。选取2022-03/12在合肥市第二人民医院就诊的受试者139例139眼:包括糖尿病患者115例115眼和对照组24例24眼。根据早期糖尿病视网膜病病变研究(ETDRS)标准对彩色视网膜图像进行DR分级,将糖尿病患眼分为无DR组、非增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变(NPDR)组、NPDR合并糖尿病黄斑水肿(DME)组、增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变(PDR)组。采用超高速SS-OCTA设备扫描以黄斑中央凹为中心3mm×3mm的区域,利用系统内置软件测量CC灌注面积,计算PFD,采用多元线性回归评估CC的PFD与DR程度的相关性。结果:DR程度与CC血流灌注相关,调整各种混杂因素后,与对照组相比,NPDR组中心凹CC的PFD减少9.358个单位(95%CI -18.484~-0.232,P=0.045),旁中心凹减少9.284个单位(95%CI -18.487~-0.090,P=0.048); NPDR合并DME组中心凹CC PFD减少18.173个单位(95%CI -28.583~-7.762,P=0.001),旁中心凹减少17.032个单位(95%CI -27.521~-6.544,P=0.002); PDR组中心凹CC PFD减少28.309个单位(95%CI -39.978~-16.640,P&#x003C;0.001),旁中心凹减少25.841个单位(95%CI -37.597~-14.085,P&#x003C;0.001)。结论:超高速SS-OCTA测量CC血流密度可以客观量化黄斑灌注,黄斑区CC血流灌注密度与DR严重程度相关,随着DR进展黄斑区CC灌注密度降低,未来纵向研究可阐明CC灌注与DR进展之间的因果关系。  相似文献   
卢雅琳  艾冲  桂馥 《国际眼科杂志》2024,24(9):1421-1425

糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)是糖尿病最常见的眼部并发症,是工作人群及中老年人视力减退甚至失明的主要原因之一。在糖尿病微血管系统中,视网膜血管功能障碍由多种因素引起,高血糖通过不同的机制损伤视网膜内皮细胞、增加血管通透性、破坏血-视网膜屏障,导致视网膜内皮功能失调。其中,过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体-y破坏、氧化应激、炎症、晚期糖基化终产物及其受体增加及microRNA失调等多种病理因素均可引起视网膜血管内皮损伤,加速视网膜内皮功能失调,从而导致DR的发生发展。文章旨在对各种病理因素所致视网膜内皮功能失调的相关机制进行综述,以深化我们对该疾病分子及细胞层面机制的理解,了解DR治疗过程中的挑战,为DR的临床管理和治疗提供新思路和策略。  相似文献   



方法:前瞻性研究。选取2022-01/2023-02在我院收治T2DM患者214例作为研究对象。根据是否发生视网膜病变,分为非DR组126例126眼,DR组88例88眼。另选取同期体检健康者130例为对照组。检测三组血清lncRNA XIST、SIRT1水平并进行比较。采用Pearson法分析lncRNA XIST和SIRT1表达与DR的关系,受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线评价血清lncRNA XIST、SIRT1单独及联合对DR的预测价值,多因素Logistic回归分析影响T2DM患者发生DR的因素。

结果:与对照组比较,非DR组和DR组血清lncRNA XIST、SIRT1水平依次降低(均P<0.05); DR患者血清lncRNA XIST和SIRT1水平呈正相关(r=0.639,P<0.05); ROC分析显示,血清lncRNA XIST、SIRT1联合预测DR的曲线下面积(AUC)为0.940,高于血清lncRNA XIST、SIRT1单独检测的AUC(0.855、0.875)。Logistic回归分析显示,lncRNA XIST(OR=0.752)、SIRT1(OR=0.694)是DR发生的影响因素(均P<0.01)。

结论:DR患者血清lncRNA XIST、SIRT1水平均降低,lncRNA XIST联合SIRT1对DR发生有较好的评估效能。  相似文献   

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