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Summary An investigation was carried out on isolated cat's papillary muscle in order to study displacement effects upon the intensity and the time course of the contractile activity. Displacements occurring before or very early during a contractile cycle produce effects which can be entirely explained on the basis of the cardiac active length-tension relation. Displacements occurring later exhibit additional effects in so far as either stretches or releases induce a drop of contractile activation such that the course of the subsequent tension development is markedly below that of the same displacement applied earlier. In order to separate these effects from those based on the active length-tension correlation experiments were performed in which very short release-stretch or stretch-release operations were applied so that the muscle length was virtually the same at the beginning and at the end of the operation. The results obtained under these conditions can be summarized as follows.The extend to which contractile tension drops after a stretch-release or a release-stretch cycle has been applied depends upon (1) the stimulus intervention interval (2) the length change performed (3) the velocity of displacement during the intervention. It is not dependent on the initial muscle length. Increasing the extracellular Ca-concentration considerably reduces the displacement effects. The results are tentatively explained by assuming an internal feedback loop between a variable of the contractile machinary and the preceding mechanism of activation.This investigation was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant Ka 287, 1+3).  相似文献   
Summary In 11 adult cats, lightly anesthetized with chloralose-urethane, blood from both common carotid arteries was led into a plastic chamber of 15–20 ml and returned to the carotids at a point 1.5 cm more cranial. By doing so arterial blood was assumed to pool within the chamber and lose itsP CO 2 oscillations which are normally known to exist as a result of the respiratory cycle. In control periods blood bypassed the chamber, thus maintaining respiratoryP CO 2 oscillations. Spontaneous ventilation was measured spirometrically. The animals were breathing pure O2.Results. 1. When the sinus (carotid) nerves were intact or sectioned there was no significant difference in ventilation before or after switching from non-oscillating to oscillatingPa CO 2. 2. When the vertebral arteries were ligated a drop in ventilation occurred after turning to oscillatingPa CO 2 which was followed by a slight rise above control values after 30–50 sec. This phenomenon was independent of sinus nerve integrity. Thus in hyperoxie condition the smallPa CO 2 oscillations known to occur in phase with respiration do not seem to provide a respiratory stimulus to resting ventilation above that generated by the mean level ofPa CO 2. The ventilatory depression after vertebral artery ligation must at this time remain unexplained.  相似文献   
李芳 《辽宁中医杂志》2003,30(8):680-681
目的 :探讨结合现代护理观为指导的具有中医特色的整体护理模式。方法 :运用中医基础理论知识 ,针对引起反复流产患者的病因 ,将患者主要分为内分泌异常型、免疫异常型、生殖道异常型、感染型、全身性疾病影响型、染色体异常型施以护理。结果 :依据不同证型 ,有的放矢的实施护理 ,使患者明确了引起反复流产的根本原因、治疗措施、注意事项、预防保健方法 ,消除了紧张、恐惧、焦虑等心理障碍 ,树立了再次妊娠的信心 ,提高了妊娠成功率  相似文献   
职业教育的大力发展,需要良好的职业道德教育.由于中等职业技术学校职业道德教育呈下滑趋势,因此必须采取 一些行之有效的方法,使职业道德教育落到实处,从而提高整个中华民族的道德水准.  相似文献   
分析医疗纠纷拟定防范对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,医疗纠纷的数量大幅度上升,处理难度加大,对医院产生了重大影响,已引起社会各界的普遍关注。本文分析了医疗纠纷的发生原因,并提出了防范对策。  相似文献   
通过对广东省临床路径试点医院患者和医护人员的问卷调查与访谈,了解医患双方对临床路径的认知和态度,提出了临床路径实施的对策建议:加强对临床路径的知识普及与宣传,提高临床路径规范的科学性、适应性和可操作性,加强医院信息系统建设,加强组织领导,全员协调。  相似文献   
目的:了解我院医院感染现状,及时发现医院感染的相关因素及感染管理中存在的不足,为进一步制定防控措施提供依据。方法采取横断面调查方法,以床旁调查与病历查阅相结合,填写统一的个案调查表。结果调查住院患者218人,实查率100%,医院感染现患率1.83%;医院感染部位主要为呼吸道,主要感染科室为老年科。结论现患率调查能基本反映医院的感染状况,通过针对性的预防控制措施,可以有效降低院内感染发生率。  相似文献   
〔目的〕通过调查沙头角口岸伊蚊的种类、密度及季节消长规律,了解登革热的流行趋势和危险性,为制定防控措施提供科学依据。〔方法〕2008年5月—2009年4月,对沙头角口岸蚊类进行调查。采用人工小时法,用电动吸蚊器进行定点、定人、定时人工诱捕成蚊,并分类、计算其密度、构成比;用集卵器收集培养蚊幼虫并每月统计蚊幼虫的人工诱器指数。〔结果〕对捕获的蚊类进行鉴定,伊蚊种类仅有白纹伊蚊,未发现埃及伊蚊。白纹伊蚊年平均密度为3.56只/人工.h,最高密度是10、11月份,分别为8.88只/人工.h,8.75只/人工.h,最低密度是1月份,为0.25只/人工.h;白纹伊蚊全年都有活动、繁殖,没有越冬现象,密度高峰出现在7~11月份。〔结论〕沙头角口岸地区具备登革热流行的媒介条件,应特别警惕在东南亚等地流行的登革热通过出入境交通工具、人员传入我国,造成局部暴发性流行的可能。消灭登革热传播媒介,切断传播途经是防控登革热传入和发生流行的主要措施。  相似文献   
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