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In most resource-rich countries, a large and growing proportion of older adults with complex needs will die while in a residential aged care (RAC) facility.


This study describes the impact of facility size (small/large), ownership model (profit/nonprofit) and provider (independent/chain) on resident comfort, and symptom management as reported by RAC staff.


This retrospective “after-death” study collected decedent resident data from a subsample of 51 hospital-level RAC facilities in New Zealand. Symptom Management at the End-of-Life in Dementia and Comfort Assessment in Dying at End of life with Dementia (SM-EOLD and CAD-EOLD, respectively) scales were used by RAC staff who were closely associated with 217 deceased residents. Data collection occurred from January 2016 to February 2017.


Results indicated that residents of large, nonprofit facilities experienced greater comfort at the end of life (CAD-EOLD) as indicated by a higher mean score of 37.21 (SD = 4.85, 95% CI = 34.4, 40.0) than residents of small for-profit facilities who recorded a lower mean score of 31.56 (SD = 6.20, 95% CI = 29.6, 33.4). There was also evidence of better symptom management for residents of chain facilities, with a higher mean score for symptom management (SM-EOLD total score) recorded for residents of chain facilities (mean = 28.07, SD = 7.64, 95% CI = 26.47, 29.66) than the mean score for independent facilities (mean = 23.93, SD = 8.72, 95% CI = 21.65, 26.20).


Findings suggest that there are differences in the quality of end-of-life care given in RAC based on size, ownership model, and chain affiliation.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: To document the incidence of dental anxiety among individuals aged 18 years at baseline and 26 years at follow-up, and to determine if dental treatment experience continues to play a significant etiological role with respect to the onset of dental anxiety in young adults. METHODS: Dental anxiety scale (DAS; Corah, 1969) scores at ages 15, 18 and 26 were obtained for Study members in the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study. Dental examinations were conducted, and sociodemographic and dental service-use data were collected using a self-report questionnaire. Using a case definition of a DAS score of 13 or more, age 18-26 incident cases were identified and their dental treatment experience and service-use characteristics compared with the remainder. RESULTS: DAS scores at 18 and 26 were available for 792 (80.8%) of the 980 26-year-old Study members. An increase in dental anxiety prevalence was observed over the eight-year period, with an annualized incidence of 2.1%. Fewer incident cases had visited a dentist in the previous eight years, and there were no differences between incident cases and others in their eight-year DFS, FS or tooth-loss increments. A subgroup of "recurrent" cases was identified who were dentally anxious at 15 and 26 but not at 18, and their eight-year incidence of tooth loss due to caries was substantially higher than non-cases. CONCLUSIONS: Aversive conditioning experiences appear to be unrelated to the adult onset of dental anxiety, and it may be that particular temperamental or psychological traits are associated with the condition.  相似文献   
This paper describes the periodontal disease experience of a community-dwelling population aged 50 years and older, living in four communities in Ontario, Canada. The periodontal status of this population was assessed using attachment loss and the extent and severity index. Attachment loss was measured at two sites on each tooth using a pressure-sensitive periodontal probe. Complete periodontal data were obtained on 624 subjects. The mean number of sites per subject was 37.9. In line with recent US studies, the diagnostic threshold for a diseased or previously diseased site was set at 2 mm of loss. The overall mean attachment loss was 2.95 mm, with 19.7 percent of subjects having an overall mean attachment loss of 4.00 mm or more. The proportion of sites examined with loss of attachment of 2 mm or more was 77 percent. The severity of disease, defined as the average distance between the base of the sulcus or pocket and a point 1.00 mm apical to the cemento-enamel junction in sites with loss of 2 mm or more was 2.44 mm. These data indicate that the extent and severity of disease in this population were greater than that reported by some recent studies in the US. Taken together, the results of these studies suggest that there is some variation in the periodontal disease experience of population subgroups across North America.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The impact of smoking habits on periodontal conditions in older subjects is poorly studied. AIMS: To assess if a history of smoking is associated with chronic periodontitis and medical history in older subjects. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The medical and dental history was collected from 1084 subjects 60-75 years of age. Smoking history information was obtained from self-reports. Periodontal variables [clinical probing depth (PD)>/=5.0 mm, clinical attachment levels (CALs) >/=4.0 mm], and radiographic evidence of alveolar bone loss were assessed. RESULTS: 60.5% had never smoked (NS), 32.0% were former smokers (FS) (mean smoke years: 26.1 years, SD+/-13.1), and 7.5% were current smokers (CS) (mean smoke years 38.0 years, (SD+/-12.1). The proportional distribution of CAL >/=4.0 mm differed significantly by smoking status (NS and CS groups) (mean difference: 12.1%, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.5-22.6, p<0.02). The Mantel-Haenszel common odds ratio between smoking status (CS+FS) and periodontitis (>20% bone loss) was 1.3 (p<0.09, 95% CI: 0.9-2.0) and changed to 1.8 (p<0.02, 95% CI: 1.3-2.7) with 30 years of smoking as cutoff. A weak correlation between number of years of smoking and CAL>/=4.0 mm was demonstrated (r(2) values 0.05 and 0.07) for FS and CS, respectively. Binary logistic forward (Wald) regression analysis demonstrated that the evidence of carotid calcification, current smoking status, gender (male), and the number of remaining teeth were explanatory to alveolar bone loss. CONCLUSIONS: A clinically significant impact on periodontal conditions may require 30 years of smoking or more. Tooth loss, radiographic evidence of carotid calcification, current smoking status, and male gender can predictably be associated with alveolar bone loss in older subjects.  相似文献   
Objectives : Information about the oral health status of the homeless is limited. The purpose of this study is to characterize the dental caries status among users of a dental treatment and referral program at homeless shelters in Boston, MA. Methods : Persons attending the program during a one-year period were assessed for evidence of dental caries experience by a single examiner. DMFT counts were abstracted from patient records. Results : The population examined (n=73) was 66 percent male with a mean age of 36 years. The racial composition was 51 percent African-American, 34 percent Caucasian, and 14 percent Hispanic. The 70 dentate people examined had a mean DFT of 11.1 (SD=6.1). The mean percent of DFT that was DT per person was 55.7 percent. Untreated caries was detected in 91.4 percent of those examined. Conclusions : These findings show evidence of previous dental services utilization by these homeless individuals, but demonstrate a high need for preventive and restorative dental therapy.  相似文献   
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