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319例小儿损伤和中毒外部原因分析 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1
目的寻求小儿损伤和中毒意外事故发生的主要原因,以利于社会性的综合防治。方法将319例0~14岁小儿损伤和中 毒的外部原因分为11类,并按百分比从大到小排列,进行因素分析。结果得出损伤和中毒外部原因的排位。结论普及安全知识,特 别是增强小儿监护人和小孩的安全意识,才能减少事故的发生,。 相似文献
A. H. J. Maas J. A. Kreuger A. J. Hoelen B. F. Visser 《Pflügers Archiv : European journal of physiology》1972,334(3):264-275
Summary A computer program is presented and evaluated, which calculates all acid-base parameters from data provided by either the
indirect Astrup method or the direct method using empirical formulae derived from the Siggaard-Andersen curve nomogram. The
program is implemented on a PDP 8 in a multi-user FOCAL environment and can be adapted to other electronic calculators. 相似文献
C. Gallo G. B. Gaeta B. Galanti G. Giusti Cooperative Study Group of the Italian Society for the Study of Infectious Diseases 《European journal of epidemiology》1986,2(2):95-98
The role of surgery as an additional risk in transmitting post-transfusion hepatitis was investigated in a retrospective study on acute hepatitis occurring in 77 transfused patients, 293 transfused and operated patients and 243 hepatitis cases with history of surgery without transfusion.Hepatitis A patients admitted to the same centres in the same period were utilized as controls. In transfused patients the percentage of NANB hepatitis was higher than that of type B (61.0% vs. 36.4%), while in the operated not transfused group the percentage of type B was twice that of type NANB (63.4% vs. 32.5%).In transfused and operated cases intermediate values were observed. The age-adjusted measures of association between exposures and the different hepatitis types showed a lack of effect of transfusion and a dominant role of surgery in transmitting type B hepatitis. In contrast, NANB post-transfusional cases were actually a mixture of post-transfusional and post-surgical cases, since both these exposures were found to be significantly associated with the disease.Our results suggest that studies on the incidence and the etiology of post-transfusion hepatitis should take into account the risk of surgical exposure which might have occurred.Corresponding author. 相似文献
海南省山区霍乱流行病学分析 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
目的 为了解海南省山区的霍乱流行特点,为今后更好地预防、控制山区的霍乱流行提供理论依据。方法 采用统一制定的霍乱个案调查表和流行病学调查表进行调查,然后做统计分析。结果 1994~1998年,海南省山区发生6起食物型霍乱爆发疫情,发病191例,罹患率13.12%,病死6例,病死率3.14%。患者皆为黎族居民,各年龄组均有发病,以20~40岁组的青壮年所占比例最高,为67.54%。男性患者(65.97%)明显多于女性(34.03%)。疫情波及4个县(市)、8个乡(镇)、40个自然村。轻型病例仍然占大多数(62.30%)。对82株菌株的鉴定结果全部为小川lb型,与该省沿海地区自1994年后以小川1b型为优势流行株相一致。结论 导致这6起霍乱爆发的最主要原因是丧事聚餐,可疑食物均来自某市的海鱼。 相似文献
采用原子吸收分光光度法,测定了78 例肾小球疾病患儿血清铜、锌、铁、镁4 种元素。结果显示,单纯性肾病组、肾炎性肾病组、紫癜性肾病组及肾炎组血清锌均显著低于正常组( P< 005),血清铁、镁与正常组比较无显著差异。单纯性肾病组,肾炎性肾病组血清铜显著低于正常组( P< 005)。提示血清铜、锌、铁、镁含量的变化与疾病发生和疾病状态有关。 相似文献
在溶液p H6-5 ~5-5 范围内,铝铬天青S(CAS)溴化十六烷基吡啶(CPB) 生成兰色三元胶束配合物,它的最大吸收在618n m 波长,摩尔吸光系数ε为9-642 ×104L.m ol-1 .c m -1 。在铝含量0 ~6-0 ×10 -6m ol.L- 1,遵循比耳定律,AlCASCPB三元配合物的组成摩尔比是1∶2∶3 。一定量的抗坏血酸和盐酸羟胺可以消除血清中与铝共存的其它阳离子Fe3 ,Cu2 等的干扰。该方法的检出限为6-60 ×10 - 7mol .L-1 ,平均回收率(96-11 ±2-87) % ,相对标准差小于3 % 。方法简便易行,有较高的准确度和灵敏度,用于血清铝的测定可获得满意结果 相似文献
性病后非病原体性症状的临床分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的了解性病后非病原体性症状的性质特点。方法采用临床会谈、心理咨询、SCL—90、SAS、SOS等相关量表调查测评。结果纳入分析病人134例,首诊均作实验室检查培养,病原体检出率为零,体格检查无器质性病变,符合非病原体性症状诊断。结论此类“症状”实质上是患者因患性病导致心理障碍面出现的综合症,而“症状”并无器质性及病原体因素,医务人员应更新观念,提高自身素质解除患者心理障碍。 相似文献
急性上消化道出血112例临床疗效分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用国家中医药管理局颁布的《中医血证治疗常规》治疗急性上消化道出血112例,取得了较好疗效,总有效率达94.6%。进行了证和疗效,原发病和疗效,病情程度和疗关系的分析。说明中医血证治疗效常规在临床实践中是切实可行的。 相似文献