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Summary Histomorphometry was performed on representative trephine biopsies of the bone marrow on admission of 50 patients (21 male, 29 female-age 67 years) with so-called primary osteomyelofibrosis/-sclerosis (OMF) not preceded by any other subtype of chronic myeloproliferative disorders. This study was firstly aimed at testing correlations between histological features (amount of haematopoiesis, cytological aspects of mega-karyocytes, density of reticulin and collagen fibres and degree of osteosclerosis) and laboratory data, as well as spleen size and duration of relevant prediagnostic symptoms. Secondly, we concentrated on a discrimination of OMF patients into two sub-groups according to bone marrow morphology and clinical variables. Statistical evaluation of histomorphometric variables and haematological findings disclosed that there was a progressive fibro-osteosclerotic process in the evolution of disease features. Increase in medullary fibrosis was significantly paralleled by an abnormal or pleomorphic megakaryopoiesis in the bone marrow: there was an increase in irregularity of perimeters for megakaryocytes and naked nuclei combined with smaller sizes of these elements including the nuclei. Additionally, there was a greater number of pycnotic bare nuclei. A number of morphometric features (density of fibres, degree of osteosclerosis, amount of haematopoiesis) were associated with corresponding clinical data (spleen size, length of preclinical history). By consideration of a set of basic histomorphometric variables our co-hort of 50 patients could be divided into an early hyperplastic subtype with no or minimal medullary reticulin and another group with conspicuous fibrotic and osteosclerotic alterations of the bone marrow. It was noticeable that we found no significant correlation between amount of haematopoiesis or marrow cellularity with splenomegaly. This result suggests that splenic haematopoiesis (myeloid metaplasia) may represent an autonomous or neoplastic process and not only compensation for a failing fibro-osteosclerotic bone marrow.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG-Th 390/1-1)  相似文献   
目的 阐明影响产后出血量的相关因素,提高围产期的保健质量。方法 对241例孕妇在孕期产后进行问卷式调查,分娩时测量产后出血量。用相关、方差等统计方法分析。结果 影响产后出血量的因素涉及生理病理、心理、社会环境等诸多方面。其中生理病理因素为:①剖宫产术,②胎位异常,③腹围过大,④会阴裂伤,⑤胎盘晚出不全;心理因素为:珍贵胎儿,孕期、产时、产后情绪波动;社会环境因素为:孕期使用吸尘器、电话,上班路途径  相似文献   
红景天提取液精制工艺的考察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:优选红景天提取液的精制工艺。方法:采用了醇沉法和絮凝法两种精制方法。结果:壳聚糖絮凝法优于明胶絮凝法。壳聚糖絮凝法与醇沉法比较红帚天苷保留率分别为95.32%,88.15%;固体物保留率分别为59.7%,63.0%。结论:壳聚糖絮凝法的红景天苷保留率明显高于醇沉法,且两种工艺的固体量无显著性差异。  相似文献   
加碘盐烹饪过程中碘损失的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的对碘盐中碘的稳定性进行研究,为正确使用碘盐提供依据。方法模拟不同烹饪过程进行试验研究。结果碘盐中碘的损失量受烹饪方式及烹饪时间的影响,经220℃干炒或油炸,碘损失量明显,在油炸3min后,碘含量减少25.0%;6min减少47.1%;12min减少66.7%,受热时间的延长,碘损失量增加。结论为确保碘缺乏病防治效果,制作食物应尽量选择煮、蒸等烹饪方式,避免油炸、干炒等高温烹饪方式,同时制作食物时应尽量缩短加放食盐后的烹饪时间,提倡食物制熟后加盐。  相似文献   
朱永刚  徐蓓  韩容 《药品评价》2014,(20):32-34
目的:分析并比较北京、上海、天津、广州、杭州、成都六城市部分医院特殊使用级抗菌药处方金额和趋势情况。方法:对这六个城市部分医院特殊使用级抗菌药的药品名称、规格、处方张数、取药数量、取药金额进行统计,并对金额进行分析。结果:各城市特殊使用级抗菌药使用情况数据见正文。结论:经过整治,特殊使用级抗菌药处方金额明显下降。  相似文献   
目的探讨吸烟量对高血压患者血总胆固醇(TC)、总甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)的影响,为冠心病的防治提供依据。方法采用流行病学问卷调查表的形式,没有吸烟史的高血压患者99例和有吸烟史的高血压患者105例,并按吸烟史的情况进行调查,按吸烟量分为吸烟0、1、2、3级。对比分析4个等级组四项血脂水平。结果吸烟1、2、3级TC、TG、LDL水平显著高于吸烟0级(P<0.01),吸烟3级HDL显著低于吸烟0级(P<0.01)。结论吸烟与高脂血症有密切关系,是高血压病的危险因素之一,吸烟可影响高血压病的防治。  相似文献   
目的 客观分析我院心血管内科住院用药在基层基本药物目录实施前后变化情况及趋势,以期为国家基本药物目录的更新提供建议与参考.方法 调查统计我院在2008~2010年各年度心血管内科住院用药数据,主要应用金额排序法对临床消耗金额最多的前20位药品进行统计分析,并使用PASW Statistics 18.0(SPSS 18.0)软件对其消耗金额、消耗数量的变化情况进行分析.结果 我院对基本药物目录政策的推广给予了足够的重视,放弃盲目追求新、贵的进口药品,深入贯彻基本药物目录政策制定的原则,使医院的心血管内科住院用药的结构得到了及时的优化和调整.结论 基本药物目录在临床上得到了广泛应用,但是临床上一些疗效好、不良反应少、广泛使用的药物尚未纳入国家基本药物目录,建议相关政府部门加快进行对基本药物目录的更新与增补,以满足我国三甲医院的临床需求,或者考虑制定符合三甲医院实际情况的医院基本药物目录.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: There is little outcome data on functional results after non-operative treatment of greater tuberosity fractures, and no clear evidence in minimally displaced (1-5 mm) fractures of the greater tuberosity showing that the results of non-operative treatments are good enough. This study assesses the relationship between degree of displacement in non-operatively treated patients and shoulder function. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We evaluated the radiographs and function in 135 patients after non-operative treatment of minimally displaced (1-5 mm) fractures of the greater tuberosity at a mean time of 3.7 years (2-20 years) after injury. Shoulder function was assessed using the Vienna Shoulder Score (VSS), the Constant Score (CS) and the UCLA-Score. RESULTS: 97% of the evaluated patients had good or excellent results. Patients with a displacement of more than 3 mm had slightly worse results compared to those with less displacement, but this was not statistically significant. Female patients had significantly better results than male patients, and patients in the eighth and ninth decade had significantly worse results compared to younger patients. CONCLUSION: We recommend non-operative treatment in all patients with minimally displaced fractures of the greater tuberosity, as most obtain very good results. The best results followed treatment with Gilchrist bandages or Mitella slings for 3 weeks, followed by intensive rehabilitation.  相似文献   
微波技术对槐花中芸香甙浸出量影响的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
目的:研究微波技术对槐花中芸香甙浸出是的影响。方法;对药材粒径、浸出时间及微波输出功率进行正交试验,优选槐花中芸香甙最佳浸出方案;用紫外分光光度法对槐花浸出液中芸香甙含量进行测定。结果:微波技术对槐花中芸香苷的浸出量明显优于常规煎煮方法。结论:微波技术应用于药材浸出是一种省时便捷,得推广普及的中药浸出新方法;槐花细粉的浸出量明显优于槐花的浸出量。  相似文献   
一次性臀垫测量产后阴道出血量的临床研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨一种简便有效的产后阴道出血量的测量法。方法制作一次性臀垫 ,其材料 ,内层用 2 6 5mm× 5 4 0mm± 4 0mm规格的卫生纸 ,裤档及臀部 1 0层 (此处为出血浸透部位 )其它连接部分 2层 ,外层是医用防渗无纺布 ,表层用缝合线缝制出多个方格 (每方格面积 3 6cm× 3 6cm) ,经测定若完全浸透一个方格面积 ,阴道出血量为1 5ml,可根据浸透方格的多少 ,累计出血量。结果用称量法设对照组 ,进行临床观察 ,经统计学处理 ,χ2 =2 .0 3 1 4 ,P >0 0 5 ,具有可比性。结论两组结果差异无显著意义。一次性臀垫用于临床可代替其他方法测量产后出血量 ,方法简单、准确、经济、卫生 ,深受产妇及护理人员的欢迎 ,具有临床推广价值  相似文献   
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