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蛭弧菌与微生物污染的相互关系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在实验室条件下动态观察了蛭弧菌含量与微生物污染的相互关系。结果表明:蛭弧菌含量的增加滞后于水体污染,而污染过后蛭弧菌则可在较长时间内维持较高水平,这一特性在水污染指示中的可能作用值得进一步探讨。  相似文献   
白洋淀污染一直是国家和河北省所关注的问题,对白洋淀上游蓄污工程沿岸小环境调查表明;饮用深层地下水受到城市工业废水的污染,主要污染物为有机物。污染区儿童贫血率、白细胞计数、舒张压高于非污染区,白细胞吞噬率低于非污染区,居民恶性肿瘤标化死亡比高于非污染区,肝癌标化死亡比明显上升。  相似文献   
Respiratory infections (RI) are one of the major complaints in children and adolescents, and represent a demanding challenge for the pediatrician. It has been estimated that at least 6% of Italian children younger than 6 yr of age present recurrent respiratory infections (RRI). Children with RRI are not affected by severe alterations of the immune system. RRI represent essentially the consequence of an increased exposure to infectious agents during the first years of life, when immune functions are still largely immature. Several social and environmental factors, such as day-care attendance, family size, air pollution, parental smoking, and home dampness, represent important risk factors for airway diseases and may contribute in various degrees to determine the incidence of RRI. The main problem for the pediatrician is to discriminate normal children with high RI frequency related to an augmented exposure to environmental risk factors from children affected by other underlying pathological conditions (immunological or not), predisposing to infectious diseases. When RRI diagnosis has been formulated, removal of environmental risk factors (i.e. precocious day-care attendance, smoking in the household) must first be suggested.  相似文献   
Retrograde air insufflation in MRI: A technical note   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Retrograde air insufflation was employed to distend the colon and the ileum in 18 patients and five volunteers for magnetic resonance examination. Good and moderate marking of the ileum was obtained in 18 cases. The colon was nearly completely distended in every case. Intraluminal tumor, mural thickening, and extraluminal lesion were outlined by intraluminal air and surrounding air-distended bowel. This study shows that retrograde air insufflation is a useful method to mark the colon and most parts of the ileum.  相似文献   
对液化气燃烧后室内空气污染进行了流行病学调查,结果显示,液化气燃烧可造成SO_2、NO_2、空气总悬浮颗粒物和总烃类的室内空气污染。小鼠接触三个月出现T淋巴细胞计数降低、睡眠时间延长、骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核率增加、肺组织匀浆Ames试验阳性率增高、雄性小鼠精子畸形率增加,并有明显的剂量-反应关系。对接触5年以上的人群调查发现,呼吸道、鼻和眼的自觉症状明显增加,咽炎、鼻炎、结膜炎患病率增高。人群尿液浓缩物Ames试验和外周血红细胞微核率检出阳性结果,可能与液化气燃烧废气中含有致突变污染物有关。  相似文献   
烹调油烟对机体健康的危害   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
王献仁 《卫生研究》1994,23(5):274-277
烹调油烟气含有200多种有害气体。实验研究和流行病学调查表明:油烟气可损伤肺部功能,引起机体免疫功能下降,并具有致突变性和致癌性,是肿瘤发生的可疑因素。  相似文献   
大气中苯并(a)芘容许浓度的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依据郑州地区大气中苯并(a)芘监测和肺癌标化死亡率调查,经相关回归分析,两者间存在高度正相关(r=0.97,P<0.01)得出回归方程y=3.94+5.57X。结合我国城市大气中苯并(a)芘污染情况和肺癌死亡率水平综合分析认为:大气中苯并(a)芘容许浓度以0.5~0.6μg/100m~3为宜。  相似文献   
Venous air embolism during surgery is a rare but important complication and can be rapidly fatal. We present two cases of fatal air embolism in the prone position occurring in small children undergoing surgery for progressive scoliosis.
Venous air embolism is a rare complication in the prone position. This is thought to be because in this position there is virtually no gravitational gradient between the site of surgery and the right atrium.
The possible sites of entry of air and ways that this may be minimized are discussed.  相似文献   
用平板沉降法测定驻广州部队营区春季大气微生物含量。结果表明,营区大气微生物含量较高(10 311CFU/m~3)。驻市区部队营区大气微生物含量高于近郊营区,建议加强环境卫生监督、监测,控制环境污染。  相似文献   
目的:报告了因汽车安全气囊造成的眼外伤及化学性烧伤。希望引起眼科同仁的高度重视.方法:4例病人均是进口高档小卧车,在发生碰撞时因汽车安全气囊高速膨胀打开及气囊破裂所致的眼损伤及化学烧伤.分析了汽车型号及种类,事故发生时的速度,眼损伤的类型和视力情况.结果:第一例病人为碱性化学性角膜炎伴虹膜根部离断及瞳孔括约肌破裂而造成瞳孔扩大;第二例病人为近视镜片致角巩膜板层撕裂伤;第三例病人为广泛角膜擦伤伴前房出血;第四例病人为视网膜水肿出血伴后极部脉络膜裂伤.结论:安全气囊能保护生命降低致伤率,但因气囊的冲击力量引起的机械损伤和气囊中强碱性气体导致的化学烧伤更要引起国内眼科医生的注意.  相似文献   
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