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“牛津临床医学手册系列”的中文版已由人民卫生出版社正式出版发行。该书为牛津大学出版社为广大临床医生量身定制的“口袋书”,有极强的临床针对性。其内容实用、表达精炼、要点突出,编排设计富有人性化,提供菜单式服务,查阅方便、快捷。另外该书系采用小开本、软塑封的装帧,便于携带和保留。  相似文献   
可折式螺纹钉内固定治疗股骨颈骨折   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
非脱垂子宫经腹、阴式全切除术临床比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨非脱垂子宫经阴道与经腹全切术的临床比较。方法 2000年5月~2001年1月对阴式子宫全切术 (TVH)28例及腹式子宫全切术 (TAH)35例分为两组进行手术 ,对临床指标进行观察比较。结果 28例TVH手术均成功。平均重量255g(120~510g)。与TAH手术比较 ,其术后病率、肛门排气时间及术后住院天数有显著性差异 ( p<0.001及 p<0.05) ,但其手术时间及术中出血量无显著性差异 ( p>0.05)。结论 随着微创手术的开展 ,利用阴道天然孔道 ,经阴道切除较大的子宫是有效和安全的 ,手术的成功与术者经验、技术及子宫活动度有关 ,有合适器械也是手术成功的因素。  相似文献   
Background:Auricular pseudocyst,which is also calles serous perichondritis of thd auricle,is and aseptic local serous inflammatory mass in the perichondrium of the auricle.The cause is unknown,.It is difficult to the cured with a chronic course,and might transform into suppurative perichondritis because of incorrect treatment such as repeated puncture,and even necrosis occurs,resulting in deformation of the external ear.Objective:To study the therapeutic effect of magnetic application.Unit:Jianping County Hospital.Subjects:42 patients were included in this study,including 31 males,11 females aging 10 to 56 years,with unilateral attack in 38 cases,bilateral attack in 4 cases.No obvious cause was found in all of the cases.Local prominences occurred suddenly mostly at the navicular fossa,less at the triangular fossa,least in the cavity of concha.The site is felt hot and swelling with slight tenderness.The locus ranges from 0.5 cm to 1.5cm in diameter.The disease course ranges between 3 and 30 days.Interention:The intracapsular fluid was withdrawn out from the locus in all the pwatients.Two magnetic pieces of 100-170mT in intensity were chosen and fixed on both sides of the locus by wadhesive plaster with the S and N poles opposited.The magnetic pieces of the Npole were applied 24 hours a day.But the S pole should be taken off at night and 5-10 minutes every 1-2 hours in daytime.The application method must be clearly taught to the patients to avoid local ischemic change because of persistent pressure.The poles of the magnetic pieces should also be told to the pwatients lest the pwatients fixed the magnetic pieces in a contrary way.The treatment courese was 1 week but 2 weeks in patients wih larger loci.Result:All the patients were cured with no local induration,thickness,deformation,or dispigmenttation.No recurrence occurred after 3 months of telephone following up.Conclusion:The treatment of magnetic application is easily performed,safe,reliable,cheap and free of side effects with significant therapeutic effect.  相似文献   
对双侧耳聋患者安装双耳助听器是近年来的发展趋势。虽然单耳聋对听力影响较小 ,但部分学者主张 :保持单耳听力正常人的双耳听力优势应引起重视。该作者于 1999至 2 0 0 0年间进行了一项前瞻性研究 ,其目的是论证骨嵌式助听器 (bone- anchored hearing aid,BAHA)对于单耳传导性聋或单耳混合性聋的患者的应用效果。这项研究筛选了 9例患者 ,均需符合下列条件 :单耳听力正常 ,另一耳为传导性聋或混合性聋 ;因感染而不能配戴气导助听器 ;先天性耳道闭锁或手术缺陷导致不能使用常规助听器 ;骨导阈值高于或等于4 5 d B。在研究对象的听力损失耳…  相似文献   
基底节区脑出血的手术治疗已广泛开展,但由于手术创伤较大,并发症较多.为了减少手术创伤,现采用改良翼点入路手术,以减少手术对大脑皮层的损伤.本文对改良术式与传统术式病人术后临床观察比较及护理进行了探讨,以期在一定程度上对此类病人的术后护理有所帮助.  相似文献   
以目标教学法为主导读片法,以学导式和排除鉴别讨论式教学法为辅助读片法,连贯于目标教学读片法的前后,做到优势互补,又各有侧重。既达到了目标教学的效果,又促进了学生综合素质和技能的提高。教学实践表明其教学效果是良好的.促进了实验教学质量的整体提高。  相似文献   
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