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目的了解湛江市民的交通意识和违规行为,为湛江交通改革和发展提供科学依据。方法 2014年1~2月随机抽取湛江市霞山区532名市民进行交通安全意识与行为的问卷调查。结果 95.86%的市民对湛江交通状况不满意,73.12%的市民认为湛江交通很混乱;45.86%的市民反映交通违规现象普遍,76.50%的市民承认自己曾有过违规行为。45.49%的市民完全同意实施"禁摩",27.81%的市民反对实施"禁摩"。结论湛江市城市交通混乱,交通基础设施不完善,市民交通意识薄弱和违规行为常见,相关部门应扩大宣传,强化市民的交通意识同时从严履行监管职责。 相似文献
从今年5月1日起,《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》已正式实施。该法与过去不同,规定“服用国家管制的精神药品或麻醉药品不得驾驶机动车。” 相似文献
目的了解浦东新区初中生交通安全知识和行为现状,分析知识和行为的影响因素,提出改善初中生交通伤害相关行为的有效措施,为相关部门的政策制定提供依据。方法采用问卷调查的方法对浦东新区2,186名初中生的交通安全情况进行调查,描述其交通知识和行为现状,并探讨其影响因素。结果调查对象的交通安全知识知晓率为76.6%;交通安全行为形成率为35.0%;曾经发生过交通事故的占12.6%。影响初中生交通安全行为的因素有学校、年级、知识知晓率、遵守交通规则的意愿、对于他人的交通违章行为的态度、家人和同伴提醒劝告的频率;影响初中生发生交通事故的因素有对于他人的交通违章行为的态度、同伴劝告不要闯红灯的频率、交通安全行为的形成。结论提高初中生对交通安全知识的知晓程度,督促其交通安全行为的形成,营造初中生安全出行的氛围,减少初中生交通事故的发生。 相似文献
李云 《人人健康:医学导刊》2013,(17):14-15
因成本低廉、使用便捷,近年来,电动车已成为广大市民近距离出行的重要交通工具。然而,电动车违法抢道、逆行、载人、超速现象是街头常见的现象,安全意识淡薄的一些电动车车主酿下一幕幕非死即伤的惨剧。统计数据显示,电动车事故的发生数及致 相似文献
<正> 2001~2002年我院收治病人20146例,其中各类创伤的病人有4238例,占住院病人的21.04%,近年一直位于各系统疾病的首位,现将造成创伤的原因分析如下: 1 资料来源与结果 4238例病例资料来源于我院住院病案,经再次核实诊断,并按ICD-9进行分类,资料真实可靠。 相似文献
DineshMohan GeetamTiwari 《中华创伤杂志(英文版)》1999,2(B11):17-23
Objective:To review the state of the art on important issues concerning road safety in less motorized countries(LMC).Methods:International literature and experiences were analysed to focus on the countermeasures that would be most effective in LMCs.Results:Road safety policies in hight motorized countries(HMC)have evolved over the last fifty years with a great deal of input from research and academicsituations and problems in those countries.Even the standards instituted for vehicles are based on the traffic patterns and types of crashes that are more prevalent in those societies.We have to accept the fact that safety has to be promoted in LMCs within the existing conditions.These include low per-capita incomes,presence of mixed traffic,low capacity for capital intensive infrastructure,and different law enforcenent capabilities.Pedestrians,bicyclists and motorized two-wheeler riders will remain dominant on LMC roads for many decades.When the HMC policies and designs are transferred to societies which have much lower per capita incomes,then these policies and designs have poor success rates.While a few LMCs can experience high growth rates for some periods,most of the other countries will continue to function as LMCs for quite some time to come.Conclusions:A much stronger effort at research,development and innovation is needed in LMCs.Each coutry must establish a department f road safety with adequate funds and staffed by specially trained professionals.International cooperation in the area of road safety should focus on exchange of scientific principles.experiences of successes and failures,and in scientific training of a large nuber of professionals in the LMCs. 相似文献