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Radiation therapy is widely used in the treatment of tumor diseases, but it can also cause serious damage to the body, so it is necessary to find effective nutritional supplements. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the protective effect of whey hydrolysate peptides (WHPs) against 60Coγ radiation damage in mice and explore the mechanism. BALB/c mice were given WHPs by oral gavage administration for 14 days. Then, some mice underwent a 30-day survival test after 8 Gy radiation, and other mice received 3.5 Gy radiation to analyze the changes in body weight, hematology and bone marrow DNA after three and 14 days. In addition, through further analysis of the level of oxidative stress and intestinal barrier function, the possible mechanism of the radioprotective effect of WHPs was explored. The study found WHPs can prolong survival time, restore body weight, and increase the number of peripheral blood white blood cells and bone marrow DNA content in irradiated mice. In addition, WHPs can significantly improve the antioxidant capacity, inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines and protect the intestinal barrier. These results indicate that WHPs have a certain radioprotective effect in mice, and the main mechanism is related to reducing oxidative damage.  相似文献   
Adjuvant chemotherapy comprising Adriamycin (ADM) and Methotrexate (MTX) with Citrovorum Factor (CF) was administered on a randomization basis to 2 groups of patients with osteosarcoma after surgical ablation of the primary tumor. One group received high dose MTX (regimen I) and the other moderate dose MTX (regimen II). In both groups a short period of heparin treatment was also administered to prevent neoplastic emboli during surgery. All patients were free of metastasis at the beginning of therapy. The efficacy of therapy was determined by recording the percentage of continuously disease-free patients. This was compared to the disease-free survival in 132 patients previously treated with other ADM or ADM-MTX regimens and to a group of 39 patients treated during this period with amputation only. The latter did not receive adjuvant chemotherapy for a variety of reasons and are equated to a concurrent control group. Over the ensuing 27–66 months, 31 of 56 patients (55%) treated with regimen I and 25 of 50 (50%) treated with regimen II were disease-free. The overall disease-free survival in both regimens was 53%. This is similar to the 132 patients treated with previous adjuvant chemotherapy protocols (45–50%). However, the percentage of continuously disease-free patients treated with adjuvant chemotherapy was significantly better than the 39 patients (12%) treated contemporaneously with surgery only (P < 0.0005). Survival in the latter is similar to that of historical control patients. These results do not suggest any change in the natural history of osteosarcoma and reveal benefits which may accrue with adjuvant chemotherapy. These results also demonstrate that in adjuvant treatment of osteosarcoma performed with ADM and MTX the high and the moderate doses of MTX are equally efficacious.  相似文献   
Adipose tissue is the largest and most active endocrine organ, involved in regulating energy balance, glucose and lipid homeostasis and immune function. Adipose tissue aging processes are associated with brown adipose tissue whitening, white adipose tissue redistribution and ectopic deposition, resulting in an increase in age-related inflammatory factors, which then trigger a variety of metabolic syndromes, including diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Metabolic syndrome, in turn, is associated with increased inflammatory factors, all-cause mortality and cognitive impairment. There is a growing interest in the role of nutritional interventions in adipose tissue aging. Nowadays, research has confirmed that nutritional interventions, involving caloric restriction and the use of vitamins, resveratrol and other active substances, are effective in managing adipose tissue aging’s adverse effects, such as obesity. In this review we summarized age-related physiological characteristics of adipose tissue, and focused on what nutritional interventions can do in improving the retrogradation and how they do this.  相似文献   
目的:通过系统综述总结我国2005-2012年发表文献使用的药源性肝损伤(DILI)的诊断标准,了解我国DILI诊断标准的使用情况及其特点.方法:中国期刊全文专题数据库(CNKI)、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)、维普中文科技期刊数据库(VIP)、万方数据以关键词“药物性/药源性+肝损害/肝损伤/肝病/肝炎”对2005-2012年文献进行检索,使用Noteexpress软件对检索到的文献进行管理,排除不同数据库间重复的文献,按照纳入和排除标准,对文献进行筛选.用Excel2007建立文献摘录表,进行数据提取和分析.结果:有273篇文献纳入研究,包括199篇病例系列和74篇病例报告.199篇病例系列采用的DILI诊断标准不一,有15个不同的标准,采用最多的是我国通用标准、1997年Maria评分、以及以“病史、临床表现和相关检查等”作为诊断标准.199篇病例系列对这3种标准的使用并没有明显随时间变化的趋势.不同类别杂志的文献对DILI诊断标准的使用也没有明显的趋势.74篇病例报告均是根据病史、临床表现和相关检查等做出诊断.结论:药源性肝损伤(DILI)目前没有统一的标准,在DILI诊断标准的选择上应根据患者年龄、原患疾病、临床症状、各项相关检查等选择合适的诊断标准,尽量避免漏诊和误诊的发生.  相似文献   
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