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Abstract: A patient who represented acute hemolytic crisis was studied. Analysis of the erythrocyte membrane proteins by SDS-PAGE revealed a deficiency of band 4.2. In the family, the sister of the patient who had been clinically normal was also shown to be deficient in band 4.2. Binding studies showed that the propositus' membranes were able to bind normal band 4.2 protein as much as control. It was suggested that the binding sites for the protein were prepared on the membrane. We analyzed the band 4.2 cDNA of the propositus and detected a mutation that changes a codon for alanine to one for threonine at residue 142. Band 4.2 exon III of genomic DNA which included the mutation site was amplified and sequenced directly in the family members, and it was revealed that only the homozygotes of the mutation allele manifested band 4.2 deficiency and the parents, who were heterozygotes, showed normal amounts of band 4.2. Recently, the same mutation was reported as Protein 4.2NIPPON in another 4 cases (Bouhassira et al. Blood 1992: 79: 1846–1854). This study supports the hypothesis that this mutation is the pathogenetic cause of band 4.2 deficiency and not a polymorphism.  相似文献   
Human isolates of the highly prevalent TT virus (TTV) have been classified into five major genomic groups (1-5). The geographical distribution of the groups throughout the world is not well known. Five different PCR assays were developed in an attempt to amplify specifically TTV DNAs of each genomic group. Serum samples collected from 72 Brazilian adults (24 voluntary blood donors, 24 hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers, and 24 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected patients) were tested. TTV DNA from at least one genomic group was detected in 11 (46%) blood donors, 13 (54%) HBV carriers, and 24 (100%) HIV-1 patients. All five genomic groups were detected in the three populations, with the exception of group 2 in blood donors. Some samples, negative with all five specific assays, were positive with the commonly used untranslated region (UTR) PCR system. On the other hand, TTV DNA was detected in some samples by using specific assays but not with the UTR PCR. Mixed infections with 2-5 TTV isolates from different groups were detected in 21% blood donors, 29% HBV carriers, and 71% HIV-1 patients. Fifteen PCR products (three obtained with each assay) were sequenced. Most sequences showed high (>86%) homology with those of TTV isolates belonging to their presumed groups. However, three sequences had low homology with all TTV sequences available from the DNA databanks. In conclusion, TTV isolates belonging to all five known genomic groups circulate in Brazil, and the results suggest the existence of new and as yet uncharacterised major genomic groups.  相似文献   
Abstract: Low and high resolution sequence specific oligonucleotide probe hybridization patterns were used to design an approach to direct sequencing of allele specific amplified cDNA. Several PCR amplifications were used to derive overlapping sequence fragments to define complete first domain sequences for a single allele. This method has been used to characterize three new DRB1 alleles in the DR52 family, DRB1*1115, DRB1* 1117, and DRB1*1319. All three alleles carry polymorphisms previously observed in other DRB alleles and underscore the importance of utilizing a directed sequencing approach for obtaining unambiguous typing results in matching for bone marrow transplantation between unrelated donor and recipient.  相似文献   
New HLA-A*11 allele,A*1112, identified by sequence-based typing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this report, we describe the identification of HLA-A*1112, a novel HLA-A*11 allele found in two Italian families. The new allele was detected during routine HLA typing by a polymerase chain reaction sequence-specific primer and was confirmed by high-resolution sequencing-based typing. The nucleotide sequences of HLA-A*1112 exons 2 and 3 are identical to HLA-A*11011 except for a single nucleotide substitution in codon 90 (GAC-->GCC).  相似文献   
Seven new HLA-B alleles associated with antigens in the B7 CREG   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes seven novel HLA-B alleles. Five of these new alleles contain polymorphic motifs previously reported in HLA-B alleles, suggesting an origin resultant from a gene conversion mechanism. B*0723 contains a polymorphism previously unreported in class I HLA molecules. B*4105 contains a nucleotide substitution previously unreported in class I HLA molecules, which encodes a protein sequence previously reported only in HLA-C locus alleles.  相似文献   
《Genetics in medicine》2023,25(1):125-134
PurposeFor patients with inherited metabolic disorders (IMDs), any diagnostic delay should be avoided because early initiation of personalized treatment could prevent irreversible health damage. To improve diagnostic interpretation of genetic data, gene function tests can be valuable assets. For IMDs, variant-transcending functional tests are readily available through (un)targeted metabolomics assays. To support the application of metabolomics for this purpose, we developed a gene-based guide to select functional tests to either confirm or exclude an IMD diagnosis.MethodsUsing information from a diagnostic IMD exome panel, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes, and Inborn Errors of Metabolism Knowledgebase, we compiled a guide for metabolomics-based gene function tests. From our practical experience with this guide, we retrospectively selected illustrative cases for whom combined metabolomic/genomic testing improved diagnostic success and evaluated the effect hereof on clinical management.ResultsThe guide contains 2047 metabolism-associated genes for which a validated or putative variant-transcending gene function test is available. We present 16 patients for whom metabolomic testing either confirmed or ruled out the presence of a second pathogenic variant, validated or ruled out pathogenicity of variants of uncertain significance, or identified a diagnosis initially missed by genetic analysis.ConclusionMetabolomics-based gene function tests provide additional value in the diagnostic trajectory of patients with suspected IMD by enhancing and accelerating diagnostic success.  相似文献   
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