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Childhood cancer is rare and survival of childhood cancer has increased up to 80% at 5 years after diagnosis. Radiotherapy is an important element of the multimodal treatment concept. However, due to growing tissue, children are particularly sensitive to radiation-related side-effects and the induction of secondary malignancies. However, radiotherapy techniques have continuously progressed. In addition, modern treatment concepts have been improved in order to minimise long-term effects. Today, radiotherapy is used for various tumour types in childhood, such as sarcomas and tumours of the central nervous system.

Materials and methods

External beam therapy with either photons or protons and brachytherapy are predominantly used for the treatment of childhood tumours. Technical developments and features, as well as clinical outcomes, for several tumour entities are presented.


The development of radiotherapy techniques, as well as risk-adapted therapy concepts, resulted in promising outcome regarding tumour control, survival and therapy-related side-effects. It is assumed that proton therapy will be increasingly used for treating children in the future. However, more data have to be collected through multi-institutional registries in order to strengthen the evidence.


The development of radiotherapy techniques is beneficial for children in terms of reducing dose exposure. As compared with other modern and highly conformal techniques, particularly proton therapy may achieve high survival rates and tumour control rates while decreasing the risk for side-effects. However, clinical evidence for modern radiotherapy techniques is still limited today. An optimal patient triaging with the selection of the most appropriate radiation technique for each individual patient will be an important goal for the future.  相似文献   
PurposeTo retrospectively report on safety, pain relief and local tumor control achieved with percutaneous ablation of sacral bone metastases.Materials and methodsFrom February 2009 to June 2020, 23 consecutive patients (12 women and 11 men; mean age, 60 ± 8 [SD] years; median, 60; range: 48-80 years) with 23 sacral metastases underwent radiofrequency (RFA) or cryo-ablation (CA), with palliative or curative intent at our institution. Patients’ demographics and data pertaining to treated metastases, procedure-related variables, safety, and clinical evolution following ablation were collected and analyzed. Pain was assessed with numerical pain rating scale (NPRS).ResultsSixteen (70%) patients were treated with palliative and 7 (30%) with curative intent. Mean tumor diameter was 38 ± 19 (SD) mm (median, 36; range: 11-76). External radiation therapy had been performed on five metastases (5/23; 22%) prior to ablation. RFA was used in 9 (39%) metastases and CA in the remaining 14 (61%). Thermo-protective measures and adjuvant bone consolidation were used whilst treating 20 (87%) and 8 (35%) metastases, respectively. Five (22%) minor complications were recorded. At mean 31 ± 21 (SD) (median, 32; range: 2-70) months follow-up mean NPRS was 2 ± 2 (SD) (median, 1; range: 0–6) vs. 5 ± 1 (median, 5; range: 4–8; P < 0.001) at the baseline. Three metastases out of 7 (43%) undergoing curative ablation showed local progression at mean 4 ± 4 (SD) (median, 2; range: 1-8) months follow-up.ConclusionPercutaneous ablation of sacral metastases is safe and results in significant long-lasting pain relief. Local tumor control seems sub-optimal; however, further investigations are needed to confirm these findings due to paucity of data.  相似文献   
目的探讨针刺联合自拟消瘤止痛汤改善癌性疼痛的作用。方法选定2017年2月—2018年12月本院收诊的102例癌性疼痛患者,分层随机法分为观察组51例(针刺联合自拟消瘤止痛汤)与对照组51例(三阶梯癌痛疗法),比较两组镇痛持续时间、镇痛起效时间与不良反应发生率指标。结果治疗结束,观察组镇痛持续时间长于对照组且差别有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组镇痛起效时间短于对照组且差别有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组不良反应发生率(1.96%)低于对照组(15.69%)且差别有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论针刺联合自拟消瘤止痛汤方法可有效减轻癌性疼痛患者疼痛感。  相似文献   
Transmission is a potential property of live viral vaccines that remains largely unexploited but may lie within the realm of many engineering designs. While likely unacceptable for vaccines of humans, transmission may be highly desirable for vaccines of wildlife, both to protect natural populations and also to limit zoonotic transmissions into humans. Defying intuition, transmission alone does not guarantee that a vaccine will perform well: the benefit of transmission over no transmission depends on and increases with the basic reproductive number of the vaccine, R0. The R0 of an infectious agent in a homogeneous population is typically considered to be a fixed number, but some evidence suggests that dissemination of transmissible vaccines may change through time. One obvious possibility is that transmission will be greater from hosts directly vaccinated than from hosts who acquire the vaccine passively, but other types of change might also accrue. Whenever transmission changes over time, the R0 estimated from directly vaccinated hosts will not reflect the vaccine’s long term impact. As there is no theory on the consequences of changing transmission rates for a vaccine, we derive conditions for a transmissible vaccine with varying transmission rates to protect a population from pathogen invasion. Being the first in the transmission chain, the R0 from directly vaccinated hosts has a larger effect than those from later steps in the chain. This mathematical property reveals that a transmissible vaccine with low long term transmission may nonetheless realize a big impact if early transmission is high. Furthermore, there may be ways to artificially elevate early transmission, thereby achieving high herd immunity from transmission while ensuring that the vaccine will ultimately die out.  相似文献   
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