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AIMS: Screening for diabetic retinopathy (DR) is highly inadequate in France because of insufficient infrastructure and increasing disease prevalence. We describe the results of the first systematic DR screening programme established in a university diabetes department. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study conducted over 1 year, consecutive adult patients underwent three-field retinal photography with the Topcon TRC NW6S digital fundus camera following pupillary dilatation with Tropicamide 1%. A questionnaire provided information on patients' systemic and ocular history. Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) was measured at the screening visit.Two ophthalmologists graded the retinal photographs in a masked fashion. RESULTS: Of 1157 patients attending the diabetes department, 1153 (99.7%)underwent photographic screening. Images were gradable in 96% patients.Diabetic retinopathy was detected in 522 (45%) patients and sight-threatening DR in 167 (14%). Of 704 (61%) patients previously believed to have no DR,254 (34%) screened positive. The presence of DR was associated with age,insulin use and non-Caucasian ethnicity in Type 2 patients, and with duration of diabetes and HbA1c in Type 1 and Type 2 patients. Associated ocular pathologies were diagnosed in 612 (53%) patients. CONCLUSIONS: Our photographic screening programme using pharmacological mydriasis provided a high screening coverage feasible in a hospital setting. We obtained information regarding prevalence and associated risk factors of DR inpatients attending a tertiary care centre. Screening was well accepted by patients and met with no protest from city ophthalmologists. It generated considerable interest among endocrinologists and feedback of results is expected to improve optimization of glycaemic control.  相似文献   
大学新生心理健康状况的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解大学新生的心理健康状况 ,探讨提高其心理健康水平的措施。方法 采用大学生人格问卷(UPI) ,以班级为单位 ,在新生正式上课两周以后进行测试。结果 学生一类筛选率 9.2 4 %。UPI关键题选择中 ,以常常失眠占的比例最高 ,想轻生的比例最低 (P <0 .0 5 )。UPI附加题选择中 ,以自身健康方面有问题及有健康或心理卫生方面想要咨询的问题较多 (P <0 .0 5 )。选择“想轻生”的男生的比例略高于女生 ,选择“常常失眠”的女生的比例却明显高于男生 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;选择“常常失眠”、“对任何事情都不感兴趣”和“感觉自己的过去及家庭不幸”的农村学生的比例都高于城市学生 (P <0 .0 5 )。选择“想轻生”和“对任何事情都不感兴趣”的独生子女的比例明显高于非独生子女 ,而选择“自己的过去和家庭是不行的”和“常常失眠”的非独生子女的比例又明显高于独生子女 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 单亲家庭学生、残疾学生、家庭经济困难学生、独生子女学生是心理问题高危人群  相似文献   
目的介绍个体成长模型方法对大学新生适应能力中交往主动性的3次测查数据采用普通回归模型和个体成长模型进行分析。结果个体成长模型的拟合度比普通回归模型的拟合度要好,个体成长模型可在个体水平上分析个体随时间产生的变化。结论个体成长模型具有许多优点,熟悉这种重要的分析方法对纵向数据研究者是非常有益处的。  相似文献   
This article presents findings on an exploration of gifted programs in the state of Missouri. Over 60 percent of the state supported public school gifted programs participated in the study. The study concludes that the guidelines for gifted education in Missouri create extreme variability in the standards of the programs. Strong national policy for gifted education is needed to insure gifted children are properly served and protected by law.  相似文献   
The involvement of children in research studies is historically fraught with difficulties. Experiments on children without their consent or knowledge have been carried out in the past and thus the need for stringent ethical control is undoubtedly necessary. However this paper argues that the need to protect children from unethical research has somehow become entwined in the web of secrecy that surrounds the very nature of child abuse. In the name of 'protection' are children in danger of not having their voice heard?

In the foreword to 'Listening to Children' (Alderson, 1995) Roger Singleton writes, 'much research is carried out on and about children, but seldom with children. Children themselves are often strangely silent'. This paper draws on recent literature on the institutional abuse of young people in residential care and the lack of voice that those abused in residential care have traditionally had, suggesting that their silence is not 'strange' but perhaps contrived.

This paper does not repeat the work of Alderson (1995) and make suggestions as to how research with children may best be carried out, but seeks to address the issues in relation to research with children who are in institutions.  相似文献   
血瘀证的研究发展脉络与评述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
主要从4个方面论述了血瘀证50年来研究进展.理论研究,着重从古今文献论述血瘀证定义和含义;客观研究,着重对生理、生化、血液流变学、免疫学、病理学和微循环等方面对血瘀证进行研究;血瘀证的动物模型研究,主要对血瘀证动物模型的建立与造模方法和途径进行研究;诊断标准研究,包括诊断标准、诊断指标的研究。并对上述内容进行了评述,并提出了展望。  相似文献   
护理作为一门独立的专业,其发展应以科学研究为基础。护理科研、论文的数量和水平是评价一个地区或单位的护理整体水平的重要指标之一。笔者通过我院10年间医院工作人员科研立项、科研论文发表交流情况及护理人员论文写作的调查,对护理科研滞后的应用进行了综合分析,认为缺乏科研意识、科研潜力不足,观行制度制约,客观条件制约是重要因素。提出改变这种状态应从学科带头人入手,详细阐述了护士长对护理科研、论文工作的指导。  相似文献   
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