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The B cell functional response following ligation of surface(s) lgM is dependent upon the differentiation stage of the populationstudied: cross-linking slgM promotes proliferation of restingtonsillar follicular mantle (FM) B lymphocytes but induces apoptosisin the susceptible Epstein- Barr virus genome-negative Burkittlymphoma (BL) cell line Ramos (Ramos-BL). This study investigateswhether phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (Pl3-kinase), which hasbeen reported to be intimately involved in the regulation ofcellular growth, plays a role in the regulation of these sig-promoted B cell responses, and uses the selective and irreversibleinhibitor of Pl3-kinase activity, wortmannin (Wm). In Ramos-BLB cells, at 8 h post-treatment, Wm triggers a transient increasein apoptosis of 16 ± 6.9% with a concomitant cellularloss of 16 ± 6.1% from the G1 phase of cell cycle; [3H]thymidineincorporation also decreases by 33 ± 5.0%, from 37,274c.p.m. ± 10% to 25,127 c.p.m. ± 4.0%. Moreover,at 72 h culture, Wm inhibits anti-lgM-induced FM B lymphocytelevels of [3H]thymidine incorporation typically by 47% and triggers80% apoptosis from the G0G1 phase of cell cycle. Ramos-BL Bcells exhibit high basal levels of Pl3-kinase activity, as determinedby immunoprecipitation with antibody to the p85 regulatory subunitof Pl3-kinase and 32P incorporation into phosphatidylinositol,which is not significantly affected by anti-lgM stimulation;by contrast, anti-lgM stimulates significant Pl3-kinase activityover negligible basal levels in FM B lymphocytes. Pre-treatmentwith Wm inhibits Pl3-kinase activity in both cell types. Takentogether these data indicate that in Ramos-BL B cells slgM-triggeredgrowth arrest and apoptosis is Pl3- kinase independent, whereasPl3-kinase activity is critical for slgM-triggered mitogenesisof FM B lymphocytes. Thus Pl3-kinase plays a pivotal role inthe regulation of both normal and neoplastic B lymphocyte progressionthrough the cell cycle, such that if this Pl3-kinase-dependentpathway is inhibited these cells default to apoptosis.  相似文献   
We present 36 consecutive patients with intrinsic glioma of the pons. Tumors with exophytic expansion were excluded. There were 16 females and 20 males, ranging in age from 2 to 13 years, median 6 years. The most common presenting symptoms were cranial nerve dysfunction. unsteadiness of gait, and hemiparesis. Computed tomography (CT) showed a hypodense (17/21) or isodense (4/21) expansion of the pons. Five tumors had areas of contrast enhancement. Following information about prognosis and possible types of management, parents decided for or against radiation therapy: twentyfour children underwent irradiation and 12 did not. Median survival among children receiving a full course of irradiation was 280 days, compared to 140 days in an equivalent group of non-irradiated children. Hemiparesis presenting without cranial nerve symptoms and contrast enhancement on CT scan were poor prognostic factors, whereas sex, age, and duration of symptoms at diagnosis were unrelated to prognosis.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Since the advent of cisplatin-based chemotherapy, the majority of metastatic testicular cancers can be cured by chemotherapy followed by retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND). However, postchemotherapy RPLND confers no therapeutic benefit if the residual mass contains no viable cells. Therefore, to determine which parameters predict a patient's likelihood of having only necrosis in the residual mass, we retrospectively analyzed clinical parameters of patients who underwent postchemotherapy RPLND. METHODS: Data from 27 patients with metastatic testicular cancer were analyzed. The histology of the primary tumor was seminoma in 11 cases and non-seminoma in 16 cases. All of the patients with non-seminoma showed a normalization of tumor markers after chemotherapy. Analysis of clinical parameters included data for the initial histology, pretreatment tumor marker levels, postchemotherapy retroperitoneal mass size, and the histology of the dissected RPLNs. RESULTS: Histological examination of dissected RPLNs showed residual tumor in 27% of seminoma patients and 38% of non-seminoma patients. In seminoma patients, no viable cells were found in all six patients with pretreatment lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels below 7.5 times the upper limit of normal, or in all five of the patients with postchemotherapy RPLNs less than 2.5 cm. In non-seminoma patients, no viable cells were found in nine of 10 patients with pretreatment alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels less than 2700 ng/mL, or in eight of nine patients with residual mass less than 2.5 cm. CONCLUSIONS: Both postchemotherapy RPLN mass size and pretreatment tumor marker levels are possible predictors for necrosis of the residual mass in testicular cancer patients.  相似文献   
AIM: In order to clarify the initial step of the mechanism by which bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) exhibits antitumor activity via the immune response induced in the bladder submucosa after intravesical BCG therapy for human bladder cancer, various cytokines secreted in the urine after BCG instillation were measured. METHODS: After transurethral resection of bladder cancer, a 6-week course of BCG instillation was performed. At the first and sixth weeks' dosings, spontaneously excreted urine was collected before and 4, 8, and 24 h after BCG instillation. The urinary cytokines were determined by Sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using monoclonal antibodies against granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-8, interferon (IFN)-gamma, and IL-12. RESULTS: After the BCG therapy, various cytokines, such as GM-CSF, TNF-alpha, G-CSF, IL-1beta, IL-8, IFN-gamma, and IL-12 were secreted, comprising the immune response cascade. The mean urinary excretions of GM-CSF and TNF-alpha 4 h after the sixth week's instillation were significantly higher than the pre-instillation levels. There were no significant increases in the urinary IFN-gamma or IL-12 levels between 4 and 24 h after the sixth week's instillation. The TNF-alpha level 4 h after the sixth week's instillation had a strong tendency towards the absence of recurrence, with a mean follow-up of 54.1 months. The Kaplan-Meier curve showed the 2, 5, and 10-year recurrence-free survival rates were 72.4%, 65.8%, and 56.4%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We suggested that the urinary levels of TNF-alpha might be essential in antitumor activity after BCG therapy and might play an important role in the prevention of bladder tumor recurrence.  相似文献   
We report a rare case of advanced renal cell carcinoma in apatient who showed complete resolution of metastases to thelung and bones after nephrectomy, partial jejunectomy and subsequentalpha-interferon therapy. The patient was a 54-year-old manwhose right lung and left femur metastases were detected beforenephrectomy. In the seventh week after nephrectomy, a partialjejunectomy was carried out because of the obstructive ileuscaused by intraluminal multiple metastases of the jejunum. Apathological fracture of the metastasized right humerus occurredsubsequently. After four months of intramuscular alpha-interferonadministration (3x106 units/day), however, x-rays revealed thecomplete disappearance of the metastatic lung shadow and a solidunion of the humerus, and there were no tumor cells in the femurspecimen resected at the subsequent reconstruction surgery ofthe left leg. Seven years have passed from onset, and the patientis still alive and disease free.  相似文献   
Cytokeratin (CK)7 and CK20, the low molecular weight cytokeratins, have been found to have a benefit in the differential diagnosis of some epithelial neoplasms. In the present study, the actual role of these markers in the search of primary tumors in 32 patients with craniospinal metastasis of an unknown primary site at presentation, is evaluated. A series of 36 patients with a known primary tumor were presented for comparison. In the first group, two CK7 and CK20 expression profiles were observed; 87% of metastatic tumors were CK7+/CK20‐ and 13% CK7‐/CK20‐. The lung was the major source (82%) of CK7+/CK20‐ metastatic tumors, whereas it represented only 38% of primary tumor in the second group of a known primary site (P = 0.006). Given the fact that metastatic tumors to the craniospinal axis of an unknown primary site are frequently CK7+/CK20‐, and they have commonly metastasized from the lung, it is doubtful that immunohistochemistry is really helpful. However, CT scan and MRI of the chest still play an important role. Many patients in the present study had to undertake these imaging studies, regardless of the CK7/CK20 result. The immunostains may be useful in cases with other expression profiles, but such examples constituted only a minority in the present study.  相似文献   
A case is reported of Wilms' tumor associated with multiple pulmonary metastases histologically showing maturation of the tumor cells at 9 years after the resection of the primary tumor and intensive therapy. A huge tumor of a 22-month-old patient's right kidney was resected. The tumor was diagnosed as Wilms' tumor of mesenchymal type (stage 1), which consisted of predominantly immature mesenchymal tissue including rhabdomyoblasts, smooth muscle and fibrous tissue, and few blastemal and epithelial components. Intensive preoperative and postoperative chemotherapy with actinomycin D and vincristine and postoperative irradiation therapy totaling 16 Gy were carried out. The patient was regularly followed up uneventfully until 9 years after the surgery. On routine chest x ray at the age of 10 years 11 months, multiple pulmonary nodules were found. The excised nodules from the bilateral lungs disclosed similar histology, exclusively composed of dense collagen bundles and fibrocytes intermingled with mature striated muscle bundles. No immature tumor components were detected. The possible effect of intensive therapy in this maturation was stressed, although spontaneous benign differentiation of tumor cells cannot be excluded.  相似文献   
经蝶垂体腺瘤手术后残留原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨经蝶切除垂体腺瘤手术后残留的原因,提高治疗效果;方法:回顾性分析自1992年10月至2003年1月,在我院及外院经蝶手术治疗后,MRI检查证实仍有残留的118例垂体腺瘤。结果:肿瘤主体残留在海绵窦占46.6%,鞍内37.3%,鞍上5.1%,混合9.3%,颅外1.7%;影响肿瘤根除的主要因素,肿瘤侵袭海绵窦46.6%,术者经验不足36.4%,肿瘤侵润生长9.3%,肿瘤体积巨大3.4%,出血多4.2%。针对残余瘤组织再手术者为10.1%,普通放射治疗39.0%,r刀治疗38.2%,药物治疗11.0%。结论:经蝶手术残瘤的主要原因是肿瘤侵袭海绵窦,这些病例不能或很难单纯手术根除;其次是术者经验不足和技术问题而造成。在有残瘤的病例中,有半数以上病例可以通过提高技术水平达到肿瘤的全切或次全切除。  相似文献   
Ten patients suffering from intramedullary pilocytic astrocytomas (WHO-classification: astrocytoma grade I) were investigated catamnesticly. Combined surgery and radiotherapy was performed. Seven patients received neutron irradiation postoperatively. In four cases the neurological symptoms were improved after follow-up periods ranging from 33 to 89 months. The three other patients died after 6 to 21 months. The autopsy findings of a 14 year old child are presented. Our results are compared with reports in the literature. In addition, long-term problems of the spinal column are discussed. It seems that the combined surgical and neutron therapy improves the prognosis of pencil gliomas.  相似文献   
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