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Treatment of experimentally induced atherosclerosis in swine iliac arteries: A comparison of self-expanding and balloon-expanded stents 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Chamaree Chuapetcharasopon Kenneth C. Wright Sidney Wallace Richard L. Dobben Cesare Gianturco 《Cardiovascular and interventional radiology》1992,15(3):143-150
Atherosclerosis was induced in 20 Hanford miniature swine. Subsequently, one iliac artery lesion in each of 16 pigs was stented
with either a self-expanding (8 pigs) or a balloon-expanded (8 pigs) stent. Immediately after stent placement, 4 animals in
each group were taken off the atherogenic diet and continued on normal chow for the remainder of the study. Four months after
stents were placed, atherosclerosis and the mural changes associated with the stent were more clearly evident in the arteries
of the pigs continued on the atherogenic diet. These pigs also exhibited significantly more neointimal proliferation. In addition,
the arteries containing the balloon-expanded stents showed more extensive and complex intimal changes when compared with arteries
with self-expanding stents. Although both stent designs were equally effective in maintaining vascular patency, the balloon-expanded
stent was more traumatic to the vessel wall which resulted in a significantly greater neointimal thickness. 相似文献
冠脉内支架临床发展策略 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
董为人 《生物医学工程学杂志》1997,14(2):156-163
冠脉内支架是临床上预防PTCA并发症的有效措施,但金属支架固有的血栓菜成原性和对血管壁组织的永久性刺激可导致院内心脏事件和再狭窄。为解决上述问题,作者提出,血管内支架联合靶向药物传输离子照射或基因治疗、基因修饰的内皮细胞的种植支架、吱物可吸收缓释药物支架材料研制为临床冠脉内支架开辟了广阔的发展前景。 相似文献
Flexible tantalum stents for the treatment of renovascular hypertension: a 10-year experience 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The aim of this study was to determine long-term success of flexible tantalum stents for the treatment of ostial and truncal
renal artery stenosis. Since 1989, flexible tantalum stents (type Strecker) were implanted in 34 patients (36 arteries, 25
ostial lesions, 11 truncal lesions) with uncontrollable renovascular hypertension, 9 of them in association with renal insufficiency.
Stents were placed unilaterally in 32 patients, and bilaterally in 2 patients for the treatment of renal artery stenosis.
Thirty-five of 36 lesions were atherosclerotic, including 5 recurrencies after previous percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty
(PTRA). One patient had Takayasu arteritis. Stents were implanted after unsuccessful PTRA of 11 truncal and 23 ostial lesions,
and as a primary procedure in 2 ostial lesions. Follow-up examinations included blood pressure measurement, determination
of serum creatinine level, color duplex sonography, or angiography. The technical success rate was 92 %. Technical failure
included incorrect stent placement (1 of 36 lesions, 2.8 %), and stent dislocation (2 of 36 lesions, 5.6 %), and two stents
were retrieved percutaneously. In one case of Takayasu arteritis, residual stenosis of 40 % was observed. After technically
successful stent placement, 77 % of patients became normotensive with or without medication. In the remaining patients there
was partial improvement with blood pressure between 140 and 180 mmHg. Renal function improved in 76 % of patients (completely
in 3 of 8, 38 %; and partially in 3 of 8, 38 %). Primary patency rate including all stented lesions and initial technical
failures was 82.4 % ± 6.8 (1 year) and 82.4 % ± 9.2 (3 years). After technically successful stent placement, patency rates
were 89.9 ± 5.6 % (1 year), and 89.9 ± 7.6 % (3 years). For ostial lesions, primary patency rate was 87.9 ± 6.7 % (1 year)
and 87.9 ± 9.2 % (3 years). Placement of flexible tantalum stents in renal arteries is technically demanding, especially in
ostial lesions. Once placed successfully, stent patency rate is excellent.
Received: 8 December 1999; Accepted: 23 February 2000 相似文献
目的探讨介入技术在动脉疾病中的应用及与手术联合使用的意义。方法对32例不同的动脉疾病采用介入技术或介入联合手术的方法进行治疗,对临床治疗效果及介入技术的应用进行分析。结果31例患者治疗成功,1例失败。平均随访9个月,1例降主动脉瘤破裂形成食道瘘患者,出院后1个月因支架感染而死亡。其余症状均消失或改善。结论动脉疾病的介入治疗可以减轻患者痛苦,减少手术风险,缩短住院时间。与手术联合使用可以减少手术的创伤或扩大介入技术的运用范围。 相似文献
模块分叉支架型血管重建犬主动脉弓的可行性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的设计制作腔内重建犬主动脉弓的模块分叉支架型血管,研究其腔内重建主动脉弓的可行性。方法全组10例动物,主动脉造影测量升主动脉、主动脉弓及其分支血管的相关数据,设计并制作适合于重建犬主动脉弓的模块分叉支架型血管;在X线透视引导下,依次自右锁骨下动脉、左锁骨下动脉及股动脉植入支架型血管的三个模块,并在体内对接,完成主动脉弓的重建;观察移植物形态结构、主动脉血流动力学变化及内漏发生状况。结果8例成功完成各模块的植入,另2例分别于术中死于冠状动脉被封堵和左锁骨下动脉破裂。成功完成介入操作的8例动物术中造影结果显示移植物位置及形态良好,冠状动脉及颈总动脉血流通畅,其中2例发现近端I型内漏。结论应用模块分叉支架型血管腔内重建犬主动脉弓在技术方案上是可行的;对腔内重建人体主动脉弓的研究具有指导意义。 相似文献
目的:探讨腔内血管修复技术治疗血管损伤中的可行性及其疗效。方法:回顾性分析我科2002年6月至2006年8月诊治的血管外伤患者37例中12例接受血管腔内治疗患者的住院和随访资料。12例患者主要的血管病变类型是动静脉瘘、夹层形成、假性动脉瘤和动脉狭窄。其中1例采用球囊扩张合并血管支架植入,其余11例采用覆膜型血管支架植入。结果:技术成功率100%,无围手术死亡和严重并发症,术后症状全部改善。平均随访时间11.5个月。随访期间内无支架移位、内漏、支架内狭窄等并发症。结论:腔内治疗是一种新兴的治疗血管外伤的手段,与传统手术相比具有微创、安全等优点,短期随访效果满意,长期效果仍需继续观察。 相似文献
目的探讨脑保护装置在颈动脉支架成形术中的价值。方法自2000年10月至2006年8月对65例颈动脉狭窄患者实施了颈动脉支架成形术。共植入支架75个,其中颈内动脉支架68个,颈总动脉支架2个,同时植入锁骨下动脉支架2个,椎动脉支架3个,4例术前安装了临时起搏器。结果65例中2例脑保护装置置放失败,63例成功。63例脑保护装置中26例可见斑块碎片,1例术中出现一过性脑缺血,1例同时置入椎动脉支架后发生椎动脉血栓形成;9例术中出现一过性低血压、心动过缓,4例术前安装临时起搏器者未发生术中低血压。5例出现术后低血压,1例术后原有神经系统症状加重。1例双颈动脉支架成形术后出现高血压。结论颈动脉支架成形术是治疗颈动脉狭窄的有效手段,在有脑保护装置的条件下,正规熟练的操作和严格的预防措施能有效提高安全性,减少并发症。 相似文献
田磊|王中华|杨晓冬|王世华|陈学东|王育红 《中国普通外科杂志》2011,20(12):1300-1303
目的探讨应用国产整体式分叉型支架腔内治疗肾下型腹主动脉瘤的效果。方法回顾性分析2009年9月—2011年6月采用国产整体式分叉型支架腔内隔绝术治疗27例肾下型腹主动脉瘤患者的临床资料。结果 27例腹主动脉瘤腔内修复均获成功,术后随访2~20个月复查CTA,DSA证实:瘤体被完全隔绝,支架无移位、扭曲及内漏现象。结论应用国产整体式分叉型支架腔内治疗肾下型腹主动脉瘤安全有效,与分体式支架相比,其简便、经济、并发症少。 相似文献
目的 总结升主动脉人工血管替换联合三分支支架血管术中置入治疗急性Stanford A型主动脉夹层的初步经验.方法 2008年6月至2009年9月20例急性A型主动脉夹层病人接受了升主动脉人工血管替换和三分支支架血管置入术.体外循环鼻咽温度降至20℃时,停止下半身灌注,经无名动脉近端升主动脉横断切口,将三分支支架血管置入主动脉弓和近端胸降主动脉真腔内,并将其分支支架血管依次置入左锁骨下动脉、左颈总动脉和无名动脉.将主干支架血管的近端与无名动脉近端的升主动脉切口重建后与替换近端升主动脉的人工血管端端吻合.结果 所有病人术中均顺利地置入三分支支架血管,平均体外循环(163.2±19.2)min,主动脉阻断(89.4±10.0)min,低流量选择性脑灌注和下半身缺血(32.7±6.6)min.术后出现短暂性神智障碍1例,急性肾功能衰竭1例.20例均治愈出院.术后3个月电子束CT检查结果示,主干支架血管及分支支架血管通畅、无扭曲;支架血管置入部位夹层假腔闭合;16例远端胸降主动脉夹层假腔闭合.结论 三分支支架血管术中置入是简化急性主动脉夹层者主动脉弓重建、提高手术安全性的一种有效方法.主要适应证为弓内内膜无破口而需主动脉弓重建的急性A型主动脉夹层病人.支架血管大小、分支支架血管间的距离选择和放置过程中避免内膜损伤是术中三分支支架血管成功放置的关键.Abstract: Objective To report the primary experience of open placement of triple-branched stent graft for acute Stanford type A aortic dissection. Methods Between June 2008 and September 2009, 20 well-selected patients with acute Stanford type A aortic dissection underwent open placement of triple-branched stent graft for total arch reconstruction. When core cooling to a 20℃ nasophageal temperature, perfusion to the lower body was discontinued and the ascending aorta was transected at the base of the innominate artery. Through a transverse incision, the triple-branched stent graft was inserted into the true lumen of the arch and descending aorta, and each side arm of the stent graft was positioned one by one into the arch branches.The transected stump of the ascending aorta was reconstructed by inner proximal stent-free dacron tube of the main graft and outer teflon felt, and subsequently continuous anastomosis to the 1-branched dacron tube graft was made. Results Open placement of triple-branched stent graft was technically successful in all patients. The mean cardiopulmonary bypass time, aortic cross-clamp time and lower body arrest time were (163.2 ±19.2) min, (89.4 ±10.0) min and (32. 7 ±6. 6)min, respectively. Transient postoperative neurological dysfunction was observed in 1 patient and acute renal failure in 1 patient. All patients were discharged from the hospital. Their computed tomographic scans at 3 months postoperatively showed that all stent grafts were fully opened without distortion. In the vascular stent implantation site the dissected false lumen was eliminated. The false lumen of the descending aorta distal to the stent graft was closed with thrombus in 16 cases. Conclusion Open placement of triple-branched stent graft is a new effective technique for total arch reconstruction in acute type A aortic dissection. Patients have the indications of the extensive primary repair of the thoracic aorta without primary intimal tears in the arch may be the best candidates for this new technique. The size of the stent graft, the distances between two neighboring side arm grafts and the prevention of the intimal trauma during the placement are crucial for successful open placement of triple-branched stent graft. 相似文献
Manfred Cejna Siegfried Thurnher Johann Pidlich Klaus Kaserer Maria Schoder Johannes Lammer 《Cardiovascular and interventional radiology》1999,22(4):305-310
Purpose: To investigate whether placement of a polyester-covered stent-graft increases the primary patency of transjugular intrahepatic
portosystemic stent shunts (TIPSS).
Methods: Between 1995 and 1997 Cragg Endopro or Passager MIBS stent-grafts were used for the creation of TIPSS in eight male patients,
35–59 years of age (mean 48 years). All patients suffered from recurrent variceal bleeding and/or refractory ascites due to
liver cirrhosis. Seven stent-grafts were dilated to a diameter of 10 mm, one to 12 mm. Follow-up was performed with duplex
ultrasound, clinical assessment, and angiography.
Results: The technical success rate for creation of a TIPSS was 100%. The mean portosystemic pressure gradient decreased from 25 mmHg
to 12 mmHg. In seven of eight patients TIPSS dysfunction occurred between 2 days and 3 years after stent-graft placement.
In one patient the TIPSS is still primarily patent (224 days after creation). The secondary patency rates are 31 days to 3
Conclusion: The primary use of polyester-covered stent-grafts for TIPSS did not increase primary patency rates in our small series. 相似文献