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Background and aimsConsuming pulses (dry beans, dry peas, chickpeas, lentils) over several weeks can improve vascular function and decrease cardiovascular disease risk; however, it is unknown whether pulses can modulate postprandial vascular responses. The objective of this study was to compare different bean varieties (black, navy, pinto, red kidney) and white rice for their acute postprandial effects on vascular and metabolic responses in healthy individuals.Methods and resultsThe study was designed as a single-blinded, randomized crossover trial with a minimum 6 days between consumption of the food articles. Vascular tone (primary endpoint), haemodynamics and serum biochemistry (secondary endpoints) were measured in 8 healthy adults before and at 1, 2, and 6 h after eating ¾ cup of beans or rice. Blood pressure and pulse wave velocity (PWV) were lower at 2 h following red kidney bean and pinto bean consumption compared to rice and navy bean, respectively (p < 0.05). There was greater vasorelaxation 6 h following consumption of darker-coloured beans, as shown by decreased vascular tone: PWV was lower after consuming black bean compared to pinto bean, augmentation pressure was lower after consuming black bean compared to rice and pinto bean, and wave reflection magnitude was lower after consuming red kidney bean and black bean compared to rice, navy bean, and pinto bean (p < 0.05). LDL-cholesterol concentrations were lower 6 h after black bean consumption compared to rice (p < 0.05).ConclusionOverall, red kidney and black beans, the darker-coloured beans, elicited a positive effect on the tensile properties of blood vessels, and this acute response may provide insight for how pulses modify vascular function.  相似文献   
ObjectivesTo determine whether shear wave velocity (SWV) of the iliotibial band (ITB): i) increases with active and passive static tasks, and a dynamic task, ii) differs between ITB regions, iii) changes after exposure to running. Additionally, it aimed to determine the between-day reliability.DesignCase series & test-retest.SettingHuman movement unit laboratory.ParticipantsFifteen runners.Main outcome measuresSWV was measured unilaterally in three regions of the ITB (proximal, middle and distal), during six tasks: rest and contraction (pre- and post-running), modified Ober test, standing, pelvic drop, and weight shift.ResultsCompared to rest, SWV was higher during contraction and Ober test in the distal and middle regions, and higher for the middle region in standing and pelvic drop. No differences were found between regions. A tendency of decreased SWV was observed after running. Compared to the start of the dynamic task, SWV was greater at the end of the movement. Reliability was moderate-to-good for the middle region in the standing tasks (ICCs = 0.68 to 0.84).ConclusionSVW of the ITB was higher under passive or active tension. Comparisons between tasks/regions need to be considered in light of the small sample size and poor repeatability of some regions/conditions.  相似文献   
玻璃离子水门汀与银汞粘接的剪切力测试   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了玻璃离子水门汀增强银汞充填体与牙体之间的粘结作用。取新鲜离体人磨牙制成3mm厚的牙块,在其中央制备直径3mm的圆柱形洞,分别以玻璃离子、银汞粘结剂涂于洞壁,再充填银汞合金,另设空白对照组。两周后测各组的剪切力并作统计学分析。结果表明:玻璃离子与银汞粘结剂组的剪切力比空白对照组大,并有显著差异;说明玻璃离子与银汞粘结剂均有相似的增强银汞修复体与牙体之间粘结力的作用。  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the shear bond strength to enamel and the adhesive remnant index (ARI) of both metallic and polycarbonate brackets bonded under different conditions. Ninety bovine permanent mandibular incisors were embedded in acrylic resin using PVC rings as molds and assigned to 6 groups (n=15). In Groups 1 (control) and 3, metallic and polycarbonate orthodontic brackets were, respectively, bonded to the enamel surfaces using Transbond XT composite according to the manufacturer''s recommendations. In Groups 2 and 4, both types of brackets were bonded to enamel with Transbond XT composite, but XT primer was replaced by the OrthoPrimer agent. In Groups 5 and 6, the polycarbonate bracket bases were sandblasted with 50-μm aluminum-oxide particle stream and bonded to the enamel surfaces prepared under the same conditions described in Groups 3 and 4, respectively. After bonding, the specimens were stored in distilled water at 37°C for 24 hours and then submitted to shear bond strength test at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The results (MPa) showed no statistically significant difference between Groups 4 and 6 (p>0.05). Likewise, no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) were found among Groups 1, 2, and 5, although their results were significantly lower than those of Groups 4 and 6 (p<0.05). Group 3 had statistically significant lower bond strength than Groups 2, 4, and 6, but no statistically significant differences were found on comparison to Groups 1 and 5. A larger number of fractures at the bracket/composite interface were evidenced by the ARI scores. OrthoPrimer bonding agent yielded higher bond strength in the groups using either conventional or sandblasted polycarbonate brackets, which was not observed in the groups using metallic brackets.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the bond strengths of four different margin ceramics based on fluoroapatite and feldspath to a zirconia ceramic. METHODS: Zirconia cores (Zirconzahn) (N=28, n=7/margin ceramic group) were fabricated according to the manufacturers' instructions (diameter: 4mm; thickness: 2mm) and ultrasonically cleaned. Four different margin ceramics (thickness: 5mm) (Cerabien Zr, Noritake; Ceramco PFZ, Ceramco; e.max, Ivoclar Vivadent and Triceram, Dentaurum) were vibrated and condensed in a stainless steel mould and fired onto their zirconia cores. After trying the specimens in the mould for minor adjustments, they were again ultrasonically cleaned and embedded in PMMA. The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37 degrees C for 1 week and shear bond strength (MPa+/-S.D.) tests were performed in a universal testing machine (crosshead speed: 0.5mm/min). Failure modes were recorded under SEM. RESULTS: Significant effect of margin ceramic types were found on the bond strength values (P<0.05). The mean bond strength values of Ceramco margin ceramic to zirconia was significantly lower (25.4+/-4.5MPa) (P<0.05) than those of Cerabien (31.6+/-6.4MPa), e.max (35.9+/-8.4MPa), and Triceram margin ceramic (38.8+/-7.1MPa) systems. CONCLUSIONS: Margin ceramics, compatible with zirconia framework material tested in the present study, exhibited high bond strength values. Variations in thermal expansion coefficients might influence their bond strength values.  相似文献   
目的 比较超短波加离子导入疗法(A组)与电刺激加离子导入疗法(B组)治疗创伤性面瘫的效果。方法 对39例创伤性面神经损伤患者进行临床对照研究,通过量化面神经功能评价、神经电图检查及面神经功能的主观评价比较面神经损伤的治疗效果。结果 创伤性面瘫以青年男性多见,损伤程度以中、重度为主;对于神经损伤轻、中度患者,A组与B组均能促进神经恢复,B组神经功能开始恢复时间早于A组。对于神经损伤重度患者,A组与B组神经恢复率高于对照组,两组均不能减少并发症出现率。结论 超短波加离子导入疗法与电刺激加离子导入疗法均能促进面神经损伤的恢复,但对于减少并发症发生率并无帮助。  相似文献   
Er,Cr:YSGG激光照射对窝沟封闭剂粘结性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 :探讨Er,Cr:YSGG激光照射作为窝沟封闭前釉质预处理方式的可能性。方法 :以 40颗离体前磨牙做为标本 ,随机分成 4组 ,唇面釉质分别采用下列方式处理 ,A组 :杯状刷处理 酸蚀 ,B组 :钻切割 酸蚀。C组 :Er ,Cr :YSGG激光照射 ,D组 :Er,Cr :YSGG激光照射 酸蚀。测试窝沟封闭剂与釉质面的抗剪强度 ,并用扫描电镜观察 4种方式处理后釉质表面的形态特征。结果 :Er ,Cr :YSGG激光照射与传统杯状刷或钻处理后酸蚀的釉质面抗剪强度相似无显著性差异 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,Er ,Cr:YSGG激光照射后酸蚀也不增大抗剪强度。SEM观察Er ,Cr :YSGG激光照射后的釉质面不规则 ,鱼鳞状 ,无玷污层。结论 :Er ,Cr :YSGG激光照射可代替传统杯状刷或钻处理后酸蚀 ,是一种较好的窝沟封闭前预处理方式  相似文献   
为了探求人造牙从基托上脱落下来的原因,本文作者对三种丙烯酸树脂牙和三种丙烯酸牙托粉的拉伸结合强度和剪切结合强度进行了测试,结果表明,材料和不同品牌材料的匹配都会影响人造牙与基托的结合强度;塑料牙盖嵴面打磨粗糙后,可显著增强塑料牙与基托树脂的结合强度。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) is effective in reducing shoulder pain and improving function in calcific supraspinatus tendinopathy. Eccentric exercise has been introduced as an effective treatment choice for Achilles tendinopathy, but poor evidence exists about its role in the treatment of rotator cuff tendinopathy. METHODS The study-group was assigned to receive focal ESWT (f-ESWT) plus a supervised eccentric training (SET) of the shoulder abductor muscles. The matched control-group received f-ESWT only. The post-treatment assessment at follow-up (T1) was performed nine weeks after the enrollment (T0). We assessed shoulder pain and function by the means of a numeric rating scale (p-NRS) and a DASH scale. As secondary outcome, we measured the isometric strength of the abductor muscles of the affected shoulder using a handheld dynamometer. RESULTS At T1, we recorded a significant decrease in pain (P<0.001) and an improvement in upper limb function (P<0.001) in both groups. However, we observed no statistical differences in favor of the study-group, in terms of p-NRS and DASH total score. A mild increase (+13% from baseline) of the maximum isometric abduction strength was noticed in the study group at T1. CONCLUSION Our findings did not support the hypothesis that adding a supervised eccentric training of the shoulder abductor muscles could improve the outcome (pain and function) of shock wave therapy.  相似文献   
目的探讨毫米波局部照射后,除局部效应外。对动物神经系统、内分泌器官、免疫及其他内脏、生殖器官、胚胎发育及子代有无远位效应。方法选用不同频率、不同功率密度的毫米波辐照小鼠、大鼠、豚鼠,并于照后不同时间,应用先进的技术方法,(光镜、电镜、DNA定量分析、组化、免疫组化、细胞培养、高效液相(HPLC)、RIA、RBA、TAS、畸形学分析、精神行为学分析等)从功能、形态、代谢等不同角度对实验动物进行观察分析。结果系列实验研究证明,在毫米波局部照射后确可引起远位组织、器官发生许多变化(骨髓中多核巨细胞核固缩,睾丸精管中出现多核巨细胞,肝细胞中糖原含量有变化,肝中cAMP、cGMP有起伏,G-6-P酶活性有变化,血液细胞成分有变化)。小鼠孕早期(1~2d)局部受照射,可见胚卵细胞表面一些酶活性有改变,导致胚卵着床减少;小鼠孕后期(5~15d)局部皮肤受照射,其胚胎虽未发生畸形,但其生下之后一代,学习记忆能力有所降低。结论毫米波局部照射确有远位效应。本项研究为临床毫米波的应用和防护标准的制定奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
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