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目的探讨三氧对会阴切口愈合的影响。方法对2008年4月~2009年3月在武警总医院产科住院分娩行会阴切开术的初产妇998例,按照分娩先后顺序随机分为两组,每组各499例,观察组用浓度为5mg/L三氧化水500ml行外阴冲洗;对照组用0.05%碘伏液500ml行外阴冲洗。结果用三氧液冲洗会阴组的会阴的不良愈合率明显低于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论三氧能更有效地促进会阴切口愈合。  相似文献   
There are a number of good experimental studies showing that exposure by inhalation to prolonged tropospheric ozone damages the respiratory system and extrapulmonary organs. The skin, if extensively exposed, may also contribute to the damage. The undoubtful strong reactivity of ozone has contributed to establish the dogma that ozone is always toxic and its medical application must be proscribed. Although it is less known, judiciously practiced ozonetherapy is becoming very useful either on its own or applied in combination with orthodox medicine in a broad range of pathologies. The opponents of ozonetherapy base their judgment on the ozone chemistry, and physicians, without any knowledge of the problem, are often skeptical. During the last 15 years, a clear understanding of the action of ozone in biology and medicine has been gained, allowing today to argue if it is true that ozone is always toxic. The fundamental points that are discussed in this paper are: the topography, anatomical and biochemical characteristics of the organs daily exposed to ozone versus the potent antioxidant capacity of blood exposed to a small and precisely calculated dose of ozone only for a few minutes. It is becoming clear how the respiratory system undergoing a chronic oxidative stress can release slowly, but steadily, a huge amount of toxic compounds able to enter the circulation and cause serious damage. The aim of this paper is to objectively evaluate this controversial issue.  相似文献   
目的探讨三氧对孕期尖锐湿疣的治疗效果。方法将112例孕期尖锐湿疣患者随机分为治疗组与对照组。治疗组用三氧治疗,对照组用三氯醋酸治疗,判定疗效,并进行3个月随访。结果治疗组治疗孕期尖锐湿疣总有效率为86.4%,对照组为92.9%,差异有统计学意义。结论三氧治疗孕期尖锐湿疣复发率低,疗效显著。  相似文献   
臭氧治疗:历史、现状与未来   总被引:36,自引:1,他引:35  
臭氧是一种强氧化剂,于1839年由德国化学家Schonbein命名.长期以来它广泛应用于人们日常生活中.尽管存在不同的学术观点,臭氧疗法作为一种治疗手段仍应用于临床医疗实践.臭氧治疗椎间盘突出症源于上世纪90年代欧洲国家,南方医院于2000年完成了国内首例腰椎间盘突出臭氧治疗术,从那时起,该项技术在国内多家医院开展起来,取得了丰硕成果.除此之外,臭氧疗法尚应用于病毒性肝炎、疼痛、溃疡等方面的治疗,具有广阔的前景.  相似文献   
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